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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Extract icon from file

USES ShellAPI; .. procedure ExtractIcon(IcoFileName: String); VAR IcoFileName : String; IcoHandle : THandle; MyIcon : TIcon; BEGIN // the last parameter is the index of the icon IcoHandle := ExtractIcon(Application.Handle, PChar(IcoFilename), Word(0)); // is there an icon in this file? IF IcoHandle = 0 then begin ShowMessage('No icon in this file!'); exit; END; // okay, so there is an icon in this file MyIcon := TIcon.Create; MyIcon.Handle := IcoHandle; // how much space are we going to need for the icon? BitBtn1.Glyph.Height := MyIcon.Height; BitBtn1.Glyph.Width := MyIcon.Width; // now draw the icon on the button BitBtn1.Glyph.Canvas.Draw(2, 2, MyIcon); // lets draw it on a TImage too... Image1.Picture.Icon := MyIcon; // oh, starts to make fun .. lets change the applications icon too! ;-) Application.Icon := MyIcon; // free the icon MyIcon.Free; END;