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Finding distance between two points

Question: How can I find the distance between two points? Answer: The following example shows how to tell the distance between two points. In this example, the caption of the form shows the current point and distance from the center of the form. The y coordinates are inverted to show a more natural north orientation where north is directly up. Example: funcTion Distance(Pt1 : TPoint; Pt2 : TPoint) : Double; var dx : LongInt; dy : LongInt; begin dx:= pt1.x - pt2.x; dy:= pt1.y - pt2.y; Result := Sqrt((Dx * Dx) + (Dy * Dy)); end; procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var Pt1 : TPoint; Pt2 : TPoint; Dist : Double; begin Pt1.x := Form1.Width div 2; Pt1.y := Form1.Height div 2; Pt2.x := x; Pt2.y := y; Dist := Distance(Pt1, Pt2); Form1.Caption := IntToStr(Pt2.x - Pt1.x) + #32 + IntToStr(Pt1.y - Pt2.y) + ' = ' + FloatToStr(Dist); end; procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin Form1.Canvas.MoveTo(Form1.Width div 2, 0); Form1.Canvas.LineTo(Form1.Width div 2, Form1.Height); Form1.Canvas.MoveTo(0, Form1.Height div 2); Form1.Canvas.LineTo(Form1.Width, Form1.Height div 2); end; procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin Invalidate; end;