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Fido mail unit for d2

Unit MKMsgFido32; {Fido Object *.Msg Unit} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MKMsgFIDO32 Coded in Part by G.E. Ozz Nixon Jr. of // // ========================================================================= // // Original Source for DOS by Mythical Kindom's Mark May ( // // Re-written and distributed with permission! // // See Original Copyright Notice before using any of this code! // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Interface Uses MkFidoAddr32, Classes; Const Version='9.19.97'; MaxFidMsgArray=4000; MaxFidMsgNum=(MaxFidMsgArray*8)-1; Type MsgMailType = (mtNormal, mtEchoMail, mtNetMail); TFidoMsgBase = Class(TComponent) private LastSoft:Boolean; FActive:Boolean; TextCtr:LongInt; MsgPath:String; MsgPathExists:Boolean; LastPath:String; MKMsgFrom:String; MKMsgTo:String; MKMsgSubj:String; MKMsgDate:String; MKMsgTime:String; TmpName:String; {now is the msg text in ram!} TmpOpen:Boolean; MsgFile:File; Error:Word; { NetMailPath:String;} Dest:AddrType; Orig:AddrType; MsgStart:LongInt; MsgEnd:LongInt; MsgDone:Boolean; CurrMsg:LongInt; SeekOver:Boolean; YoursName:String; YoursHandle:String; MailType:MsgMailType; MsgPresent:Array[0..MaxFidMsgArray] of Byte; MKMsgReplyTo:Longint; MkMsgFlagLow:Byte; MkMsgFlagHigh:Byte; MkMsgNextReply:Longint; MkMsgCost:Word; MsgOpen:Boolean; Function MsgExists(MsgNum:LongInt):Boolean; Procedure CheckLine(TStr: String); Procedure Rescan(S:String); Function MKGetHighMsgNumber:Longint; Virtual; Procedure SetCost(Value:Word); Virtual; Function GetCost:Word; Virtual; Function GetNextSeeAlso:LongInt; Virtual; Procedure SetNextSeeAlso(Value:LongInt); Virtual; Procedure SetLocal(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetRcvd(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetPriv(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetCrash(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetKillSent(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetSent(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetFAttach(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetReqRct(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetReqAud(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetRetRct(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Procedure SetFileReq(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Function IsLocal: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsCrash: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsKillSent: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsSent: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsFAttach: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsReqRct: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsReqAud: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsRetRct: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsFileReq: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsRcvd: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsPriv: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsDeleted: Boolean; Virtual; Function IsEchoed: Boolean; Virtual; Procedure SetMailType(Value: MsgMailType); Virtual; Procedure SetActive(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Function MKMsgBaseExists: Boolean; Virtual; Function MKSeekFound:Boolean; Virtual; Function MKYoursFound:Boolean; Virtual; Function MKNumberOfMsgs: LongInt; Virtual; public Constructor Create(AOwner:TComponent); Override; Destructor Destroy; Override; Function LockMsgBase:Boolean; Virtual; Function UnLockMsgBase:Boolean; Virtual; Procedure DoString(Str: String); Virtual; Procedure DoChar(Ch: Char); Virtual; Procedure DoStringLn(Str: String); Virtual; Procedure DoKludgeLn(Str: String); Virtual; Function WriteMsg: Word; Virtual; Function GetChar: Char; Virtual; Procedure MsgStartUp; Virtual; Function GetString(MaxLen: Word): String; Virtual; Procedure SeekFirst(MsgNum: LongInt); Virtual; Procedure SeekNext; Virtual; Procedure SeekPrior; Virtual; Function GetMsgLoc: LongInt; Virtual; Procedure SetMsgLoc(ML: LongInt); Virtual; Procedure YoursFirst(Name: String; Handle: String); Virtual; Procedure YoursNext; Virtual; Procedure StartNewMsg; Virtual; Function OpenMsgBase: Word; Virtual; Function CloseMsgBase: Word; Virtual; Function CreateMsgBase(MaxMsg: Word; MaxDays: Word): Word; Virtual; Procedure ReWriteHdr; Virtual; Procedure DeleteMsg; Virtual; Function GetLastRead(UNum: LongInt): LongInt; Virtual; Procedure SetLastRead(UNum: LongInt; LR: LongInt); Virtual; Procedure MsgTxtStartUp; Virtual; Function GetTxtPos: LongInt; Virtual; Procedure SetTxtPos(TP: LongInt); Virtual; Function GetSubArea: Word; Virtual; Procedure SetEcho(Value:Boolean); Virtual; Published property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive; property MsgPathFileName: String read MsgPath write Rescan; property GetHighMsgNum: LongInt read MKGetHighMsgNumber; property HdrDest: AddrType read Dest write Dest; property HdrOrig: AddrType read Orig write Orig; property HdrFrom: String read MKMsgFrom write MKMsgFrom; property HdrTo: String read MKMsgTo write MKMsgTo; property HdrSubj: String read MKMsgSubj write MKMsgSubj; property HdrCost: Word read GetCost write SetCost; property HdrRefer: LongInt read MkMsgReplyTo write MkMsgReplyTo; property HdrSeeAlso: LongInt read MkMsgNextReply write MkMsgNextReply; property HdrNextSeeAlso: LongInt read GetNextSeeAlso write SetNextSeeAlso; property HdrDate: String read MKMsgDate write MKMsgDate; property HdrTime: String read MKMsgTime write MKMsgTime; property HdrAttrLocal:Boolean read IsLocal write SetLocal; property HdrAttrReceived:Boolean read IsRcvd write SetRcvd; property HdrAttrPrivate:Boolean read IsRcvd write SetPriv; property HdrAttrCrash:Boolean read IsCrash write SetCrash; property HdrAttrKillSend:Boolean read IsKillSent write SetKillSent; property HdrAttrSent:Boolean read IsSent write SetSent; property HdrAttrFileAttach:Boolean read IsFAttach write SetFAttach; property HdrAttrRequestReceipt:Boolean read isReqRct write SetReqRct; property HdrAttrRequestAudit:Boolean read isReqAud write SetReqAud; property HdrAttrReturnReceipt:Boolean read isRetRct write SetRetRct; property HdrAttrFileRequest:Boolean read isFileReq write SetFileReq; property HdrAttrDelete:Boolean read isDeleted; property HdrAttrEchoed:Boolean read isEchoed write SetEcho; property EndOfMsgText:Boolean read MsgDone; Property WasWrap: Boolean read LastSoft; Property MsgBaseExists: Boolean read MKMsgBaseExists; Property SeekFound: Boolean read MKSeekFound; Property YoursFound: Boolean read MKyoursFound; Property HdrMailType:MsgMailType read MailType write SetMailType; Property MsgNumber:Longint read CurrMsg; property NumberOfMsgs: LongInt read MkNumberofMsgs; End; Procedure Register; Implementation Uses SysUtils, MKFile32, MKString32; Const PosArray: Array[0..7] of Byte = (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128); Type NetMsg=RECORD FromUser : ARRAY[1..36] OF Char; ToUser : ARRAY[1..36] OF Char; subj : ARRAY[1..72] OF Char; dateTime : ARRAY[1..20] OF Char; { 01 Jan 86 02:34:56 } timesRead : Word; destNode : Word; origNode : Word; cost : Word; origNet : Word; destNet : Word; destZone : Word; { optional; was sentTime } origZone : Word; { optional; was sentTime } destPoint : Word; { optional; was readTime } origPoint : Word; { optional; was readTime } replyTo : Word; flag1 : Byte; flag2 : Byte; nextReply : Word; End; Constructor TFidoMsgBase.Create(AOwner:TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(AOwner); MsgPathFileName:=''; TextCtr:=0; FillChar(Dest,Sizeof(Dest),#0); FillChar(Orig,Sizeof(Orig),#0); SeekOver:=False; TmpOpen:=False; TmpName:=''; LastPath:=''; MsgPath:=''; LastSoft:=False; FActive:=False; MKMsgFrom:='Noone'; MKMsgTo:='Noone'; MKMsgSubj:='MsgBase Not Active yet'; MKMsgDate:='mm-dd-yy'; MKMsgTime:='hh:mm'; End; Destructor TFidoMsgBase.Destroy; Begin If TmpOpen Then TmpName:=''; End; {Procedure TFidoMsgBase.PutLong(L: LongInt; Position: LongInt); Var i: Integer; Begin If FM^.MsgFile.SeekFile(Position) Then If FM^.MsgFile.BlkWrite(L, SizeOf(LongInt)) Then; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.PutWord(W: Word; Position: LongInt); Begin If FM^.MsgFile.SeekFile(Position) Then If FM^.MsgFile.BlkWrite(W, SizeOf(Word)) Then; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.PutByte(B: Byte; Position: LongInt); Begin If FM^.MsgFile.SeekFile(Position) Then If FM^.MsgFile.BlkWrite(B, SizeOf(Byte)) Then; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.GetByte(Position: LongInt): Byte; Var B: Byte; NumRead: Word; Begin If FM^.MsgFile.SeekFile(Position) Then If FM^.MsgFile.BlkRead(B, SizeOf(Byte), NumRead) Then; GetByte := b; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.PutNullStr(St: String; Position: LongInt); Var i: Byte; Begin i := 0; If FM^.MsgFile.SeekFile(Position) Then Begin If FM^.MsgFile.BlkWrite(St[1], Length(St)) Then; If FM^.MsgFile.BlkWrite(i, 1) Then; End; End; } Function TFidoMsgBase.MKGetHighMsgNumber: LongInt; Var Highest: LongInt; Cnt: LongInt; Begin Cnt:=MaxFidMsgArray; While (Cnt>0) and (MsgPresent[Cnt]=0) Do Dec(Cnt); If Cnt<0 Then Highest:=0 Else Begin Highest:=Cnt*8; If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $80)<>0 Then Inc(Highest,7) Else If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $40)<>0 Then Inc(Highest,6) Else If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $20)<>0 Then Inc(Highest,5) Else If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $10)<>0 Then Inc(Highest,4) Else If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $08)<>0 Then Inc(Highest,3) Else If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $04)<>0 Then Inc(Highest,2) Else If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $02)<>0 Then Inc(Highest,1) End; MkGetHighMsgNumber:=Highest; End; Function MonthStr(MoNo: Byte): String; Begin Case MoNo of 01: MonthStr := 'Jan'; 02: MonthStr := 'Feb'; 03: MonthStr := 'Mar'; 04: MonthStr := 'Apr'; 05: MonthStr := 'May'; 06: MonthStr := 'Jun'; 07: MonthStr := 'Jul'; 08: MonthStr := 'Aug'; 09: MonthStr := 'Sep'; 10: MonthStr := 'Oct'; 11: MonthStr := 'Nov'; 12: MonthStr := 'Dec'; Else MonthStr := '???'; End; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetLocal(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value then MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh or 1 Else MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh and (Not 1); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetRcvd(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value Then MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow or 4 Else MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow and (Not 4); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetPriv(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value Then MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow or 1 Else MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow and (Not 1); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetCrash(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value Then MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow or 2 Else MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow and (Not 2); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetKillSent(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value Then MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow or 128 Else MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow and (Not 128); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetSent(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value then MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow or 8 Else MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow and (Not 8); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetFAttach(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value Then MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow or 16 Else MKMsgFlagLow:=MKMsgFlagLow and (Not 16); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetReqRct(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value Then MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh or 16 Else MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh and (Not 16); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetReqAud(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value Then MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh or 64 Else MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh and (Not 64); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetRetRct(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value Then MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh or 32 Else MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh and (Not 32); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetFileReq(Value:Boolean); Begin If Value Then MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh or 8 Else MKMsgFlagHigh:=MKMsgFlagHigh and (Not 8); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.DoString(Str:String); Begin TmpName:=TmpName+Str; If TextCtr<>Length(TmpName) then TextCtr:=Length(TmpName); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.DoChar(Ch:Char); Begin TmpName:=TmpName+Ch; If TextCtr<>Length(TmpName) then TextCtr:=Length(TmpName); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.DoStringLn(Str:String); Begin DoString(Str); DoChar(#13); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.WriteMsg:Word; Var NetNum:Word; Begin DoChar(#0); NetNum:=GetHighMsgNum+1; While FileExist(MsgPath+Long2Str(NetNum)+'.Msg') do Begin {loop jic!} LastPath:=''; Rescan(MsgPath); NetNum:=GetHighMsgNum+1; End; MsgPresent[NetNum shr 3]:=MsgPresent[NetNum shr 3] or PosArray[NetNum and 7]; If ((Dest.Point<>0) and (MailType=mtNetmail)) Then TmpName:=#1+'TOPT '+Long2Str(Dest.Point)+#13+TmpName; If ((Orig.Zone<>0) and (MailType=mtNetMail)) Then TmpName:=#1+'INTL '+PointlessAddrStr(Dest)+' '+PointlessAddrStr(Orig)+ #13+TmpName; If ((Orig.Point<>0) and (MailType=mtNetmail)) Then TmpName:=#1+'FMPT '+Long2Str(Dest.Point)+#13+TmpName; If ((Dest.Zone<>0) and (MailType=mtNetmail)) Then TmpName:=#1+'INTL '+PointlessAddrStr(Dest)+' '+ PointlessAddrStr(Orig)+#13+TmpName; AssignFile(MsgFile,MsgPath+Long2Str(NetNum)+'.Msg'); {$I-} Rewrite(MsgFile,1); MsgOpen:=True; RewriteHdr; Seek(MsgFile,190); BlockWrite(MsgFile,TmpName[1],Length(TmpName)); CloseFile(MsgFile); {$I+} MsgOpen:=False; Error:=IOResult; TmpName:=''; TmpOpen:=False; WriteMsg:=Error; CurrMsg:=NetNum; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.GetChar:Char; Var Ch:Char; Begin If TextCtr<1 then TextCtr:=1; If (TextCtr>Length(TmpName)) then Ch:=#0 Else Begin Ch:=TmpName[TextCtr]; Inc(TextCtr); End; MsgDone:=Ch=#0; GetChar:=Ch; End; Function MonthNum(St: String):Word; Begin ST := Upper(St); MonthNum := 0; If St = 'JAN' Then MonthNum := 01; If St = 'FEB' Then MonthNum := 02; If St = 'MAR' Then MonthNum := 03; If St = 'APR' Then MonthNum := 04; If St = 'MAY' Then MonthNum := 05; If St = 'JUN' Then MonthNum := 06; If St = 'JUL' Then MonthNum := 07; If St = 'AUG' Then MonthNum := 08; If St = 'SEP' Then MonthNum := 09; If St = 'OCT' Then MonthNum := 10; If St = 'NOV' Then MonthNum := 11; If St = 'DEC' Then MonthNum := 12; End; { Function TFidoMsgBase.BufferWord(i: Word):Word; Begin BufferWord := BufferByte(i) + (BufferByte(i + 1) shl 8); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.BufferByte(i: Word):Byte; Begin BufferByte := GetByte(i); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.BufferNullString(i: Word; Max: Word): String; Var Ctr: Word; CurrPos: Word; Begin BufferNullString := ''; Ctr := i; CurrPos := 0; While ((CurrPos<Max) and (GetByte(Ctr)<>0)) Do Begin Inc(CurrPos); BufferNullString[CurrPos] := Chr(GetByte(Ctr)); Inc(Ctr); End; BufferNullString[0] := Chr(CurrPos); End; } Procedure TFidoMsgBase.CheckLine(TStr:String); Var TmpStr:String; Begin If TStr[1]=#10 Then Delete(TStr,1,1); If TStr[1]=#01 Then Delete(TStr,1,1); If (Upper(Copy(TStr,1,4))='INTL') Then Begin TmpStr:=StripBoth(ExtractWord(TStr,2),' '); Dest.Zone:=Str2Long(Copy(TmpStr,1,Pos(':',TmpStr)-1)); TmpStr:=StripBoth(ExtractWord(TStr,3),' '); Orig.Zone:=Str2Long(Copy(TmpStr,1,Pos(':',TmpStr)-1)); End; If (Upper(Copy(TStr,1,4))='TOPT') Then Dest.Point:=Str2Long(StripBoth(ExtractWord(TStr,2),' ')); If (Upper(Copy(TStr,1,4))='FMPT') Then Orig.Point:=Str2Long(StripBoth(ExtractWord(TStr,2),' ')); End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.MsgStartUp; Var TStr:String; NumRead:Integer; NetRec:NetMsg; Function Az2Str(Str: String; MaxLen: Byte): String; {Convert asciiz to string} Var i: Word; TmpStr: String; Begin SetLength(TmpStr,MaxLen); Move(Str[1], TmpStr[1], MaxLen); i := Pos(#0, TmpStr); If i > 0 Then TmpStr:=Copy(TmpStr,1,i-1); Az2Str := TmpStr; End; Function CvtDate:Boolean; Var TmpStr:String; i:Word; Begin MKMsgtime:=''; If MKMsgDate[3]=' ' Then Begin {Fido or Opus} If MKMsgDate[11]=' ' Then Begin {Fido DD MON YY HH:MM:SSZ} MKMsgTime:=Copy(MKMsgDate,12,5); TmpStr:=Long2Str(MonthNum(Copy(MKMsgDate,4,3))); End Else Begin {Opus DD MON YY HH:MM:SS} MKMsgTime:=Copy(MKMsgDaTe,11,5); TmpStr:=Long2Str(MonthNum(Copy(MKMsgDate,4,3))); End; If Length(TmpStr)=1 Then TmpStr:='0'+TmpStr; MKMsgDate:=TmpStr+'-'+Copy(MKMsgDaTe,1,2)+'-'+Copy(MKMsgDate,8,2); End Else Begin If MKMsgDaTe[4]=' ' Then Begin {SeaDog format DOW DD MON YY HH:MM} MKMsgTime:=Copy(MKMsgDaTe,15,5); TmpStr:=Long2Str(MonthNum(Copy(MKMsgDaTe,8,3))); If Length(TmpStr)=1 Then TmpStr:='0'+TmpStr; MKMsgDate:=TmpStr+'-'+Copy(MKMsgDaTe,5,2)+'-'+Copy(MKMsgDate,12,2); End Else Begin If MKMsgDaTe[3]='-' Then Begin {Wierd format DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS} MKMsgTime:=Copy(MKMsgDate,12,5); MKMsgDate:=Copy(MKMsgDate,4,3)+Copy(MKMsgDate,1,3)+Copy(MKMsgDate,9,2); End; End; End; CvtDate:=MKMsgTime<>''; If MKMsgTime<>'' then Begin For i:=1 to 5 Do If MKMsgTime[i]=' ' Then MKMsgTime[i]:='0'; For i:=1 to 8 Do If MKMsgDate[i]=' ' Then MKMsgDate[i]:='0'; If Length(MKMsgDate)<>8 Then CvtDate:=False; If Length(MKMsgTime)<>5 Then CvtDate:=False; End; End; Begin MsgDone:=True; If TmpOpen Then TmpName:=''; LastSoft:=False; MsgEnd:=0; TextCtr:=1; If FileExist(MsgPath+Long2Str(CurrMsg)+'.MSG') Then Begin AssignFile(MsgFile,MsgPath+Long2Str(CurrMsg)+'.MSG'); {$I-} Reset(MsgFile,1); {$I+} Error:=IOResult; FillChar(NetRec,Sizeof(NetRec),#0); If Error=0 then Begin MsgDone:=False; {$I-} BlockRead(MsgFile,NetRec,Sizeof(NetRec),NumRead); {$I+} Error:=IOResult; TextCtr:=0; SetLength(TStr,35); Move(NetRec.FromUser,TStr[1],35); MKMsgFrom:=Az2Str(TStr,35); Move(NetRec.ToUser,TStr[1],35); MKMsgTo:=Az2Str(TStr,35); SetLength(TStr,72); Move(NetRec.Subj,TStr[1],71); MKMsgSubj:=Az2Str(TStr,72); SetLength(TStr,20); Move(NetRec.DateTime,TStr[1],20); MKMsgDate:=PadRight(Az2Str(TStr,20),' ',20); {timesRead : Word; (unused!)} Dest.Node:=NetRec.destNode; Orig.Node:=NetRec.origNode; MKMsgcost:=NetRec.Cost; Orig.Net:=NetRec.origNet; Dest.Net:=NetRec.destNet; Dest.Zone:=NetRec.destZone; Orig.Zone:=NetRec.origZone; Dest.Point:=NetRec.destPoint; Orig.Point:=NetRec.origPoint; MkMsgReplyTo:=NetRec.replyTo; MkMsgFlagLow:=NetRec.flag1; MKMsgFlagHigh:=NetRec.flag2; MKMsgNextReply:=NetRec.nextReply; If Error=0 then Begin If Not CvtDate then Begin MKMsgDate:='05-29-97'; MKMsgTime:='19:21' End; While Not Eof(MsgFile) do Begin SetLength(TmpName,FileSize(MsgFile)-190); {$I-} BlockRead(MsgFile,TmpName[1],Length(TmpName),NumRead); {$I+} Error:=IOResult; End; TextCtr:=1; While not MsgDone do CheckLine(GetString(128)); End; MsgEnd:=Length(TmpName); CloseFile(MsgFile); MsgTxtStartUp; End; End Else Error:=200; If Error<>0 then CurrMsg:=0; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.MsgTxtStartUp; Begin MsgStart:=1; TextCtr:=MsgStart; MsgDone:=False; LastSoft:=False; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.GetString(MaxLen:Word):String; Var StrCtr:Integer; TmpStr:String; Junk:String; Begin If TextCtr<1 then TextCtr:=1; If (TextCtr>MsgEnd) Then Begin TmpStr:=#0; MsgDone:=True; End Else Begin SetLength(TmpStr,Min(MaxLen,(Length(TmpName)-TextCtr)+1)); Move(TmpName[TextCtr],TmpStr[1],Length(TmpStr)); StrCtr:=Pos(#13,TmpStr); If (StrCtr=0) then TmpStr:=WWrap(TmpStr,MaxLen,Junk) Else TmpStr:=Copy(TmpStr,1,StrCtr-1); LastSoft:=StrCtr=0; If Pos(#$8D,TmpStr)>0 then Begin {soft return detected!} StrCtr:=Pos(#$8D,TmpStr); TmpStr:=Copy(TmpStr,1,StrCtr-1); LastSoft:=True; End; TextCtr:=TextCtr+Length(TmpStr)+1; StrCtr:=0; While StrCtr<Length(TmpStr) do Begin Inc(StrCtr); If TmpStr[StrCtr]=#10 then Delete(TmpStr,StrCtr,1); End; End; GetString:=TmpStr; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsLocal:Boolean; {Is current msg local} Begin IsLocal:=((MKMsgFlagHigh and 001)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsCrash:Boolean; {Is current msg crash} Begin IsCrash:=((MKMsgFlagLow and 002)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsKillSent:Boolean; {Is current msg kill sent} Begin IsKillSent:=((MKMsgFlagLow and 128)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsSent:Boolean; {Is current msg sent} Begin IsSent:=((MKMsgFlagLow and 008)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsFAttach:Boolean; {Is current msg file attach} Begin IsFAttach:=((MKMsgFlagLow and 016)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsReqRct:Boolean; {Is current msg request receipt} Begin IsReqRct:=((MKMsgFlagHigh and 016)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsReqAud:Boolean; {Is current msg request audit} Begin IsReqAud:=((MKMsgFlagHigh and 064)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsRetRct:Boolean; {Is current msg a return receipt} Begin IsRetRct:=((MKMsgFlagHigh and 032)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsFileReq:Boolean; {Is current msg a file request} Begin IsFileReq:=((MKMsgFlagHigh and 008)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsRcvd:Boolean; {Is current msg received} Begin IsRcvd:=((MKMsgFlagLow and 004)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsPriv:Boolean; {Is current msg priviledged/private} Begin IsPriv:=((MKMsgFlagLow and 001)<>0); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsDeleted:Boolean; {Is current msg deleted} Begin IsDeleted:=Not FileExist(MsgPath+Long2Str(CurrMsg)+'.MSG'); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.IsEchoed:Boolean; {Is current msg echoed} Begin IsEchoed:=True; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SeekFirst(MsgNum:LongInt); {Start msg seek} Begin CurrMsg:=MsgNum-1; If CurrMsg<0 then CurrMsg:=0; SeekNext; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SeekNext; {Find next matching msg} Begin Inc(CurrMsg); While ((Not MsgExists(CurrMsg)) and (CurrMsg<=MaxFidMsgNum)) Do Inc(CurrMsg); If Not MsgExists(CurrMsg) Then CurrMsg:=0; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SeekPrior; Begin Dec(CurrMsg); While ((Not MsgExists(CurrMsg)) and (CurrMsg > 0)) Do Dec(CurrMsg); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.GetMsgLoc: LongInt; {Msg location} Begin GetMsgLoc:=CurrMsg; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetMsgLoc(ML: LongInt); {Msg location} Begin CurrMsg:=ML; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.MKSeekFound:Boolean; Begin MKSeekFound:=CurrMsg<>0; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.YoursFirst(Name: String; Handle: String); Begin YoursName:=Upper(Name); YoursHandle:=Upper(Handle); CurrMsg:=0; YoursNext; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.YoursNext; Var FoundDone:Boolean; Begin FoundDone := False; SeekFirst(CurrMsg+1); While ((CurrMsg<>0) And (Not FoundDone)) Do Begin MsgStartUp; FoundDone:=((Upper(HdrTo)=YoursName) Or (Upper(HdrTo)=YoursHandle)); If IsRcvd Then FoundDone:=False; If Not FoundDone Then SeekNext; If Not SeekFound Then FoundDone:=True; End; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.MKYoursFound:Boolean; Begin MKYoursFound:=SeekFound; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.StartNewMsg; Begin Error:=0; TextCtr:=0; FillChar(Dest,Sizeof(Dest),#0); FillChar(Dest,Sizeof(Orig),#0); TmpOpen:=True; TmpName:=''; MKMsgDate := DateStr(GetDosDate); MKMsgTime := TimeStr(GetDosDate); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.OpenMsgBase:Word; Begin Rescan(MsgPath); FActive:=MsgBaseExists; If FActive then OpenMsgBase:=0 Else OpenMsgBase:=500; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetActive(Value:Boolean); Begin If Factive=Value then Exit Else If Value then OpenMsgBase Else CloseMsgBase; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.CloseMsgBase: Word; Begin CloseMsgBase:=0; FActive:=False; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.CreateMsgBase(MaxMsg: Word; MaxDays: Word): Word; Begin If MakePath(MsgPathFileName) Then CreateMsgBase:=0 Else CreateMsgBase:=1; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetMailType(Value:MsgMailType); Begin MailType:=Value; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.GetSubArea:Word; Begin GetSubArea:=0; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.ReWriteHdr; Var NetRec:NetMsg; TmpNum:Byte; TmpStr:String; { OldSeek:Longint;} Begin FillChar(NetRec,Sizeof(NetRec),#0); TmpNum:=Str2Long(Copy(MKMsgDate,1,2)); TmpStr:=Copy(MKMsgDate,4,2)+' '+MonthStr(TmpNum)+' '+Copy(MKMsgDate,7,2)+' '; With NetRec do Begin Move(MKMsgFrom[1],FromUser,Length(MKMsgFrom)); Move(MKMsgTo[1],toUser,Length(MKMsgTo)); Move(MKMsgSubj[1],subj,Length(MKMsgSubj)); Move(TmpStr[1],DateTime,Length(TmpStr)); TimesRead:=0; DestNode:=Dest.Node; OrigNode:=Orig.Node; Cost:=MKMsgCost; origNet:=Orig.Net; destNet:=Dest.Net; destZone:=Dest.Zone; origZone:=Orig.Zone; destPoint:=Dest.Point; origPoint:=Orig.Point; replyTo:=MKMsgReplyTo; flag1:=MkMsgFlagLow; flag2:=MkMsgFlagHigh; nextReply:=MkMsgNextReply; End; { OldSeek:=FilePos(MsgFile);} If Not MsgOpen then Begin AssignFile(MsgFile,MsgPath+Long2Str(CurrMsg)+'.Msg'); {$I-} Reset(MsgFile,1); {$I-} End; {$I-} Seek(MsgFile,0); BlockWrite(MsgFile,NetRec,Sizeof(NetRec)); Seek(MsgFile,0); {$I+} If Not MsgOpen then CloseFile(MsgFile); If IOResult<>0 then {absorb}; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.DeleteMsg; Begin DeleteFile(PChar(MsgPath+Long2Str(CurrMsg)+'.MSG')); MsgPresent[CurrMsg shr 3]:=MsgPresent[CurrMsg shr 3] and Not (PosArray[CurrMsg and 7]); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.MKNumberOfMsgs:LongInt; Var Cnt:Word; Active:LongInt; Begin Active:=0; For Cnt:=0 To MaxFidMsgArray Do Begin If MsgPresent[Cnt]<>0 Then Begin If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $80)<>0 Then Inc(Active); If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $40)<>0 Then Inc(Active); If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $20)<>0 Then Inc(Active); If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $10)<>0 Then Inc(Active); If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $08)<>0 Then Inc(Active); If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $04)<>0 Then Inc(Active); If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $02)<>0 Then Inc(Active); If (MsgPresent[Cnt] and $01)<>0 Then Inc(Active); End; End; MKNumberOfMsgs:=Active; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.GetLastRead(UNum:LongInt):LongInt; Var LRec:Word; Begin If ((UNum+1)*SizeOf(LRec))>SizeFile(MsgPath+'LastRead') Then GetLastRead:=0 Else Begin If LoadFilePos(MsgPath+'LastRead',LRec,SizeOf(LRec),UNum*SizeOf(LRec))=0 Then GetLastRead:=LRec Else GetLastRead:=0; End; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetLastRead(UNum:LongInt;LR:LongInt); Var LRec: Word; Begin If ((UNum+1)*SizeOf(LRec))>SizeFile(MsgPath+'LastRead') Then ExtendFile(MsgPath+'LastRead',(UNum+1)*SizeOf(LRec)); If LoadFilePos(MsgPath+'LastRead',LRec,SizeOf(LRec),UNum*SizeOf(LRec))=0 Then Begin LRec:=LR; SaveFilePos(MsgPath+'LastRead',LRec,SizeOf(LRec),UNum*SizeOf(LRec)); End; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.GetTxtPos: LongInt; Begin GetTxtPos:=TextCtr; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetTxtPos(TP:LongInt); Begin TextCtr:=TP; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.MKMsgBaseExists:Boolean; Begin Rescan(MsgPath); {jic} MKMsgBaseExists:=MsgPathExists; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.Rescan(S:String); Var SR: TSearchRec; TmpNum:Word; Code:Word; DosError:Integer; Begin MsgPath:=WithBackSlash(S); If MsgPath=LastPath then Exit; LastPath:=MsgPath; FillChar(MsgPresent,SizeOf(MsgPresent),0); DosError:=FindFirst(MsgPath+'*.MSG',faReadOnly+faArchive,SR); MsgPathExists:=False; While DosError=0 Do Begin TmpNum:=Str2Long(Copy(SR.Name,1,Pos('.',SR.Name)-1)); If TmpNum>0 Then Begin MsgPathExists:=True; If TmpNum<=MaxFidMsgNum Then Begin Code:=TmpNum shr 3; {div by 8 to get byte position} MsgPresent[Code]:=MsgPresent[Code] or PosArray[TmpNum and 7]; End; End; DosError:=FindNext(SR); End; FindClose(SR); End; Function TFidoMsgBase.MsgExists(MsgNum:LongInt):Boolean; Begin If ((MsgNum > 0) and (MsgNum <= MaxFidMsgNum)) Then MsgExists:=(MsgPresent[MsgNum shr 3] and PosArray[MsgNum and 7])<>0 Else MsgExists:=False; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.GetNextSeeAlso:LongInt; Begin GetNextSeeAlso:=MKMsgNextReply; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetNextSeeAlso(Value:LongInt); Begin MKMsgNextReply:=Value; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetCost(Value:Word); Begin MKMsgCost:=Value; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.GetCost:Word; Begin GetCost:=MKMsgCost; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.LockMsgBase:Boolean; Begin LockMsgbase:=True; End; Function TFidoMsgBase.UnLockMsgBase:Boolean; Begin UnLockMsgbase:=True; End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.SetEcho(Value:Boolean); Begin {Not Needed!} End; Procedure TFidoMsgBase.DoKludgeLn(Str:String); Begin DoString(#1+Str); End; Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents('Warpgroup',[TFidoMsgBase]); End; End.