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Ftp programming with the wininet api

Yazılımın İçersine FTPClient Gömerek Exe Şişirmekdense Aynı işi WinInet Ile Apilerle Yapın. Hatta Daha Basit Olacak biçinde Windows La Gelen FTP.EXE nin -s Parametresi Aracılığı ile daha basit halede getirilebilir... Dosyaları FTP sunucu hizmetini (bazen daemon olarak da adlandırılır) çalıştıran bilgisayardan/bilgisayara aktarır. Ftp etkileşimli kullanılabilir. FTP [-v] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [-s:dosyaadı] [-a] [-w:pencereboyutu] [-A] [ana bilgisayar] -v Uzak sunucu yanıtlarının görüntülemesini gizler. -n İlk bağlantıda otomatik oturum açmayı gizler. -i Birden çok dosya aktarımı sırasında etkileşimli bilgi istemini kapatır. -d Hata ayıklamayı etkinleştirir. -g Dosya adında GLOB işlemini devre dışı bırakır (bkz. GLOB). -s:dosyaadı FTP komutlarını içeren metin dosyasını belirir; FTP başladıktan sonra komutlar otomatik olarak çalışacaktır. -a Veri bağlantısı kurulurken bir yerel arabirimi kullanın. -A adsız oturum açın. -w:arabellek boyutu 4096 olan varsayılan arabellek boyutunu geçersiz kılar. ana bilgisayar Bağlanılacak uzak anabilgisayarın ana bilgisayar adını veya IP adresini belirtir. Notlar: - mget ve mput komutları, evet/hayır/çık için y/n/q değerlerini kullanır. - Komutları iptal etmek için Control-C kullanın. FTP programming with the WinInet API -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These notes are not intended as a complete guide to the WinInet API, but are provided for guidance when developing FTP applications with Delphi that use the WinInet API. A full list of functions may be found at or by examining WinInet.pas. FTP functions provided by the Win32 Windows Internet (WinInet) API: Function Description FtpCommand Issues an FTP comment on the server. FtpCreateDirectory Creates a new directory on the server. FtpDeleteFile Deletes the specified file from the server. FtpFindFirstFile Starts a wildcard file search of a directory on the server. FtpGetCurrentDirectory Retrieves the current working directory on the server. FtpGetFile Copies a file from the server to a local directory. FtpGetFileSize Returns the size of a previously opened file from the server. FtpOpenFile Opens a file on the server. FtpPutFile Copies a local file to the server. FtpRemoveDirectory Deletes a directory from the server. FtpRenameFile Renames the specified file on the server. FtpSetCurrentDirectory Sets the current working directory on the server. HttpQueryInfo Retrieves response header information associated with a HTTP request. InternetAttemptConnect Attempts to make a connection to the Internet. InternetCloseHandle Closes an internet handle. InternetConnect Opens a session for FTP, HTTP or Gopher application. InternetDial Dials a connection using a modem. InternetGetConnectedState Retrieves the connection state of the local system. InternetGetConnectedStateEx Retrieves the connection state of the local system. InternetGetLastResponseInfo Returns the text of the last WinInet error or server response. InternetFindNextFile Used to continue a search started with FtpFindFirstFile. InternetHangUp Hangs up a modem connection. InternetOpen Initialises the WinInet API. InternetOpenUrl Opens an FTP, Gopher or HTTP resource. InternetReadFile Reads data from an open handle. InternetSetStatusCallback Sets a callback function used to provide feedback during asynchronous use of the WinInet API. Function definitions and types are defined in the unit "WinInet". WinInet errors are listed in a separate note available here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpCommand Issues an FTP command on the server. (If you are used to using the command line version of FTP, this equates to the FTP "literal" command.) function FtpCommand( hConnect: HINTERNET; fExpectResponse: BOOL; dwFlags: DWORD; lpszCommand: PChar; dwContext: DWORD; var phFtpCommand: HINTERNET): BOOL; Parameters: hConnect Connection handle for the current FTP session. fExpectResponse Flag indicating whether (a stream of) data is expected back in response to the command. dwFlags Flags affecting the behaviour of the function. Use 0 or one of: FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII File/data transfer in ascii. FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY File/data transfer in binary mode. lpszCommand The FTP command to execute on the server. The server response can be read by calling InternetGetLastResponseInfo. dwContext Application defined value, which is used only if the application has already called InternetSetStatusCallback to set up a callback. Otherwise use 0. phFtpCommand Pointer to handle that will be created for response data, only created if fExpectResponse is true. Use InternetReadFile to read the data returned. Returns: True if successful, False otherwise. The actual error code is returned by a call to GetLastError(). Note: The FTP acknowledgement from the server can be read using InternetGetLastResponseInfo. In Delphi 6 (and possibly other versions besides) the function definition provided in WinInet is incorrect and is missing the last parameter 'phFtpCommand'. The correct definition is: function FtpCommand( hConnect: HINTERNET; fExpectResponse: BOOL; dwFlags: DWORD; lpszCommand: PChar; dwContext: DWORD; var phFtpCommand: PHINTERNET): BOOL; stdcall; external 'wininet.dll' name 'FtpCommandA'; If there is any data content (such as a directory listing) then you must set fExpectResponse true and read the data (even if you ultimately discard it). Setting fExpectResponse to true when there is no data content will result in a call to InternetReadFile hanging until it eventually times-out. Click here for an example of using FtpCommand. For a list of possible commands see: Tip: Include a call to InternetGetLastResponseInfo immediately after FtpCommand - even if you are expecting a stream of data (i.e. if fExpectResponse=true). Without this any server response returned is likely to cause WinInet to get out of sync - and stop working! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpCreateDirectory Creates a new directory on the server. function FtpCreateDirectory( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszDirectory: PChar): BOOL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpDeleteFile Deletes the specified file from the server. function FtpDeleteFile( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszFileName: PChar): BOOL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpFindFirstFile Starts a new wildcard file search of a directory on the server, returning details of the first of the files found. function FtpFindFirstFile( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszSearchFile: PChar; var lpFindFileData: TWin32FindData; dwFlags: DWORD; dwContext: DWORD): HINTERNET; Parameters: hConnect Connection handle for the current FTP session. lpszSearchFile Pointer to a null terminated string that specifies the directory path or file spec. May contain wildcards. If NIL or empty then it will match against all the files in the current server directory. lpFindFileData Pointer to the record that will receive details of the first matching file. dwFlags Flags affecting the behaviour of the function. Use 0 or one of: INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINK INTERNET_FLAG_NEED_FILE INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE Directory listing is not to be cached. INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD Forces the directory listing to come from the FTP server rather than using cached information. INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE dwContent Application defined value, which is used only if the application has already called InternetSetStatusCallback to set up a callback. Otherwise use 0. Returns: A handle for the search (use with InternetFindNextFile to retrieve the remaining matching files). If the function fails it returns NULL. The actual error code is returned by a call to GetLastError(), typically ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES if there were no matching files. Note: Be aware that only one search can be made within a given FTP session. Call InternetCloseHandle to close the search handle to close the session handle, otherwise future searches will fail with ERROR_FTP_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS. Some of the common information about files, such as file creation date and time is not always available. FtpFindFirstFile and InternetFindNextFile will fill in unavailable information based on what information is available. For this reason creation and last access dates will often be the same as the file modification date. To ensure that what is read is current, and not older cached information, use INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD. Click here for an example using FtpFindFirstFile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpGetCurrentDirectory Retrieves the current working directory from the server. function FtpGetCurrentDirectory( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszCurrentDirectory: PChar; var lpdwCurrentDirectory: DWORD): BOOL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpGetFile Copies a file from the server to a local directory. function FtpGetFile( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszRemoteFile: PChar; lpszNewFile: PChar; fFailIfExists: BOOL; dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; dwContext: DWORD): BOOL Parameters: hConnect Connection handle for the current FTP session. lpszRemoteFile The name of the file to be copied down from the server. lpszNewFile The name of the file after it is copied down. This is normally the same as the remote file name, but does not need to be. fFailIfExists Flag indicating whether the download should go ahead if a file with the new-file-name already exists. If True and the file exists then the function will fail. If False and the file exists then it will be overwritten. dwFlagsAndAttributes File attributes to specify for the new downloaded file. dwFlags Flags affecting the download. Use on of: FTP_TRANSER_TYPE_ASCII Copy the file using ASCII transfer. FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY Copy the file as a binary file. FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN Uses FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY. INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_ASCII Uses FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII. INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_BINARY Uses FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY. and any combination of the following (which affect caching of the file): INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINK Forces a download of the file if the server if the server does not return Expires or LastModified times for the file. INTERNET_FLAG_NEED_FILE Causes a temporary file to be created even if the file cannot be cached. INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD Forces a download of the file from the server, even if it has already been cached. INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE If the file has already been cached then it causes a download of the file if the version at the server has been modified more recently than that in the cache. dwContext Application defined value, which is used only if the application has already called InternetSetStatusCallback to set up a callback. Otherwise use 0. Returns: True if successful, False otherwise. The actual error code is returned by a call to GetLastError(). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpGetFileSize Returns the size of a previously opened file from the server. function FtpGetFileSize( hFile: HINTERNET; lpdwFileSizeHigh: LPDWORD): DWORD; Parameters: hFile Handle returned from FtpOpenFile. lpdwFileSizeHigh High order unsigned long integer of the file size. Returns: The low order unsigned long integer of the file size. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpOpenFile Opens a file on the server. function FtpOpenFile( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszFileName: PChar; dwAccess: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; dwContext: DWORD): HINTERNET; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpPutFile Copies a local file to the server. function FtpPutFile( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszLocalFile: PChar; lpszNewRemoteFile: PChar; dwFlags: DWORD; dwContext: DWORD): BOOL; Parameters: hConnect Connection handle for the current FTP session. lpszLocalFile Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the local file. This should include the path to the file if the file is not in the current directory. lpszNewRemoteFile Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the name of the file to create on the remote system. dwFlags Transfer and caching control flags. Specify one of the following transfer flags: FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII Copy the file using ASCII transfer. Copying from a Windows system to a Unix system carriage-return-line-feed pairs are replaced by carriage-return, and vice versa when copying to Windows from a Unix system. FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY Copy the file as a binary file - file copies exactly as is with no character translation. FTP_TRANFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN Uses FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY. INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_ASCII Same as FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII. INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_BINARY Same as FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY. If required, specify one or more of the following flags (OR them): INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINK INTERNET_FLAG_NEED_FILE INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE dwContext Application defined value, which is used only if the application has already called InternetSetStatusCallback to set up a callback. Otherwise use 0. Returns: True if successful, False otherwise. The actual error code is returned by a call to GetLastError(). For example: if not FtpPutFile(m_hFtpSession,PChar(localFile), PChar(fileName), FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY,0) then WriteLn(Format('Failed to copy file %s to %s (error %d). %s', [fileName,toDirectory,GetLastError(),GetErrorText()])); See also: FtpSetCurrentDirectory InternetOpen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpRemoveDirectory Deletes a directory from the server. function FtpRemoveDirectory( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszDirectory: PChar): BOOL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpRenameFile Renames the specified file on the server. function FtpRenameFile( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszExisting: PChar; lpszNew: PChar): BOOL; Returns: True if successful, False otherwise. The actual error code is returned by a call to GetLastError(). Additional information may be found by calling InternetGetLastResponseInfo.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FtpSetCurrentDirectory Sets the current working directory on the server. function FtpSetCurrentDirectory( hConnect: HINTERNET; lpszDirectory: PChar): BOOL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HttpQueryInfo Retrieves response header information associated with a HTTP request. function HttpQueryInfo( hRequest: HINTERNET; dwInfoLevel: DWORD; lpvBuffer: Pointer; var lpdwBufferLength: DWORD; var lpdwIndex: DWORD): BOOL; Parameters: hRequest Handle returned by HttpOpenRequest or InternetOpenUrl. dwInfoLevel Flags indicating what information is required. HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF returns all the headers, separated by carriage return line feed combinations. HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE returns just the status code response. See the WinInet unit for a full list of flags, the flags are named HTTP_QUERY_???. lpvBuffer Character buffer to hold the header information. lpdwBufferLength The size of the buffer passed in. lpdwReserved In many versions of Delphi this parameter is lpdwReserved, but in later versions is lpdwIndex. It is a zero based index indicating which header to return. Useful where server may result multiple headers. Returns: True if successful, False otherwise. The actual error code is returned by a call to GetLastError(). Note: For an example using HttpQueryInfo see "How to determine if a URL is valid using HttpQueryInfo" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetAttemptConnect Attempts to make a connection to the internet. An application can use this to evoke the dial-up dialog box if there is no internet connection. If the connection attempt fails then the application should enter offline mode. function InternetAttemptConnect( dwReserved: DWORD): DWORD; Parameters: dwReserved Reserved parameter. Must be set to 0. Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if a connection to the internet has been established. successful, or other error code if unsuccessful. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetCloseHandle Closes an internet handle previously returned/opened by InternetConnect. function InternetCloseHandle(hInet: HINTERNET): BOOL; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetConnect Opens a session for FTP, HTTP or Gopher application. function InternetConnect( hInet: HINTERNET; lpszServerName: PChar; nServerPort: INTERNET_PORT; lpszUsername: PChar; lpszPassword: PChar; dwService: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; dwContext: DWORD): HINTERNET; Parameters: hInet Valid handle returned by a previous call to InternetOpen. lpszServerName String containing the host name of the server. Alternately this may contain the ip address of the server in text notation. nServerPort Value indicating the TCP/IP port on the server. Use one of: INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT Use the default port for FTP servers (port 21). INTERNET_DEFAULT_GOPHER_PORT Use the default port for Gopher servers (port 70). INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT Use the default port for HTTP servers (port 80). INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT Use the default port for HTTPS servers (port 443). INTERNET_DEFAULT_SOCKS_PORT Use the default port for SOCKS firewall servers (port 1080). INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER Use the default port for the type of service specified by dwService. lpszUsername User name to connect with. If NIL then an appropriate default is used, except for HTTP where the function will fail. lpszPassword Password to use. If a username is supplied but the password is nil then the blank password is used. If the username is nil and the password is nil then the default password 'anonymous' is used, except for FTP where the default password is the users's e-mail name. dwService Value indicating the type of service to access. Use one of: INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP FTP service. INTERNET_SERVICE_GOPHER Gopher service. INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP HTTP service. dwFlags Flags specific to the type of service. Use one of: INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT Use an existing connection if there is already an identical connection. INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE Use passive FTP semantics. Required if server is behind certain firewalls. WININET_API_FLAG_ASYC Allow asynchronous operations. WININET_API_FLAG_SYNC Forces synchronous operations. dwContent Application defined value, which is used only if the application has already called InternetSetStatusCallback to set up a callback. Otherwise use 0. Returns: A valid handle for use with other API calls, or NIL if the call fails. The actual error code is returned by a call to GetLastError(). A call to InternetGetLastResponseInfo may help determine why access to the service was denied. Note: For FTP connections the function establishes a connection immediatly, for all other types the connection is actually established when the application first interacts with the server. When the application has finished with the returned handle is should be closed using InternetCloseHandle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetDial Dials an internet connection using a modem. function function InternetDial( hwndParent: HWND; lpszConnectoid: LPTSTR; dwFlags: DWORD; lpdwConnection: LPDWORD; dwReserved: DWORD): DWORD; Parameters: hwndParent Handle to the parent window. Typically use either 'self.Handle' or 'application.Handle'. lpszConnectoid String containing the name of the dial up connection to use. dwFlags Dial options, use one or more of the following (or-ed together): INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_ONLINE Forces the wininet system online. INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_UNATTENDED Use an unattended dial-up. The dial-up will fail if user intervention is required (such as for entering a password). INTERNET_DIAL_FORCE_PROMPT Forces the dialing interface dialog to be displayed. INTERNET_DIAL_UNATTENDED If user attention is not required then dial up without displaying the dial-up dialog. INTERNET_DIAL_SHOW_OFFLINE Display "Work Offline" instead of "Cancel" on the dial-up interface dialog. lpdwConnection On exit holds a connection number. Use this with InternetHangUp to hang up the connection. dwReserved Reserved. Must be set to 0. Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, or an error value which will typically be one of: ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the parameters is incorrect. ERROR_NO_CONNECTION Failed to connected - there is a problem with the dial-up connection. ERROR_USER_DISCONNECTION The user selected either the 'Work Offline' button or the 'Cancel' button from the connection dialog box. Note: If the WinInet subsystem is currently working off-line then this function will return ERROR_SUCCESS, 0 for the connection number and will not dial the connection specified. In this instance to force the dial-up connection, change the state of the WinInet subsystem to online and call the function again. The function will also return ERROR_SUCCESS and 0 for the connection number if the connection has already been dialled and is already active. If you are missing the definition for INTERNET_DIAL_FORCE_PROMPT then use the following: const INTERNET_DIAL_FORCE_PRMPT = $2000; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetFindNextFile Used to continue a search started with FtpFindFirstFile. function InternetFindNextFile( hFind: HINTERNET; lpvFindData: Pointer): BOOL; Note: Click here for an example using InternetFindNextFile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetGetConnectedState Retrieves the connection state of the local system. function InternetGetConnectedState( var lpdwFlags: DWORD; dwReserved: DWORD): BOOL; Parameters: lpdwFlags On exit holds a combination of flags (or-ed together) giving the connection status of the locate system: INTERNET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURED Local system has a valid connection to the Internet, but it might or might not be currently connected. INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN Local system uses a local area network to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM Local system uses a modem to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE Local system is in offline mode. INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY Local system uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED Local system has RAS installed. dwReserved Not currently used. Must be set to 0. Returns: True if there is an Internet connection, False otherwise. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetGetConnectedStateEx Retrieves the connection state of the local system. function InternetGetConnectedStateEx( var lpdwFlags: DWORD; lpszConnectionName: PCHAR; dwNameLen: DWORD; dwReserved: DWORD): BOOL; Parameters: lpdwFlags On exit holds a combination of flags (or-ed together) giving the connection status of the locate system: INTERNET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURED ($40) Local system has a valid connection to the Internet, but it might or might not be currently connected. INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN ($02) Local system uses a local area network to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM ($01) Local system uses a modem to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE ($20) Local system is in offline mode. INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY ($04) Local system uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet. INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED ($10) Local system has RAS installed. lpszConnectionName String buffer into which is written the name of the current connection. dwNameLen Size of the buffer (lpszConnectionName) supplied dwReserved Not currently used. Must be set to 0. Returns: True if there is an Internet connection, False otherwise. Note: If the WinInet unit is missing a definition for InternetGetConnectedStateEx then use the following: function InternetGetConnectedStateEx( lpdwFlags: LPDWORD; lpszConnectionName: LPTSTR; dwNameLen: DWORD; dwReserved: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; external 'wininet.dll' name 'InternetGetConnectedStateEx'; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetGetLastResponseInfo Returns the text of the last WinInet error or server response (for the current thread). function InternetGetLastResponseInfo( var lpdwError: DWORD; lpszBuffer: PChar; var lpdwBufferLength: DWORD): BOOL; Parameters: lpdwError Updated to hold the most recent error code. lpszBuffer Buffer to receive the error text. lpdwBufferLength On entry this should be set to the available size of the buffer (lpszBuffer), updated on exit to hold the size of the string written to the buffer (less the null terminator). If the buffer is too small this will hold the necessary buffer size. Returns: True if some error text was successfully written to the buffer, False (0) otherwise. If the function fails, further information can be found by calling GetLastError. If the buffer is too small to hold the full error text then GetLastError will return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. Note: Use InternetGetLastResponseInfo when GetLastError returns ERROR_INTERNET_EXTENDED_ERROR. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetHangUp Hangs up the modem connection which had previously been opened by InternetDial. function InternetHangUp( dwConnection: DWORD; dwReserved: DWORD): DWORD; Parameters: dwConnection Connection id (as returned by InternetDial) indicating the connection to be disconnected. dwReserved Reserved. Must be 0. Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success or any other error value on failure. Note: This function will hang up the modem even if another application is using the connection. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetOpen Initialises the WinInet API. function InternetOpen( lpszAgent: PChar; dwAccessType: DWORD; lpszProxy: PChar; lpszProxyBypass: PChar; dwFlags: DWORD): HINTERNET; Parameters: lpszAgent Name of the calling application (for example 'PChar(Application.Title)'). This is used as the user agent for HTTP protocol. dwAccessType Access type required, use one of: INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT Resolve all host names locally. INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG Retrieve proxy or direct configuration from the registry. INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG_WITH_NO_AUTOPROXY Retrieves proxy or direct configuration from the registry and prevents the use of any start-up script. INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY Requests passed on to the proxy. If a proxy bypass list is supplied and the name is on that list then INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT is used instead. lpszProxy If dwAccessType is set to INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY then this should be the name of the proxy server(s) to use. WinInet API functions recognise only CERN type proxies (HTTP only) and TIS FTP gateway (FTP only). If Internet Explorer is installed then SOCKS proxy are also supported. For all other values of dwAccessType this should be set to nil. lpszProxyBypass String containing an optional list of host names or IP addresses, which should not be routed through the proxy. If dwAccessType is not INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY then this parameter is ignored and should be set to nil. dwFlags Various configuration options. Use one or more of: INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC Makes only asynchronous requests. INTERNET_FLAG_FROM_CACHE All entries are returned from the local cache. Requests will fail if the item is not in the local cache. INTERNET_FLAG_OFFLINE Same as INTERNET_FLAG_FROM_CACHE Returns: Handle for use with the other WinInet API functions or nil if the function fails in which case details of the specific error can be found by calling GetLastError(). Note: InternetOpen should be the first WinInet API function called by the application. When the application finishes using the WinInet API it should call InternetCloseHandle to free the handle and any associated resources. Applications may make more than one call to InternetOpen (although only one is required). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetOpenUrl Opens an FTP, Gopher or HTTP resource. function InternetOpenUrl(hInet: HINTERNET; lpszUrl: PChar; lpszHeaders: PChar; dwHeadersLength: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; dwContext: DWORD): HINTERNET; stdcall; Parameters: hInet Valid handle returned by a previous call to InternetOpen or InternetConnect. lpszUrl String containing the URL to read. Only URLs beginning with ftp:, gopher:, http:, or https: are supported. lpszHeaders String containing the headers to be sent to the HTTP server. (For more information refer to the Microsoft documentation.) May be nil. dwHeadersLength The length of the headers string. If -1 and lpszHeaders is not nil then the lpszHeaders string is assumed to be null terminated. dwFlags One or more of: INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINK INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_CN_INVALID INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_CERT_DATE_INVALID INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTP INTERNET_FLAG_IGNORE_REDIRECT_TO_HTTPS INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION INTERNET_FLAG_NEED_FILE INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTH INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE INTERNET_FLAG_RAW_DATA INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE dwContext Application defined value, which is used only if the application has already called InternetSetStatusCallback to set up a callback. Otherwise use 0. Returns: If successful a handle to the FTP, Gopher or HTTP URL resource. Nil on failure, in which case use GetLastError and InternetGetLastResponseInfo to determine the cause of failure. Note: When done, the returned handle should freed using InternetCloseHandle. Use InternetReadFile to read data (for files) or InternetFindNextFile (for directories). For an example of InternetOpenUrl see the example "How to obtain HTML from the browser cache" or "How to determine if a URL is valid using HttpQueryInfo" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetReadFile Reads and returns data from an open handle. function InternetReadFile( hFile: HINTERNET; lpBuffer: Pointer; dwNumberOfBytesToRead: DWORD; var lpdwNumberOfBytesRead: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; Parameters: hFile Handle returned by FtpCommand, InternetOpenUrl, FtpOpenFile, GopherOpenFile or HttpOpenRequest. lpBuffer Buffer that will receive the data read. dwNumberOfBytesToRead The number of bytes to read (must be equal to or less than the size of the buffer), normally the size of the buffer. lpdwNumberOfBytesRead The number of bytes of data read. This will be 0 if no data was read - either because there is no more data or on error. Returns: True if successful, False (0) otherwise. If the function fails, further information can be found by calling GetLastError. Note: To read all of the data the application should call InternetReadFile until the function returns true and the number of bytes read is 0. This indicates the end of file. For an example of InternetOpenUrl see the example "How to obtain HTML from the browser cache" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetSetStatusCallback Sets a callback function used to provide feedback during asynchronous use of the WinInet API. function InternetSetStatusCallback( hInet: HINTERNET; lpfnInternetCallback: PFNInternetStatusCallback ): PFNInternetStatusCallback; Parameters: hInet Valid handle returned by a previous call to InternetOpen or InternetConnect. lpfnInternetCallback The callback function to be used, or NIL to unregister the existing callback function. For more information see InternetStatusCallback. Returns: Reference to the previously defined status callback function or NIL if there was no previously defined callback function. Note: Both synchronous and asynchronous functions can use the callback function to monitor the progress of a WinInet function. A callback function is required for asynchronous operation. Asynchronous requests will call the callback function with INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE when a WinInet function completes. Callback functions can be specified independently for each handle. Callback functions can be changed at any time provided there is no request outstanding on the handle. If a callback is defined on the handle returned by InternetOpen then the callback will be inherited for all subsequent handles created by InternetConnect. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- InternetStatusCallback There is no WinInet function called InternetStatusCallback - these notes describe the callback function (which an application sets using InternetSetStatusCallback). To define a callback function the application must provide a callback function with the following definition (procedure and parameter names are not significant, although parameter types are): procedure InternetStatusCallback( hInet: HINTERNET; dwContext: DWORD; dwInternetStatus: DWORD; lpvStatusInformation: Pointer; dwStatusInformationLength: DWORD); stdcall; Parameters: hInet Handle for the connection on which the callback function has been invoked. dwContext The context value provided by the application when the the WinInet call was made. dwInternetStatus Status value indicating why the callback function is being called. This will be one of: INTERNET_STATUS_CLOSING_CONNECTION Connection to the server is being closed. lpvStatusInformation will be nil. INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTING_TO_SERVER Connecting to the socket address pointed to by lpvStatusInformation. INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTION_CLOSED Connection to the server has been closed. lpvStatusInformation will be nil. INTERNET_STATUS_CTL_RESPONSE_RECEIVED Not implemented. INTERNET_STATUS_DETECTING_PROXY Proxy has been detected. INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING The handle is closing. INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED InternetConnect has created a new handle. lpvStatusInformation will point to a record of type INTERNET_ASYNC_RESULT. The new handle is created prior to the connection, so the application could terminate the connection (using InternetCloseHandle) if the connection takes too long. INTERNET_STATUS_INTERMEDIATE_RESPONSE Received an intermediate status code message from the server. INTERNET_STATUS_NAME_RESOLVED Successfully resolved the IP address of the name contained in lpvStatusInformation. INTERNET_STATUS_PREFETCH Not implemented. INTERNET_STATUS_RECEIVING_RESPONSE Waiting for response from server. lpvStatusInformation will be nil. INTERNET_STATUS_REDIRECT An HTTP request is redirecting the request. The lpvStatusInformation parameter points to the new URL. Callback will not be made if the original request specified INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT. INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE Asynchronous operation has completed. lpvStatusInformation will point to a record of type INTERNET_ASYNC_RESULT. INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_SEND Successfully sent request to server. lpvStatusInformation points to a DWORD value containing the number of bytes sent. INTERNET_STATUS_RESOLVING_NAME Attempting to resolve IP address of name indicated by lpvStatusInformation. INTERNET_STATUS_RESPONSE_RECEIVED Received a response from the server. lpvStatusInformation points to a DWORD containing the number of bytes received. INTERNET_STATUS_SENDING_REQUEST Sending a request to the server. lpvStatusInformation will be NIL. INTERNET_STATUS_STATE_CHANGE Moved between a secure (HTTPS) and nonsecure (HTTP) site. lpvStatusInformation points to a DWORD containing one or more of the following flags: INTERNET_STATE_CONNECTED Connected (i.e. not disconnected). INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED Disconnected - no network connection could be established. INTERNET_STATE_DISCONNECTED_BY_USER Disconnected by user request. INTERNET_STATE_IDLE No network requests are being made by WinInet. INTERNET_STATE_BUSY Network requests are being made by WinInet. INTERNET_STATUS_USER_INPUT_REQUIRED The request requires user input for completion. lpvStatusInformation Pointer to additional information. Possibly NIL. dwStatusInformationLength Size of the record pointed by by lpvStatusInformation.