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READING AND WRITING OF LONG INTEGER VALUES TO FILE (example using [File of LongInt]) WHOLE PROGRAM: unit FileUnit; {Richard E. -small program to test the writing and reading of files of Integer, LongInt etc..} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; const maxLongSize = 100000000; inFileName = 'LongFile.TMP'; outFileName = 'LongFile.TMP'; arrayLen = 60; type TForm1 = class(TForm) LoadButton: TButton; ExitButton: TButton; SaveButton: TButton; procedure ExitButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure LoadButtonClick(Sender: TObject); function GetError (const ErrorCode: Integer): String; procedure WriteLongArray; procedure ReadIntoLongArray; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private {private declarations} srcFile, destFile: File of LongInt; longArray: array[0..arrayLen] of LongInt; tempLongArray: array[0..arrayLen] of LongInt; public {public declarations} end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.ExitButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TForm1.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin AssignFile(destFile, outFileName); try {to open destination file} reWrite(destFile); try WriteLongArray; finally closefile(destFile) end; except on E: EInOutError do begin MessageDlg('Error reading ' + uppercase(outFileName) + '.'#13 + GetError(E.ErrorCode)+'.', mterror,[mbOK], 0); end end; {trying to open destination file} end; procedure TForm1.LoadButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin AssignFile(srcFile, inFileName); try {to open source file} reSet(srcFile); try ReadIntoLongArray; finally closefile(srcFile) end; {putting source file data into memory} except on E: EInOutError do begin MessageDlg('Error reading ' + uppercase(inFileName) + '.'#13 + GetError(E.ErrorCode)+'.', mterror,[mbOK], 0); end end; {trying to open source file} end; function TForm1.GetError (const ErrorCode: integer): string; {returns a string pertaining to the type of error. If IO-checking was off we could check for errors by looking at IOResult, but in this program we use an exception handler (in the file reading routine (above). The strings listed below are taken from Borland's 'Object Pascal Language Guide' for Delphi Version 1.0, pages 273-275...} begin case ErrorCode of 2: Result := 'File not found'; 3: Result := 'Path not found'; 4: Result := 'Too many open files'; 5: Result := 'File access denied'; 6: Result := 'Invalid file handle'; 12: Result := 'Invalid file access code'; 15: Result := 'Invalid drive'; 100: Result := 'Disk read error'; 101: Result := 'Disk write error'; 102: Result := 'File not assigned'; 103: Result := 'File not open'; else Result := '' end end; procedure TForm1.WriteLongArray; {write to source file...} var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to arrayLen do begin Write(destFile, longArray[i]); end; end; procedure TForm1.ReadIntoLongArray; {read from source file...} var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to arrayLen do begin Read(srcFile, tempLongArray[i]); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; randomLong: LongInt; begin Randomize; for i := 0 to arrayLen do begin randomLong := Round(Random(maxLongSize)); longArray[i] := randomLong; end; end; end. ************************************************************************* READING AND WRITING OF LONG INTEGER VALUES TO FILE (example using a text file with conversion code...) WHOLE PROGRAM: unit FileUnit; {Richard E. -small program to test the writing and reading of files of Integer, LongInt etc..} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; const maxLongSize = 100000000; inFileName = 'LongFile.TMP'; outFileName = 'LongFile.TMP'; arrayLen = 60; type TForm1 = class(TForm) LoadButton: TButton; ExitButton: TButton; SaveButton: TButton; procedure ExitButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure LoadButtonClick(Sender: TObject); function GetError (const ErrorCode: Integer): String; procedure WriteLongArray; procedure ReadIntoLongArray; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private {private declarations} srcFile, destFile: TextFile; longArray: array[0..arrayLen] of LongInt; tempLongArray: array[0..arrayLen] of LongInt; public {public declarations} end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.ExitButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TForm1.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin AssignFile(destFile, outFileName); try {to open destination file} reWrite(destFile); try WriteLongArray; finally closefile(destFile) end; except on E: EInOutError do begin MessageDlg('Error reading ' + uppercase(outFileName) + '.'#13 + GetError(E.ErrorCode)+'.', mterror,[mbOK], 0); end end; {trying to open destination file} end; procedure TForm1.LoadButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin AssignFile(srcFile, inFileName); try {to open source file} reSet(srcFile); try ReadIntoLongArray; finally closefile(srcFile) end; {putting source file data into memory} except on E: EInOutError do begin MessageDlg('Error reading ' + uppercase(inFileName) + '.'#13 + GetError(E.ErrorCode)+'.', mterror,[mbOK], 0); end end; {trying to open source file} end; function TForm1.GetError (const ErrorCode: integer): string; {returns a string pertaining to the type of error. If IO-checking was off we could check for errors by looking at IOResult, but in this program we use an exception handler (in the file reading routine (above). The strings listed below are taken from Borland's 'Object Pascal Language Guide' for Delphi Version 1.0, pages 273-275...} begin case ErrorCode of 2: Result := 'File not found'; 3: Result := 'Path not found'; 4: Result := 'Too many open files'; 5: Result := 'File access denied'; 6: Result := 'Invalid file handle'; 12: Result := 'Invalid file access code'; 15: Result := 'Invalid drive'; 100: Result := 'Disk read error'; 101: Result := 'Disk write error'; 102: Result := 'File not assigned'; 103: Result := 'File not open'; else Result := '' end end; procedure TForm1.WriteLongArray; {write to source file...} var i: Integer; tempString: String; begin for i := 0 to arrayLen do begin tempString := IntToStr(longArray[i]); Write(destFile, tempString); Write(destFile, ','); end; end; procedure TForm1.ReadIntoLongArray; {read from source file...} const thisArrayLen = 100; var i: Integer; tempArray: array[0..thisArrayLen] of Char; tempString: String; tempLong: LongInt; ch: Char; begin i := 0; while not(EOF(srcFile)) do begin repeat Read(srcFile, ch); tempArray[i] := ch; Inc(i); until ((ch = ',') or (EOF(srcFile))); tempArray[i - 1] := #0; tempString := String(tempArray); tempLong := StrToInt(tempString); i := 0; Read(srcFile, ch); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; randomLong: LongInt; begin Randomize; for i := 0 to arrayLen do begin randomLong := Round(Random(maxLongSize)); longArray[i] := randomLong; end; end; end.