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Extended tinifile component

{**************************************************************** * TExtIniF class * * created and copyright by Ferdinand Soethe 1996 * * (email: * * * * You may use this source code in your applications * * (a word of credit would be nice) but you must not * * resell it as part of a library or publish it in paper- * * or electronic form without asking my permission. * * * * TExtIniF extends Delphi's TIniFile to simplify saving a * * components state to an INI-File. After creation you can * * register any number of components and save and retrieve * * their settings with just one call to StoreObjectStates. * * * ****************************************************************} unit extINIF; interface uses {unfortunately we need to include a units of classes that we want to be able to store} IniFiles, Files, Classes, Forms, StdCtrls, FileCtrl, Menus, sysUtils, TabNotBK; type EExtIniFError = class(Exception); TExtIniF = class(TIniFile) private { Private-Deklarationen } FAutoStore: boolean; {store all objects states before TExtIniF is destroyed} FRegObjects: TStringList; {list of all registered objects} FIniSection: String; {Name of [section] where values are stored} protected { Protected-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } constructor create(IniFName: TFileName); destructor destroy; override; {find the ini section for a registered object} function GetIniSection(obj: TObject): string; {Add a component to the list of objects} procedure RegisterObject(obj: TObject; INISection: string); {Remove a component to the list of objects} procedure UnRegisterObject(obj: TObject; INISection: string); {Retrieve the setting of a single Object} procedure ReStoreObjectState(obj: TObject; INISection: string); {Restore states of all registered objects} procedure RestoreObjectStates; {Restore states of all registered objects} procedure StoreObjectState(obj: TObject; INISection: string); {Store state of a single object} procedure StoreObjectStates; {Store states of all registered objects} published { Published-Deklarationen } property AutoStore: boolean read FAutoStore write FAutoStore; property IniSection: string read FIniSection write FIniSection; end; implementation { find the section string to a registered object if not registered or section string is empty return default value} function TExtIniF.GetIniSection(obj: TObject): string; var index: integer; begin index:= FRegObjects.indexOfObject(obj); if ( index > -1 ) then begin result:= FRegObjects.strings[index]; if result = '' then result:= FIniSection; end else result:= FIniSection; end; {GetIniSection} { } constructor TExtIniF.create(IniFName: TFileName); begin {if you don't pass your own name for the ini-File, it will be the name of your exe-file with the extension '*.INI'} if ( IniFName = '' ) then IniFName:= ExtraxtFileBaseName(application.exename)+'.ini'; inherited create(IniFName); FRegObjects:= TStringList.Create; FIniSection:= 'Options'; end; { } destructor TExtIniF.Destroy; begin {If AutoStore is set, values are stored before TExtIniF-Object is destroyed} if FAutoStore then StoreObjectStates; FRegObjects.destroy; inherited destroy; end; { Add an object to the list of monitored objects. If you pass an empty string for INISection, the default value will apply and no name will be stored} procedure TExtIniF.RegisterObject(obj: TObject; INISection: string); begin {check if object is already registered} if ( FRegObjects.indexOfObject(obj) = -1 ) then FRegObjects.addObject(INISection,obj); end; { Remove an object from the list of monitored objects.} procedure TExtIniF.UnRegisterObject(obj: TObject; INISection: string); var index: integer; begin index:= FRegObjects.indexOfObject(obj); if ( index > -1 ) then FRegObjects.delete(index); end; { Restores the name of an object from the INI-File Note: When there is no entry in the INI-File, the object's value is not changed.} procedure TExtIniF.ReStoreObjectState(obj: TObject; INISection: string); var strBuf: string; begin if ( INISection = '' ) then INISection:= FIniSection; {the next lines check for the type of object and restore whatever property we would like to store of that object if you make changes here you will need to make changes in StoreObjectState as well!!!} if (obj.classInfo <> nil ) then begin if (obj is TCheckBox) then begin with (obj as TCheckBox) do begin {Checkboxes: restore checked state} checked:= readBool(INISection,Name,checked); end; end else if (obj is TEdit) then begin with (obj as TEdit) do begin {Editfield: restore text} text:= readString(INISection,Name,text); end; end else if (obj is TMenuItem) then begin with (obj as TMenuItem) do begin {Menuitem: restore checked state} checked:= readBool(INISection,Name,checked); end; end else if (obj is TTabbedNoteBook) then begin with (obj as TTabbedNoteBook) do begin {Notebook: restore open Tab} pageIndex:= readInteger(INISection,Name,pageIndex); end; end else if (obj is TDriveComboBox) then begin with (obj as TDriveComboBox) do begin {DriveCombo: restore selected drive} strBuf:= readString(INISection,Name,Drive); Drive:= strBuf[1]; end; end else if (obj is TDirectoryListBox) then begin with (obj as TDirectoryListBox) do begin {DirectoryList: restore current directory} Directory:= readString(INISection,Name,Directory); end; end else raise EExtIniFError.create('This object is not supported!'); end; end; { Restores the state of all registered objects from the INI-File} procedure TExtIniF.RestoreObjectStates; var objNo: integer; begin {iterate through all registered objects} for objNo:= 0 to FRegObjects.count - 1 do ReStoreObjectState(FRegObjects.objects[objNo],FRegObjects.strings[objNo]); end; { Stores the state of an object to the INI-File} procedure TExtIniF.StoreObjectState(obj: TObject; INISection: string); var strBuf: string; begin if ( INISection = '' ) then INISection:= FIniSection; {the next lines check for the type of object and store whatever property we would like to store of that object if you make changes here you will need to make changes in ReStoreObjectState as well!!!} if (obj.classInfo <> nil ) then begin if (obj is TCheckBox) then begin {Checkboxes: store checked state} with (obj as TCheckBox) do begin writeBool(INISection,Name,checked); end; end else if (obj is TEdit) then begin {Editfield: store text} with (obj as TEdit) do begin writeString(INISection,Name,text); end; end else if (obj is TMenuItem) then begin {Menuitem: restore checked state} with (obj as TMenuItem) do begin writeBool(INISection,Name,checked); end; end else if (obj is TTabbedNoteBook) then begin with (obj as TTabbedNoteBook) do begin {Notebook: restore open Tab} writeInteger(INISection,Name,pageIndex); end; end else if (obj is TDriveComboBox) then begin with (obj as TDriveComboBox) do begin {DriveCombo: restore selected drive} writeString(INISection,Name,Drive); end; end else if (obj is TDirectoryListBox) then begin {DirectoryList: restore current directory} with (obj as TDirectoryListBox) do begin writeString(INISection,Name,Directory); end; end else raise EExtIniFError.create('This object is not supported!'); end; end; { Stores the state of all registered objects to the INI-File} procedure TExtIniF.StoreObjectStates; var objNo: integer; begin for objNo:= 0 to FRegObjects.count - 1 do StoreObjectState(FRegObjects.objects[objNo],FRegObjects.strings[objNo]); end; end.