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Hi I was away for a while... anyway, here are my file association routines - not tested since win95 {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type TRootKey = (hkClassesRoot, hkCurrentConfig, hkCurrentUser, hkDynData, hkLocalMachine, hkUsers); const RootKeysArray: array[TRootKey] of TInteger = (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_DYN_DATA, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS); {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function IsEmptyString(const S: string): boolean; begin Result := Trim(S) = ''; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : creates file associations and adds menu items for them in the Explorer context menu Parameters : FileAssocInfo : TFileAssocInfo TFileAssocInfo = record AppPath : string; // full path to the xecutable to associate with the extension Extension : string; // the file extension without the leading period Key : string; // a registry key name to create for the association Description : string; // a description for the file type AddLocalMenu : boolean; // it True adds the explorer local menu MenuString : string; // the menu caption to display OpenCmd : string; // the open command line argument, ie /o Icon : string; // ie C:\MyApps\MyApp.exe,0 or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shell32.dll,0 end; example call: with FileAssocInfo do begin AppPath := 'C:\Windows\Notepad.exe'; Extension := 'AAA'; Key := 'AAA_TEST'; Description := 'AAA test file'; AddLocalMenu := True; MenuString := 'Hey, I can open an AAA file!'; OpenCmd := ''; Icon := ''; end; if not CreateFileAssoc(FileAssocInfo) then ShowMessage('CreateFileAssoc failed'); Author : Theo Bebekis - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function ShCreateFileAssoc( FileAssocInfo : TFileAssocInfo): boolean; {-----------------------------------------------------} function AssebleOpenCmd(OpenCmd, AppPath: string): string; begin OpenCmd := Trim(OpenCmd); if not IsEmptyString(OpenCmd) then OpenCmd := OpenCmd + ' '; Result := AppPath + ' ' + OpenCmd + '%1'; end; {-----------------------------------------------------} var S : string; begin Result := False; with FileAssocInfo do begin if IsEmptyString(AppPath) then Exit; if IsEmptyString(Extension) then Exit; if Length(Extension) > 3 then RaiseError(cExtensionTooLong); if IsEmptyString(Key) then Exit; if IsEmptyString(Description) then Exit; if AddLocalMenu and IsEmptyString(MenuString) then Exit; if not (Extension[1] = '.') then Extension := '.' + Extension; { write... } with TRegIniFile.Create(' ') do try RootKey := RootKeysArray[hkClassesRoot]; { write the extension - the Key points to description registy key } WriteString(Extension, '', Key); { write the description key } WriteString(Key, '', Description); { write the default icon if defined } if not IsEmptyString(Icon) then WriteString(Key + '\DefaultIcon', ' ', Icon); { write the OpenCmd - association } OpenCmd := AssebleOpenCmd(OpenCmd, AppPath); WriteString(Key + '\shell\open\command', ' ', OpenCmd ); { add the Explorer local menu item } if AddLocalMenu then begin S := Key + '\shell\' + 'Local_Menu'; WriteString(S, ' ', MenuString); S := Key + '\shell\' + 'Local_Menu' + '\command'; WriteString(S, ' ', OpenCmd); end; Result := True; finally CloseKey; Free; end; end; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : Notes : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure ShDeleteFileAssoc(Ext, Key: string); begin with TRegIniFile.Create('') do try RootKey := RootKeysArray[hkClassesRoot]; if not (Ext[1] = '.') then Ext := '.' + Ext; EraseSection(Ext); EraseSection(Key); finally CloseKey; Free; end; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : Parameters : Error checking : Notes : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure ShOpenWithDlg(const Path: string); begin ShExecute('RunDLL32.exe', PChar('shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL ' + Path), SW_NORMAL); end; Theo ----------------------------------- Theo Bebekis Thessaloniki, Greece ----------------------------------- _______________________________________________ Delphi mailing list ->