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Categories / Delphi / Examples


Subject: Re: Delphi, how could you be better? Hey - try this. It will create an instance of the class specified in the GetClass call. This is all standard Delphi stuff - it's just not documented well : procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin { This only works for classes registered using RegisterClass I don't know if there are standard routines for registering *all* Delphi's standard classes. } RegisterClasses([TButton, TForm]); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var CRef : TPersistentClass; PTI : PTypeInfo; AControl : TControl; begin CRef := GetClass('TButton'); if CRef<>nil then begin AControl := TControl(TControlClass(CRef).Create(Self)); with AControl do begin Parent := Self; Width := 50; Height := 30; end; Inc(Id); end else MessageDlg('No such class', mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; Anyone with comments/tips on this let me know. ******************************************************************** * Marc P. E-Mail me for PGP 2.6 key * * * * "Most of the ideas I have at the moment have to do with things * * that are completely impossible, so I am wary about sharing them. * * They are, however, the only thoughts I have." - Dirk Gently * ********************************************************************