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INSTALLING FONTS IN WINDOWS USING DELPHI HowTo: You should copy the file to the Windows\Fonts directory, then add an entry to the registry key: "'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts". The entry will be the font name and the path (if different than the Windows\Fonts directory). Once the registry entry is written, you should make a call to the Windows API function AddFontRecource(), then broadcast a system-wide WM_FONTCHANGE message. Finally, you should make a call to the Windows API function RemoveFontRecource(), to remove the resource lock on the font file, and broadcast a second system-wide WM_FONTCHANGE message. Here is an example: uses Registry; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var reg: TRegistry; b : bool; begin CopyFile('C:\DOWNLOAD\FP000100.TTF', 'C:\WINDOWS\FONTS\FP000100.TTF', b); reg := TRegistry.Create; reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; reg.LazyWrite := false; reg.OpenKey('Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fonts', false); reg.WriteString('TESTMICR (TrueType)','FP000100.TTF'); reg.CloseKey;; {Add the font resource} AddFontResource('c:\windows\fonts\FP000100.TTF'); SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0); {Remove the resource lock} RemoveFontResource('c:\windows\fonts\FP000100.TTF'); SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_FONTCHANGE, 0, 0); end; ****************************************************************** BUT one might also want to make sure one knows exactly 'where' the Windows directory is as it may not be on the C:\ drive, and it MAY not even be called 'Windows' -so 'Getting the windows directory'. HowTo: You can make a call to the Windows API function GetWindowsDirectory(). If you want the system directory, simply call the Windows API function GetSystemDirectory(). Example: {$IFNDEF WIN32} const MAX_PATH = 144; {$ENDIF} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var a : Array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; begin GetWindowsDirectory(a, sizeof(a)); ShowMessage(StrPas(a)); GetSystemDirectory(a, sizeof(a)); ShowMessage(StrPas(a)); end; (make sure also that there IS a fonts subdirectory under the Windows dir..?). ******************************************************************* AND, you might want to know if TrueType fonts are available on the system, so HowTo: The following example should report if the TrueType engine is available, enabled, and at least one TrueType font is installed: function IsTrueTypeAvailable : bool; var {$IFDEF WIN32} rs : TRasterizerStatus; {$ELSE} rs : TRasterizer_Status; {$ENDIF} begin result := false; if not GetRasterizerCaps(rs, sizeof(rs)) then exit; if rs.WFlags and TT_AVAILABLE <> TT_AVAILABLE then exit; if rs.WFlags and TT_ENABLED <> TT_ENABLED then exit; result := true; end; **************************************************************** Possibly have an overall WToolkit.INI file with lines such as DefaultFont=MS Times New Roman, 12, normal, normal [check the correctness of attribute values] Also margins info here...