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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Generate random numbers with no duplicate values

procedure Shuffle(var aArray; aItemCount: Integer; aItemSize: Integer); { after Julian M Bucknall } var Inx: Integer; RandInx: Integer; SwapItem: PByteArray; A: TByteArray absolute aArray; begin if (aItemCount > 1) then begin GetMem(SwapItem, aItemSize); try for Inx := 0 to (aItemCount - 2) do begin RandInx := Random(aItemCount - Inx); Move(A[Inx * aItemSize], SwapItem^, aItemSize); Move(A[RandInx * aItemSize], A[Inx * aItemSize], aItemSize); Move(SwapItem^, A[RandInx * aItemSize], aItemSize); end; finally FreeMem(SwapItem, aItemSize); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var a: array[1..10] of Integer; i: Shortint; begin Randomize; for i := Low(a) to High(a) do a[i] := i; Shuffle(a, High(a), SizeOf(Integer)); for i := 1 to High(a) - 1 do ListBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(a[i])); end;