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Functions to get - set filedatetimes

Want to change file date/time stamps (D2) ? The following should be self-explanatory.... Angus Johnson ----------------------------------------------8<---------------------------- ------------------- function GetFileDateTimeModified(const FileName: string; var yyyy,mm,dd,h,m,s: word): boolean; var dt,tm: word; DateTime: integer; begin result := false; DateTime := FileAge(FileName); if DateTime = -1 then exit else result := true; tm := DateTime and $FFFF; {lower word} dt := DateTime shr 16; {upper word} h := tm shr 11; m := (tm shr 5) and $3F; s := (tm and $1F) * 2; dd := dt and $1F; mm := (dt shr 5) and $F; yyyy := (dt shr 9)+1980; end; function SetFileDateTime(const FileName: string; var yyyy,mm,dd,h,m,s: word): boolean; {sets Created, Modified & LastAccessed file date/times} var SrchHdl: THandle; FileHdl: HFile; FindData: TWin32FindData; wDate,wTime: word; LocalFileTime, NewFileTime: TFileTime; begin result := false; SrchHdl := FindFirstFile(PChar(FileName), FindData); if SrchHdl <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin Windows.FindClose(SrchHdl); {if not a directory then ...} if (FindData.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) = 0 then begin wTime := (h shl 11) + (m shl 5) + (m div 2); wDate := (dd) + (mm shl 5)+ ((yyyy-1980) shl 9); DosDateTimeToFileTime(wDate,wTime,LocalFileTime); LocalFileTimeToFileTime(LocalFileTime, NewFileTime); FileHdl := _lopen(PChar(FileName), OF_WRITE); if FileHdl <> HFILE_ERROR then begin if SetFileTime(FileHdl,@NewFileTime,@NewFileTime,@NewFileTime) then result := true; _lclose(FileHdl); end; end; end; end;