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File copying in delphi

I wrote the following function to copy a file and keep the attributes/date-time the same on the copied file. Hope this helps! function FileCopy(source,dest: String): Boolean; var fSrc,fDst,len: Integer; size: Longint; buffer: packed array [0..2047] of Byte; begin Result := False; { Assume that it WONT work } if source <> dest then begin fSrc := FileOpen(source,fmOpenRead); if fSrc >= 0 then begin size := FileSeek(fSrc,0,2); FileSeek(fSrc,0,0); fDst := FileCreate(dest); if fDst >= 0 then begin while size > 0 do begin len := FileRead(fSrc,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); FileWrite(fDst,buffer,len); size := size - len; end; FileSetDate(fDst,FileGetDate(fSrc)); FileClose(fDst); FileSetAttr(dest,FileGetAttr(source)); Result := True; end; FileClose(fSrc); end; end; end;