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Fli screensave for delphi 1 0

{ Hi, This is an easy made screensaver, viewing FLI files from Autodesk animator, it's not optimized for reading FLC files, since that would be a larger project, which i dont have enough spare-time for now! The "Treatframe" and "Getclock" routine was taken from Eirik Pedersens fli player, found in snipet: "misc". I had to change Treatframe a litle just to handle the palette. Use at your own risk. There's not much documentation, but if there's so much you don't understand, send me a mail, and i'll try to answer it as soon as possible! Tommy Andersen email: snail: Tommy Andersen Andebuveien 11 3170 SEM Norway } Program Fliplay; Uses Forms, Unit1 in 'UNIT1.PAS' {Form1}; {$R *.RES} Begin { Prevent multiple instances } IF HPrevinst <> 0 Then Exit; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; End. { ------------- Cut out and save as UNIT1.PAS ----------------- } Unit Unit1; Interface Uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; Const CLOCK_HZ = 4608; { Frequency of clock } MONItoR_HZ = 70; { Frequency of monitor } CLOCK_SCALE = CLOCK_HZ div MONItoR_HZ; CDATA = $040; { Port number of timer 0 } CMODE = $043; { Port number of timers control Word } Scale_FLI = False; { Set this to true if saver shall use whole screen } Type Big_Buffer_Type = Array[0..65534] of Byte; FliHeaderType = Record Size : Longint; Magic : Word; Frames : Word; Width : Word; Height : Word; Bitsperpixel : Word; Flags : Integer; Speed : Integer; Nexthead : Longint; Framesintable : Longint; hfile : Integer; hframe1offset : Longint; Strokes : Longint; Session : Longint; Reserved : Array [1..88] of Byte; End; FrameHeaderType = Record Size : LongInt; Magic : Word; { $F1FA } Chunks : Word; Expand : Array[1..8] of Byte; End; TForm1 = Class(TForm) OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; Procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); Private { Private declarations } Public { Public declarations } Start_Screensaver : Boolean; MouseMovement : Byte; Fli_Filename : String; Screensaver_Ini_filename : String; ScreenBitmap : TBitmap; Flifilestream : TMemoryStream; FliScreenstream : TMemoryStream; Screen_Buffer : ^Big_Buffer_Type; File_Buffer : ^Big_Buffer_Type; FLI_Header : FLIHeaderType; FLI_FrameHeader : FrameHeaderType; FLI_Speed : Longint; FLI_Nexttime : Longint; Fli_FrameNr : Word; FLI_SecondPosition : Longint; Procedure Get_INI_Filename; Procedure Read_INI_Settings; Procedure Write_INI_Settings; Procedure Create_Bitmap; Procedure Show_Next_Frame; Procedure Load_FLI_File; Procedure Kill_FLI_Screensaver; End; Var Form1: TForm1; Implementation {$R *.DFM} Uses Inifiles; Function GetClock:LongInt; Assembler; {Taken from the FLILIB source} { this routine returns a clock With occassional spikes where time will look like its running backwards 1/18th of a second. The resolution of the clock is 1/(18*256) = 1/4608 second. 66 ticks of this clock are supposed to be equal to a monitor 1/70 second tick.} Asm mov ah,0 { get tick count from Dos and use For hi 3 Bytes } int 01ah { lo order count in DX, hi order in CX } mov ah,dl mov dl,dh mov dh,cl mov al,0 { read lo Byte straight from timer chip } out CMODE,al { latch count } mov al,1 out CMODE,al { set up to read count } in al,CDATA { read in lo Byte (and discard) } in al,CDATA { hi Byte into al } neg al { make it so counting up instead of down } End; Procedure TForm1.Get_INI_Filename; Var Buffer : Array[0..255] of Char; Size : Word; Begin Size := GetSystemDirectory(Buffer, 256); IF Size <> 0 Then Begin Screensaver_Ini_filename := StrPas(Buffer); Screensaver_Ini_filename[0] := Chr(Size); End Else Screensaver_Ini_filename := 'C:\'; { Make sure filename got the last expected slash } IF Screensaver_Ini_filename[Length(Screensaver_Ini_filename)] <> '\' Then Screensaver_Ini_filename := Screensaver_Ini_filename + '\'; Screensaver_Ini_filename := Screensaver_Ini_filename + 'FLIPLAY.INI'; End; Procedure TForm1.Write_INI_Settings; Var Inifile : TInifile; Begin Inifile := TInifile.Create(Screensaver_Ini_filename); Inifile.WriteString('FLI-Screensaver', 'Filename', Fli_Filename); Inifile.Free; End; Procedure TForm1.Read_INI_Settings; Var Inifile : TInifile; Begin Inifile := TInifile.Create(Screensaver_Ini_filename); Fli_Filename := Inifile.ReadString('FLI-Screensaver', 'Filename', ''); Inifile.Free; End; Procedure TForm1.Load_FLI_File; Var Temp : Word; Begin Fli_FrameNr := 0; FliFileStream.Clear; IF FileExists(Fli_Filename) Then Begin Try FliFileStream.LoadFromFile(Fli_Filename); Except FliFileStream.Clear; End; IF (FliFileStream.Size > 128) Then Begin FliFileStream.Seek(0, 0); Temp := FliFileStream.Read(Fli_Header, 128); IF (Temp = 128) and (Fli_Header.Magic = $AF11) Then Begin { Ok } FLI_Speed := Fli_Header.Speed; FLI_Speed := FLI_Speed*CLOCK_SCALE; FLI_NextTime := 0; End Else FliFileStream.Clear; End; End; End; Procedure TForm1.Create_Bitmap; Type BitmapHeader = Record ID : Word; FSize : LongInt; Ver : LongInt; Image : LongInt; Misc : LongInt; Width : LongInt; Height: LongInt; Num : Word; Bits : Word; Comp : LongInt; ISize : LongInt; XRes : LongInt; YRes : LongInt; PSize : LongInt; Res : LongInt; End; Var BmpHeader : BitmapHeader; T, myByte : Byte; MSize : LongInt; Begin FLIScreenStream.Clear; MSize := 64000; MSize := MSize + 1024; MSize := MSize + 54; BmpHeader.ID := 19778; BmpHeader.FSize := MSize; BmpHeader.Ver := 0; BmpHeader.Image := 54 + (256*4); BmpHeader.Misc := 40; BmpHeader.Width := 320; BmpHeader.Height := 200; BmpHeader.Num := 1; BmpHeader.Bits := 8; BmpHeader.Comp := bi_RGB; BmpHeader.ISize := BmpHeader.FSize - BmpHeader.Image; BmpHeader.XRes := 0; BmpHeader.YRes := 0; BmpHeader.Res := 0; FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.ID, 2); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.FSize, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.Ver, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.Image, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.Misc, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.Width, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.Height, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.Num, 2); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.Bits, 2); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.Comp, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.ISize, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.XRes, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.YRes, 4); FLIScreenStream.Write(BmpHeader.Res, 4); FLIScreenStream.Seek(54, 0); { Create palette } For T := 0 To 255 do Begin { Blue } myByte := T; FLIScreenStream.Write(myByte, 1); { Green } FLIScreenStream.Write(myByte, 1); { Red } FLIScreenStream.Write(myByte, 1); myByte := 0; FLIScreenStream.Write(myByte, 1); End; FillChar(Screen_Buffer^, 64000, 0); FLIScreenStream.Write(Screen_Buffer^, 64000); End; Procedure TForm1.Kill_FLI_Screensaver; Begin Freemem(Screen_Buffer, 64000); Freemem(File_Buffer, 65535); Flifilestream.Free; FliScreenstream.Free; ScreenBitmap.Free; Halt(0); End; Procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); Var Param : String; S : String; Begin Flifilestream := TMemoryStream.Create; FliScreenstream := TMemoryStream.Create; ScreenBitmap := TBitmap.Create; Param := Uppercase( Paramstr(1) ); Caption := 'FLI screensaver, made by Tommy Andersen!'; Application.Title := Caption; Getmem(Screen_Buffer, 64000); Getmem(File_Buffer, 65535); Get_INI_Filename; Read_INI_Settings; { Config screensaver? } IF Param = '/C' Then Begin { Yes } Start_Screensaver := False; Windowstate := wsMinimized; S := ''; Param := FLI_Filename; While Pos('\', Param) > 0 do Begin S := S + Copy(Param, 1, Pos('\', Param)); Delete(Param, 1, Pos('\', Param)); End; Opendialog1.Initialdir := S; Opendialog1.Filename := Param; Opendialog1.Filter := 'FLI files|*.FLI|All files|*.*'; IF Opendialog1.Execute Then Begin FLI_Filename := Opendialog1.Filename; Write_INI_Settings; End; Kill_FLI_Screensaver; End Else Begin { No! Start screensaver! } Create_Bitmap; Load_FLI_File; Start_Screensaver := True; Windowstate := wsMaximized; { Formstyle := fsStayOnTop; } Borderstyle := bsNone; Color := clBlack; MouseMovement := 0; End; End; Procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y : Integer); Begin IF MouseMovement > 2 Then Kill_FLI_Screensaver; Inc(MouseMovement); End; Procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); Begin Kill_FLI_Screensaver; End; Procedure TForm1.Show_Next_Frame; Type Paltype = Array[0..767] of Byte; Var Temp : Word; Nextpos : Longint; Palette : ^Paltype; Paladdr : Word; Procedure TreatFrame(Var Buffer, ScreenBuffer, Palette; Chunks:Word); Assembler; { this is the 'workhorse' routine that takes a frame and put it on the screen } { chunk by chunk } Label Color_Loop, Copy_Bytes, Copy_Bytes2, Exit, Fli_Black, Fli_Brun, Fli_Color, Fli_Copy, Fli_Lc, Fli_Loop, Jump_Over, Line_Loop, Line_Loop2, Next_Line, Next_Line2, Pack_Loop, Pack_Loop2, C_Loop; Asm Cli push ds lds si,Buffer { let DS:SI point at the frame to be drawn } Fli_Loop: { main loop that goes through all the chunks in a frame } cmp Chunks,0 { are there any more chunks to draw? } je Exit dec Chunks { decrement Chunks For the chunk to process now } mov ax,[Word ptr ds:si+4] { let AX have the ChunkType } add si,6 { skip the ChunkHeader } cmp ax,0Bh { is it a FLI_COLor chunk? } je Fli_Color cmp ax,0Ch { is it a FLI_LC chunk? } je Fli_Lc cmp ax,0Dh { is it a FLI_BLACK chunk? } je Fli_Black cmp ax,0Fh { is it a FLI_BRUN chunk? } je Fli_Brun cmp ax,10h { is it a FLI_COPY chunk? } je Fli_Copy jmp Fli_Loop { This command should not be necessary since the Program should make one - } { - of the other jumps } Fli_Color: mov bx,[Word ptr ds:si] { number of packets in this chunk (allways 1?) } add si,2 { skip the NumberofPackets } mov al,0 { start at color 0 } xor cx,cx { reset CX } Color_Loop: or bx,bx { set flags } jz Fli_Loop { Exit if no more packages } dec bx { decrement NumberofPackages For the package to process now } mov cl,[Byte ptr ds:si+0] { first Byte in packet tells how many colors to skip } add al,cl { add the skiped colors to the start to get the new start } mov cl,[Byte ptr ds:si+1] { next Byte in packet tells how many colors to change } or cl,cl { set the flags } jnz Jump_Over { if NumberstoChange=0 then NumberstoChange=256 } inc ch { CH=1 and CL=0 => CX=256 } Jump_Over: add al,cl { update the color to start at } mov di,cx { since each color is made of 3 Bytes (Red, Green & Blue) we have to - } shl cx,1 { - multiply CX (the data counter) With 3 } add cx,di { - CX = old_CX shl 1 + old_CX (the fastest way to multiply With 3) } add si,2 { skip the NumberstoSkip and NumberstoChange Bytes } { Find start position } Les di, Palette Mov CL, AL @LLL: Cmp CL, 0 Je C_Loop Dec CL Add di, 3 Jmp @LLL C_Loop: Cmp CX, 0 Je Color_Loop Dec CX Mov AL, [Byte ptr DS:SI] Add AL, AL Add AL, AL Mov [Byte ptr ES:DI], AL Inc SI Inc DI Jmp C_Loop Fli_Lc: Les di, ScreenBuffer mov di,[Word ptr ds:si+0] { put LinestoSkip into DI - } mov ax,di { - to get the offset address to this line we have to multiply With 320 - } shl ax,8 { - DI = old_DI shl 8 + old_DI shl 6 - } shl di,6 { - it is the same as DI = old_DI*256 + old_DI*64 = old_DI*320 - } add di,ax { - but this way is faster than a plain mul } mov bx,[Word ptr ds:si+2] { put LinestoChange into BX } add si,4 { skip the LinestoSkip and LinestoChange Words } xor cx,cx { reset cx } Line_Loop: or bx,bx { set flags } jz Fli_Loop { Exit if no more lines to change } dec bx mov dl,[Byte ptr ds:si] { put PacketsInLine into DL } inc si { skip the PacketsInLine Byte } push di { save the offset address of this line } Pack_Loop: or dl,dl { set flags } jz Next_Line { Exit if no more packets in this line } dec dl mov cl,[Byte ptr ds:si+0] { put BytestoSkip into CL } add di,cx { update the offset address } mov cl,[Byte ptr ds:si+1] { put BytesofDatatoCome into CL } or cl,cl { set flags } jns Copy_Bytes { no SIGN means that CL number of data is to come - } { - else the next data should be put -CL number of times } mov al,[Byte ptr ds:si+2] { put the Byte to be Repeated into AL } add si,3 { skip the packet } neg cl { Repeat -CL times } rep stosb jmp Pack_Loop { finish With this packet } Copy_Bytes: add si,2 { skip the two count Bytes at the start of the packet } rep movsb jmp Pack_Loop { finish With this packet } Next_Line: pop di { restore the old offset address of the current line } add di,320 { offset address to the next line } jmp Line_Loop Fli_Black: Les di, ScreenBuffer xor di,di mov cx,32000 { number of Words in a screen } xor ax,ax { color 0 is to be put on the screen } rep stosw jmp Fli_Loop { jump back to main loop } Fli_Brun: Les di, ScreenBuffer xor di,di mov bx,200 { numbers of lines in a screen } xor cx,cx Line_Loop2: mov dl,[Byte ptr ds:si] { put PacketsInLine into DL } inc si { skip the PacketsInLine Byte } push di { save the offset address of this line } Pack_Loop2: or dl,dl { set flags } jz Next_Line2 { Exit if no more packets in this line } dec dl mov cl,[Byte ptr ds:si] { put BytesofDatatoCome into CL } or cl,cl { set flags } js Copy_Bytes2 { SIGN meens that CL number of data is to come - } { - else the next data should be put -CL number of times } mov al,[Byte ptr ds:si+1] { put the Byte to be Repeated into AL } add si,2 { skip the packet } rep stosb jmp Pack_Loop2 { finish With this packet } Copy_Bytes2: inc si { skip the count Byte at the start of the packet } neg cl { Repeat -CL times } rep movsb jmp Pack_Loop2 { finish With this packet } Next_Line2: pop di { restore the old offset address of the current line } add di,320 { offset address to the next line } dec bx { any more lines to draw? } jnz Line_Loop2 jmp Fli_Loop { jump back to main loop } Fli_Copy: Les di, ScreenBuffer xor di,di mov cx,32000 { number of Words in a screen } rep movsw jmp Fli_Loop { jump back to main loop } Exit: mov ax, 0 mov es, ax pop ds Sti end; Procedure ReadPalette; Var T, Zero : Byte; Begin FLIScreenstream.Seek(54, 0); For T := 0 to 255 do Begin FLIScreenStream.Read(Palette^[T*3+2], 1); { Blue } FLIScreenStream.Read(Palette^[T*3+1], 1); { Green } FLIScreenStream.Read(Palette^[T*3], 1); { Red } FLIScreenStream.Read(Zero, 1); { Zero } End; End; Procedure WritePalette; Var T, Zero : Byte; Begin Zero := 0; FLIScreenStream.Seek(54, 0); For T := 0 to 255 do Begin FLIScreenStream.Write(Palette^[T*3+2], 1); { Blue } FLIScreenStream.Write(Palette^[T*3+1], 1); { Green } FLIScreenStream.Write(Palette^[T*3], 1); { Red } FLIScreenStream.Write(Zero, 1); { Zero } End; End; Procedure Write_To_Screen; Var Y : Word; Begin FLIScreenStream.Seek(1078, 0); For Y := 199 downto 0 do Begin FLIScreenStream.Write(Screen_Buffer^[Y*320], 320); End; End; Begin IF GetClock < FLI_Nexttime Then Exit; IF (FliFileStream.Size > 128) Then Begin FillChar(FLI_FrameHeader, 16, 0); FliFileStream.Read(FLI_FrameHeader.Size, 4); FliFileStream.Read(FLI_FrameHeader.Magic, 2); FliFileStream.Read(FLI_FrameHeader.Chunks, 2); FliFileStream.Read(FLI_FrameHeader.Expand, 8); IF (FLI_FrameHeader.Magic = $F1FA) Then Begin FLI_FrameHeader.Size := FLI_FrameHeader.Size - 16; FliFileStream.Read(File_Buffer^, FLI_FrameHeader.Size); Getmem(Palette, 768); Paladdr := Seg(Palette^); ReadPalette; TreatFrame(File_Buffer^, Screen_Buffer^, Palette^, FLI_FrameHeader.Chunks); WritePalette; Freemem(Palette, 768); Write_To_Screen; IF FLI_FrameNr = 0 Then Begin FLI_SecondPosition := FliFileStream.Position; End; Inc(Fli_FrameNr); IF Fli_FrameNr > FLI_Header.Frames Then Begin FliFileStream.Seek(FLI_SecondPosition, 0); Fli_FrameNr := 1; End; FLI_NextTime := GetClock + FLI_Speed; End; End; End; Procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); Begin IF not Start_Screensaver Then Exit; Start_Screensaver := False; While True do Begin Show_Next_Frame; FLIScreenStream.Seek(0, 0); Try ScreenBitmap.LoadFromStream(FLIScreenStream); Except End; IF not Scale_FLI Then Canvas.Draw((Screen.Width div 2) - 160, (Screen.Height div 2) - 100, ScreenBitmap) Else Canvas.StretchDraw(ClientRect, ScreenBitmap); Application.ProcessMessages; End; End; End. { ------------- Cut out and save as UNIT1.DFM ----------------- } object Form1: TForm1 Left = 216 Top = 168 Width = 435 Height = 300 Caption = 'Form1' Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] PixelsPerInch = 96 OnCreate = FormCreate OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown OnMouseMove = FormMouseMove OnPaint = FormPaint TextHeight = 16 object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog Left = 4 Top = 4 end end