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Fastest way to search a string in a file

The function below returns position of substring in file, or -1 if such substring can not be found. Better: use the Boyer-Moore algorithm. There's a Pascal implementation at function PosInFile(Str,FileName:string):integer; var Buffer : array [0..1023] of char; BufPtr,BufEnd:integer; F:File; Index : integer; Increment : integer; c : char; function NextChar : char; begin if BufPtr>=BufEnd then begin BlockRead(F,Buffer,1024,BufEnd); BufPtr := 0; Form1.ProgressBar1.Position := FilePos(F); Application.ProcessMessages; end; Result := Buffer[BufPtr]; Inc(BufPtr); end; begin Result := -1; AssignFile(F,FileName); Reset(F,1); Form1.ProgressBar1.Max := FileSize(F); BufPtr:=0; BufEnd:=0; Index := 0; Increment := 1; repeat c:=NextChar; if c=Str[Increment] then Inc(Increment) else begin Inc(Index,Increment); Increment := 1; end; if Increment=(Length(Str)+1) then begin Result := Index; break; end; until BufEnd = 0; CloseFile(F); Form1.ProgressBar1.Position := 0; end;