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Get all the resource names that are loaded in a given application

Title: get all the resource names that are loaded in a given application? type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} function enumResNamesProc(module: HMODULE; restype, resname: PChar; list: TStrings): Integer; stdcall; begin if HiWord(Cardinal(resname)) 0 then list.Add(' ' + resname) else list.Add(Format(' #%d', [loword(Cardinal(resname))])); Result := 1; end; Function StockResourceType(restype: PChar): string; const restypenames: Array [1..22] of String = ( 'RT_CURSOR', // = MakeIntResource(1); 'RT_BITMAP', // = MakeIntResource(2); 'RT_ICON', // = MakeIntResource(3); 'RT_MENU', // = MakeIntResource(4); 'RT_DIALOG', // = MakeIntResource(5); 'RT_STRING', // = MakeIntResource(6); 'RT_FONTDIR',// = MakeIntResource(7); 'RT_FONT', // = MakeIntResource(8); 'RT_ACCELERATOR',// = MakeIntResource(9); 'RT_RCDATA', // = MakeIntResource(10); 'RT_MESSAGETABLE',// = MakeIntResource(11); // DIFFERENCE = 11; 'RT_GROUP_CURSOR',// = MakeIntResource(DWORD(RT_CURSOR +7DIFFERENCE)); 'UNKNOWN', // 13 not used 'RT_GROUP_ICON', // = MakeIntResource(DWORD(RT_ICON +DIFFERENCE)); 'UNKNOWN', // 15 not used 'RT_VERSION', // = MakeIntResource(16); 'RT_DLGINCLUDE', // = MakeIntResource(17); 'UNKNOWN', 'RT_PLUGPLAY', // = MakeIntResource(19); 'RT_VXD', // = MakeIntResource(20); 'RT_ANICURSOR', // = MakeIntResource(21); 'RT_ANIICON' // = MakeIntResource(22); ); var resid: Cardinal absolute restype; begin if resid in [1..22] then Result := restypenames[resid] else Result := 'UNKNOWN'; end; function enumResTypesProc(module: HMODULE; restype: PChar; list: TStrings): Integer; stdcall; begin if HiWord(Cardinal(restype)) 0 then list.Add(restype) else list.Add(Format('Stock type %d: %s', [LoWord(Cardinal(restype)), StockResourcetype(restype)])); EnumResourceNames(module, restype, @enumResNamesProc, Integer(list)); Result := 1; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin memo1.Clear; if not EnumResourceTypes(hinstance, @enumResTypesProc, Integer(memo1.Lines)) then memo1.Lines.Add(Format('GetLastError= %8.8x', [GetLastError])) else memo1.Lines.Add('Successful'); end; end.