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Extract win95 animated cursors

{ ======================================= ANI2ICO V1.0 (c) AVC Software Cardware ANI2ICO extract all pictures from an ANI file (animated cursor). This is a DOS based program and help can be obtain when you launch the program without argument. AVONTURE Christophe Boulevard Edmond Macthens 157 Boite 53 B-1080 Bruxelles BELGIQUE ======================================= The purpose of this program is to extract all CURSOR in a Windows 95 (c) Animated Cursor file (ANI extension) and save these cursors for later use in Delphi, or all other Windows program that accept Cursor. I have use an Hexadecimal viewer program to find the layout of the file: don't ask me about the signification of some block or why there are always 8 bytes between each cursors; and so on. This program works on almost file: there are a few Ani file where this program should not work -only for the last cursor-. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º° º AVONTURE CHRISTOPHE º° º AVC SOFTWARE º° º BOULEVARD EDMOND MACHTENS 157/53 º° º B-1080 BRUXELLES º° º BELGIQUE º° º º° ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° } Uses Crt; TYPE TAniHeader = Record sRiff : Array [1..4] of Char; wFileSize : LongInt; sAconList : Array [1..8] of Char; wTextSize : LongInt; sInfoInam : Array [1..8] of Char; wTitleLength : LongInt; End; VAR fAni : FILE; Header : TAniHeader; sTitre : String; sIART : Array[1..4] of Char; wCopyLength : LongInt; sCopywrigth : String; sAnih : Array[1..4] of Char; wSizeAnih : LongInt; sRate : Array[1..4] of Char; wSizeRate : LongInt; sList : Array[1..4] of Char; wSizeList : LongInt; sFramIcon : Array[1..8] of Char; wIconSize : LongInt; sSeq : Array[1..4] of Char; wSizeSeq : LongInt; wHeaderSize : Word; pTemp : Pointer; pBuf : Pointer; pRate : Pointer; pSeq : Pointer; fIco : File; pIco : Pointer; wIco : Word; sIcoName : String; I : Word; wTemp : LongInt; sTemp : String; Procedure ClrScrWin (FirstCol, FirstLine, LastCol, LastLine : Byte); Var I, J : byte; S : String; Begin J := (LastCol - FirstCol) + 1; FillChar(S[1], J, ' '); S[0] := Chr(J); For i:= FirstLine to LastLine Do Begin GotoXy (FirstCol, I); WriteLn (S); End; End; procedure Process; begin GetMem (pTemp, 1000); GetMem (pBuf, 1000); GetMem (pRate, 1000); GetMem (pSeq, 1000); sSeq := ' '; Assign (fAni, ParamStr(1)); filemode := 0; reset (fAni,1); BlockRead (fAni, Header, SizeOf(Header)); BlockRead (fAni, pTemp^, Header.wTitleLength); FillChar (sTitre, 1, Header.wTitleLength); Move (pTemp^, sTitre[1], Header.wTitleLength); BlockRead (fAni, sIART, SizeOf(sIart)); IF sIart = chr(0)+'IAR' THEN BEGIN BlockRead (fAni, sIart, 1); sIart := 'IART'; END; BlockRead (fAni, wCopyLength, SizeOf(wCopyLength)); WITH Header DO wHeaderSize := SizeOf(sRiff) + SizeOf(wFileSize) + SizeOf(sAconList) + SizeOf(wTextSize) + wTextSize; BlockRead (fAni, pTemp^, wHeaderSize-FilePos(fAni)); FillChar (sCopywrigth, 1, wCopyLength); Move (pTemp^, sCopywrigth[1], wCopyLength); BlockRead (fAni, sAnih, SizeOf(sAnih)); BlockRead (fAni, wSizeAnih, SizeOf(wSizeAnih)); BlockRead (fAni, pBuf^, wSizeAnih); BlockRead (fAni, sRate, SizeOf(sRate)); IF (sRate = 'LIST') THEN BEGIN Move (sRate, sList, SizeOf(sList)); sRate := ' '; END ELSE IF (sRate = 'seq ') THEN BEGIN Move (sRate, sSeq, SizeOf(sSeq)); BlockRead (fAni, wSizeSeq, SizeOf(wSizeSeq)); BlockRead (fAni, pSeq^, wSizeSeq); BlockRead (fAni, sList, SizeOf(sList)); sRate := ' '; END ELSE BEGIN BlockRead (fAni, wSizeRate, SizeOf(wSizeRate)); BlockRead (fAni, pRate^, wSizeRate); BlockRead (fAni, sList, SizeOf(sList)); END; IF NOT (sList = 'LIST') THEN BEGIN Move (sList, sSeq, SizeOf(sSeq)); BlockRead (fAni, wSizeSeq, SizeOf(wSizeSeq)); BlockRead (fAni, pSeq^, wSizeSeq); BlockRead (fAni, sList, SizeOf(sList)); END; BlockRead (fAni, wSizeList, SizeOf(wSizeList)); BlockRead (fAni, sFramIcon, SizeOf(sFramIcon)); BlockRead (fAni, wIconSize, SizeOf(wIconSize)); TextAttr := 14; WriteLn (''); WriteLn (''); WriteLn (''); WriteLn ('? File : '+ParamStr(1)); TextAttr := 11; WriteLn (''); WriteLn (''); WriteLn (' Copywright message : '+sCopywrigth); WriteLn (''); WriteLn (''); TextAttr := 10; GetMem (pIco, wIconSize); WHILE NOT (Eof(fAni)) DO BEGIN sIcoName := ''; Str (wIco,sIcoName); IF wIco < 10 THEN sIcoName := 'ANI_000' + sIcoName + '.CUR' ELSE IF wIco < 100 THEN sIcoName := 'ANI_00' + sIcoName + '.CUR' ELSE IF wIco < 1000 THEN sIcoName := 'ANI_0' + sIcoName + '.CUR' ELSE sIcoName := 'ANI_' + sIcoName + '.CUR'; Assign (fIco, sIcoName); Rewrite(fIco,1); BlockRead (fAni, pIco^, wIconSize); BlockWrite(fIco, pIco^, wIconSize); Close (fIco); IF NOT Eof(fAni) THEN BlockRead (fAni, pIco^, 8); Inc (wIco); END; Close (fAni); GotoXy (2, 15); sTemp := sIcoName; sIcoName := 'ANI_0000.CUR'; WriteLn (''); WriteLn (''); WriteLn ('File saved : '+sIcoName+' to '+sTemp+'.'); WriteLn (''); WriteLn (''); TextAttr := 7; end; Var Ch : Char; begin ClrScr; TextAttr := 30; WriteLn(''); WriteLn('ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿'); WriteLn('³ Ani2Ico : Extraction utility from Christophe AVONTURE ³'); WriteLn('ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(''); TextAttr := 7; If Not (ParamCount = 1) then Begin TextAttr := 14; WriteLn('? PURPOSE'); TextAttr := 11; WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' Ani2Ico program will allowed you to extract all cursors pictures from'); WriteLn(' an animated Windows 95 (c) cursor file.'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' This program will scan the enterly file and, each time he encounters an'); WriteLn(' picture, he will saved it into the current directory.'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(''); Ch := ReadKey; If Ch = #0 then Ch := ReadKey; ClrScrWin (1,6,79,24); GotoXy (1,6); TextAttr := 14; WriteLn('? UTILISATION'); TextAttr := 11; WriteLn(''); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' Very easy!'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' Just type the file name of your animated cursor file (with path if'); WriteLn(' needed) as the first parameter.'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' For example, you can type "Ani2Ico.Exe Eyes.Ani".'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' You will receive several file name ANI_9999.ICO or ANI_9999.CUR depends'); WriteLn(' on the size in bytes of the picture. 9999 is a numerical value from 0001'); WriteLn(' to the number of images in the animated cursor.'); WriteLn(''); Ch := ReadKey; If Ch = #0 then Ch := ReadKey; ClrScrWin (1,6,79,24); GotoXy (1,6); TextAttr := 14; WriteLn('? IN THE FUTURE'); TextAttr := 11; WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' Actually, I''m developping a Delphi component for Delphi 1.0 and Delphi'); WriteLn(' 2.0 component. This component will allowed you to increase the design'); WriteLn(' of your applications by some animations.'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' This component is in developpement -I''ve just started-!'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' I think that I will distribute it as Shareware. Wait and see...'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' People interested by this component should send me an email and type in'); WriteLn(' the mail subject "Component TAVCAnimated wanted".'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(''); GotoXy (0,6); Ch := ReadKey; If Ch = #0 then Ch := ReadKey; ClrScrWin (1,6,79,23); GotoXy (1,6); TextAttr := 14; WriteLn('? REGISTRATION'); TextAttr := 11; WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' This program is free. '); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' No need to send me a lot of US Dollar but you can if you want (Hum, is'); WriteLn(' there somebody here?).'); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(' My only requirement is: IF YOU USE THIS PROGRAM AND IF THIS PROGRAM IS'); WriteLn(' USEFULL, PLEASE SEND ME A POSTCARD (MY PREFERENCE) FROM WHERE YOU LIVE'); WriteLn(' OR AN ELECTRONIC E-MAIL THROUGH INTERNET. I WILL REALLY APPRECIATE.'); WriteLn(''); TextAttr := 10; WriteLn(' AVONTURE Christophe'); WriteLn(' AVC Software'); WriteLn(' boulevard Edmond Machtens, 175 - Bte 53'); WriteLn(' B-1080 Bruxelles'); WriteLn(' BELGIQUE'); WriteLn(''); Ch := ReadKey; If Ch = #0 then Ch := ReadKey; End ELSE Process; end.