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Find the appropriate constant for virtual keys

// Keyboard Codes: // Useful If you don't have the Source-Code from Windows.pas // Nützlich, wenn man den Source-Code von der Windows Unit nicht hat. vk_LButton vk_RButton vk_Cancel vk_MButton vk_Back vk_Tab vk_Clear vk_Return vk_Shift vk_Control vk_Menu vk_Pause vk_Capital vk_Escape vk_Space vk_Prior vk_Next vk_Home vk_Left vk_Up vk_Right vk_Down vk_Select vk_Print vk_Execute vk_SnapShot vk_Insert vk_Delete vk_Help vk_NumPad0 vk_NumPad1 vk_NumPad2 vk_NumPad3 vk_NumPad4 vk_NumPad5 vk_NumPad6 vk_NumPad7 vk_NumPad8 vk_NumPad9 vk_Multiply vk_Add vk_Separator vk_Subtract vk_Decimal vk_Divide vk_F1 vk_F2 vk_F3 vk_F4 vk_F5 vk_F6 vk_F7 vk_F8 vk_F9 vk_F10 vk_F11 vk_F12 vk_F13 vk_F14 vk_F15 vk_F16 vk_F17 vk_F18 vk_F19 vk_F20 vk_F21 vk_F22 vk_F23 vk_F24 vk_NumLock vk_Scroll // OnKeyDown fires when the user presses a key. // Das Ereignis OnKeyDown wird ausgelöst, wenn der Benutzer eine Taste drückt. procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = (*Keyboard Code*) then ShowMessage('OnKeyDown'); //Or other thing end; { Es geht auch mit OnKeyPress (dort funktionieren aber nicht alle Keyboard Codes): Or trap a Key in the OnKeyPress event (note that not all Keyboard Codes work there} procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if (Key = chr(vk_Return)) then ShowMessage('OnKeyPress'); end;