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NOTE: the order of startup events for a form are as follows: 1. OnCreate 2. OnShow 3. OnActivate 4. OnPaint ************************************************************************************** I sometimes do it like this: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin onShow := FormFirstShow; end; procedure TForm1.FormFirstShow(Sender: TObject); begin // Do init settings Form1.OnShow := FormShow; Form1.OnShow(self); end; procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin // do something else end; Here FormFirstShow will only be run once. It often leads to a nicer onShow method. It also works for many other things, like when you have a PageControl and a button does diffrent things depending on which page you are on. ************************************************************************************** Gerald J. Clancy, Jr wrote: > I usually create a private var, bInitialized, > initialize it to False in FormCreate and then in FormShow ... One other way to get this is to have a Timer on the form and use the event from that as an "AfterShow" event. First thing the event does is disable the timer, free it and NIL it. Freeing is not essential but does reduce your use of system resources (Win95 has only 16 timers AFAIK). This guarantees that you only execute it once, and also lets the from become visible before anything slow happens. For instance, I have one like this in the current project: procedure TfrmRules.timAfterShowTimer(Sender: TObject); begin timAfterShow.Enabled := false; self.RefreshData; lstActionNamesSelect(nil); dbMonitor.OnRuleScroll := self.OnRuleScroll; end; {TfrmRules.timAfterShowTimer} That RefreshData call can take 1 or 2 seconds to complete the first time since it opens database queries and so forth. This way the form is up and has the SQL hourglass cursor visible while the data loads, rather than having a locked/non-redrawing parent form while this one loads. Moz