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Share this article with friends Rate this article - to keep the quality of ! Comment this article or read through previous comments (0) Everything About a File Product: Delphi 3.x (or higher) Category: Files Operation Skill Level: Scoring: Last Update: 01/05/2001 Search Keys: delphi delphi3000 article filename version TVSFixedFileInfo creationtime lastaccessed lastwritten name file OS private prerelease build debug Times Scored: 16 Visits: 1789 Uploader: Brian Pedersen Company: ALTA A/S Reference: Caos Development Question/Problem/Abstract: This Object can be used to display anything about a file. It even inclused a Execute() function to execute the file. Usage: Create object with filename or path. Answer: unit FileInfo; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { File Information Object } { (C)2000 ALTA A/S } { } { Extract File Information (version numbers, dates, file extension...) from } { files. Execute file or open file with associated program. } { File Can also be a volume or directory. } { } { Date Who What } { Nov.2000 B.Pedersen File Created } { Jan.2001 B.Pedersen Added Many more function about file version } { Fixed time zone problems with datetimes } { Thanks to the contributors of samples and fixes } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } interface { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } uses forms, shellapi, windows, sysutils; type EFileInfo = exception; TLangInfoBuffer = array [1..4] of SmallInt; TFileInfo = class private f : TSearchRec; fVerBlk : TVSFixedFileInfo; fFileName : string; function GetFileVersion( AFileName : string ) : boolean; public constructor Create( AFileName : string ); // Create Object destructor Destroy; override; function Execute : integer; // Open file with associated program function VersionString : string; // File Version. String empty if string not found function OS : string; // Operating System function Path : string; // File Path function FileName : string; // File Name function Name : string; // File Name without file extension function DosFileName : string; // DOS File Name function FileExt : string; // File Extension function FileType : string; // File Type function FileSize : longint; // File Size function isDebugBuild : boolean; // True if debug build flag is set function isPreRelease : boolean; // True if prerelease flag is set function isPrivateBuild : boolean; // True if private build flag is set function isSpecialBuild : boolean; // True if special build flag is set function isDirectory : boolean; // True if file is not a file but a directory function isHidden : boolean; // True if file is hidden function isSystemFile : boolean; // True if file is a systemfile function isVolumeId : boolean; // True if file is a volumeid function isArchive : boolean; // True if file is archived function CreationTime : TDateTime; // Creation Date/Time function LastAccessed : TDateTime; // Last Accessed Date/Time function LastWritten : TDateTime; // Last Written Date/Time end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } implementation { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } constructor TFileInfo.Create( AFileName : string ); var ret : integer; begin inherited Create; fFileName := AFileName; ret := FindFirst( AFileName, faReadOnly + faHidden+ faSysFile + faVolumeID + faDirectory + faArchive + faAnyFile, f ); if ret <> 0 then SysUtils.RaiseLastWin32Error; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } destructor TFileInfo.Destroy; begin FindClose( f ); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.GetFileVersion( AFileName : string ) : boolean; var InfoSize,puLen : DWord; Pt,InfoPtr : Pointer; begin InfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize( PChar(AFileName), puLen ); fillchar( fVerBlk, sizeof(TVSFixedFileInfo), 0); if InfoSize > 0 then begin GetMem(Pt,InfoSize); GetFileVersionInfo( PChar(AFileName), 0, InfoSize, Pt); VerQueryValue(Pt,'\',InfoPtr,puLen); move(InfoPtr^, fVerBlk, sizeof(TVSFixedFileInfo) ); FreeMem(Pt); result := true; end else result := false; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.VersionString : string; begin if GetFileVersion( fFileName ) then result := Format('%u.%u.%u.%u', [HiWord(fVerBlk.dwProductVersionMS), LoWord(fVerBlk.dwProductVersionMS), HiWord(fVerBlk.dwProductVersionLS), LoWord(fVerBlk.dwProductVersionLS)]) else result := ''; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.isDebugBuild : boolean; begin result := FALSE; if GetFileVersion( fFileName ) then result := (fVerBlk.dwFileFlagsMask and fVerBlk.dwFileFlags and VS_FF_DEBUG) <> 0 end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFIleInfo.isPreRelease : boolean; begin result := FALSE; if GetFileVersion( fFileName ) then result := (fVerBlk.dwFileFlagsMask and fVerBlk.dwFileFlags and VS_FF_PRERELEASE) <> 0 end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFIleInfo.isPrivateBuild : boolean; begin result := FALSE; if GetFileVersion( fFileName ) then result := (fVerBlk.dwFileFlagsMask and fVerBlk.dwFileFlags and VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD) <> 0 end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFIleInfo.isSpecialBuild : boolean; begin result := FALSE; if GetFileVersion( fFileName ) then result := (fVerBlk.dwFileFlagsMask and fVerBlk.dwFileFlags and VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD) <> 0 end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.OS : string; begin if GetFileVersion( fFileName ) then case fVerBlk.dwFileOS of VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16 : result := 'MS-DOS or 16 bit Windows'; VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 : result := '32 bit Windows'; VOS_OS216_PM16 : result := '16 bit OS/2'; VOS_OS232_PM32 : result := '32 bit OS/2'; VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 : result := 'Win32 or Windows NT'; else result := 'Unknown OS'; end else result := ''; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.FileType : string; var S : string; begin S := ''; if GetFileVersion( fFileName ) then begin case fVerBlk.dwFileType of VFT_APP : S := 'Application'; VFT_DLL : S := 'Dynamic Link Library (DLL)'; VFT_DRV : begin S := 'Device Driver - '; case fVerBlk.dwFileSubtype of VFT2_DRV_PRINTER : S := S + 'Printer'; VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD : S := S + 'Keyboard'; VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE : S := S + 'Language'; VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY : S := S + 'Display'; VFT2_DRV_MOUSE : S := S + 'Mouse'; VFT2_DRV_NETWORK : S := S + 'Network'; VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM : S := S + 'System'; VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE : S := S + 'Installable'; VFT2_DRV_SOUND : S := S + 'Sound'; else S := S + 'Unknown'; end; end; VFT_FONT : begin S := 'Font File - '; case fVerBlk.dwFileSubType of VFT2_FONT_RASTER : S := S + 'Raster'; VFT2_FONT_VECTOR : S := S + 'Vector'; VFT2_FONT_TRUETYPE : S := S + 'TrueType'; else S := S + 'Unknown'; end; end; VFT_VXD : S := 'Virtual Device'; VFT_STATIC_LIB : S := 'Static Link Library'; else S := 'Unknown File Type'; end; end; Result := S; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.Path : string; begin result := ExtractFilePath( fFileName ); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.FileName : string; begin result := ExtractFileName( fFileName ); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.Name : string; begin if Pos( FileExt, FileName ) > 0 then result := Copy( FileName, 0, pos( FileExt, FileName )-1 ) else result := FileName; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.DosFileName : string; begin result := StrPas( f.FindData.cAlternateFileName ) end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.FileExt : string; begin result := ExtractFileExt( fFileName ); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.isDirectory : boolean; begin result := f.Attr AND faDirectory = faDirectory; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.isHidden : boolean; begin result := f.Attr AND faHidden = faHidden; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.isSystemFile : boolean; begin result := f.Attr AND faSysFile = faSysFile; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.isVolumeId : boolean; begin result := f.Attr AND faVolumeId = faVolumeId; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.isArchive : boolean; begin result := f.Attr AND faArchive = faArchive; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.FileSize : longint; begin result := f.Size; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.CreationTime : TDateTime; var LTime : TFileTime; Systemtime : TSystemtime; begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime( f.FindData.ftCreationTime, LTime); FileTimeToSystemTime( LTime, SystemTime ); result := SystemTimeToDateTime( SystemTime); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.LastAccessed : TDateTime; var LTime : TFileTime; Systemtime : TSystemtime; begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime( f.FindData.ftLastAccessTime, LTime); FileTimeToSystemTime( LTime, SystemTime ); result := SystemTimeToDateTime( SystemTime); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.LastWritten : TDateTime; var LTime : TFileTime; Systemtime : TSystemtime; begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime( f.FindData.ftLastWriteTime, LTime); FileTimeToSystemTime( LTime, SystemTime ); result := SystemTimeToDateTime( SystemTime); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TFileInfo.Execute : integer; begin result := shellapi.ShellExecute( Application.Handle, 'open', pChar( fFileName ), '', pChar(Path), SW_SHOWDEFAULT ); case result of 0 : raise Exception.Create( 'The operating system is out of memory or resources.' ); ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND : raise Exception.Create( 'The specified file was not found.' ); ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND : raise Exception.Create( 'The specified path was not found.' ); ERROR_BAD_FORMAT : raise Exception.Create( 'The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error ' + 'in .EXE image).' ); SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED : raise Exception.Create( 'The operating system denied access to the specified file.' ); SE_ERR_ASSOCINCOMPLETE : raise Exception.Create( 'The filename association is incomplete or invalid.' ); SE_ERR_DDEBUSY : raise Exception.Create( 'The DDE transaction could not be completed because ' + 'other DDE transactions were being processed.' ); SE_ERR_DDEFAIL : raise Exception.Create( 'The DDE transaction failed.' ); SE_ERR_DDETIMEOUT : raise Exception.Create( 'The DDE transaction could not be completed because the ' + 'request timed out.' ); SE_ERR_DLLNOTFOUND : raise Exception.Create( 'The specified dynamic-link library was not found.' ); SE_ERR_NOASSOC : raise Exception.Create( 'There is no application associated with the given ' + 'filename extension.' ); SE_ERR_OOM : raise Exception.Create( 'There was not enough memory to complete the operation.' ); SE_ERR_SHARE : raise Exception.Create( 'A sharing violation occurred.' ); else end; end; end. Please rate this article! Skill level: Beginner Expert Useful: No! Very! Overall rating: Poor Excellent Comments to this article Write a new comment CRC32 Checksum Mike Heydon (Jan 5 2001 4:48AM) I have added another function called function TFileInfo.Crc32 : DWord; which returns the 32 bit CRC of the file. There is not enough space in the comments block (200 words max) to list it, but it is straight forward enough and there are CRC32 algorythms in Delphi3000 articles. Looking Good ! Respond fVerBlk also gives FileType Mike Heydon (Jan 5 2001 2:15AM) Add following to object ... function TFileInfo.FileType : string; var S : string; begin S := ''; if GetFileVersion(fFileName) then begin case fVerBlk.dwFileType of VFT_APP : S := 'Application'; VFT_DLL : S := 'Dynamic Link Library (DLL)'; VFT_DRV : begin S := 'Device Driver - '; case fVerBlk.dwFileSubtype of VFT2_DRV_PRINTER : S := S + 'Printer'; VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD : S := S + 'Keyboard'; VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE : S := S + 'Language'; VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY : S := S + 'Display'; VFT2_DRV_MOUSE : S := S + 'Mouse'; VFT2_DRV_NETWORK : S := S + 'Network'; VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM : S := S + 'System'; VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE : S := S + 'Installable'; VFT2_DRV_SOUND : S := S + 'Sound'; else S := S + 'Unknown'; end; end; VFT_FONT : begin S := 'Font File - '; case fVerBlk.dwFileSubType of VFT2_FONT_RASTER : S := S + 'Raster'; VFT2_FONT_VECTOR : S := S + 'Vector'; VFT2_FONT_TRUETYPE : S := S + 'TrueType'; else S := S + 'Unknown'; end; end; VFT_VXD : S := 'Virtual Device'; VFT_STATIC_LIB : S := 'Static Link Library'; else S := 'Unknown File Type'; end; end; Result := S; end; Respond Local Time Zones Mike Heydon (Jan 5 2001 1:58AM) Local Time Zones need to be catered for (File time is 2 hours out in South Africa using functions as listed) Change function TFileInfo.CreationTime : TDateTime; var Systemtime : TSystemtime; begin FileTimeToSystemTime( f.FindData.ftCreationTime, SystemTime ); result := SystemTimeToDateTime( SystemTime); end; To ........ function TFileInfo.CreationTime : TDateTime; var LTime : TFileTime; Systemtime : TSystemtime; begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime( f.FindData.ftCreationTime,LTime); FileTimeToSystemTime( LTime, SystemTime ); result := SystemTimeToDateTime( SystemTime); end; LastAccessed and LastWritten need to be modified in similar way.