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GET CURRENT CARAT POSITION in Memo/RichEdit component in order to paste something from the Clipboard at the current cursor position we need to know the character pos of the cursor. Simple as it sounds you can scour the Windows API 'Help' (in quotes) looking for this for a LONG TIME before you suss it. (Qv next line of code). So we take the start position of our newly inserted (and SELECTED) text to be the current cursor position, and we take the endPos of this newly-inserted (and SELECTED) text to be the length of the input text BUT finding the length of that 'insert' text is not straightforward if we want to keep modules loosely coupled and ONLY use the clipboard fro transferring data from one module to another. One solution, as shown below, is to use a 'hidden memo' component SendMessage(Editor.Handle, EM_GETSEL, LongInt(@startPos), LongInt(@endPos)); Note also that the way we set things up here is that IF TEXT IS SELECTED IN THE MEMO/RICHEDIT we are dealing with here then that selection gets REPLACED by whatever we insert...} procedure GetCaratPos; var startPos, endPos: LongInt; begin SendMessage(Editor.Handle, EM_GETSEL, LongInt(@startPos), LongInt(@endPos)); end; example code to show use of a hidden memo to ascertain the length of the text we are inserting... Editor.PasteFromClipboard; HiddenMemo.PasteFromClipboard; lastLine := (HiddenMemo.Lines.Count - 1); lastLineLen := Length(HiddenMemo.Lines[lastLine]); insertLength := SendMessage(HiddenMemo.Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, lastLine, 0); insertLength := insertLength + lastLineLen; Editor.SelStart := startPosition; Editor.SelLength := insertLength;