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Execute a ms-dos program in delphi

{ > I need run a MS-DOS program at my program, and wait until MS-DOS program > finish its work. Here is probably the most original way to do this, but works the best. It creates a .PIF file and uses that to execute the DOS program. Note that the first function "exec" runs a windows program and waits, etc. (This is for Delphi 2.x only) Function Exec(Path,Params,WorkPath:string; Wait:Boolean; Runmode:integer):boolean; {Path Full path to the executable Params Parameters WorkPath Default directory, '' if same path as executable Wait TRUE if execution of current program waits until new program finishes RUNMODE How the application is executed (0 for default SHOWNORMAL): Value Meaning SW_HIDE Hides the window and activates another window. SW_MAXIMIZE Maximizes the specified window. SW_MINIMIZE Minimizes the specified window and activates the next top-level window in the Z order. SW_RESTORE Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when restoring a minimized window. SW_SHOW Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position. SW_SHOWDEFAULT Sets the show state based on the SW_ flag specified in the STARTUPINFO structure passed to the CreateProcess function by the program that started the application. An application should call ShowWindow with this flag to set the initial show state of its main window. SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window. SW_SHOWMINIMIZED Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window. SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE Displays the window as a minimized window. The active window remains active. SW_SHOWNA Displays the window in its current state. The active window remains active. SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The active window remains active. SW_SHOWNORMAL Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when displaying the window for the first time.} var name:string; handle:integer; startUpInfo : TStartupInfo; processInfo : TProcessInformation; exeCmd : string; begin if Runmode=0 then Runmode:=SW_SHOWNORMAL; if WorkPath='' then WorkPath:=extractfilepath(path); if wait then begin // wait for the process to end... // Check to make{ If the execution file does not exist, then try // adding the path, if that fails then you're stuffed } if not FileExists(path) then begin result := false; exit; end; // Concat in the parameters exeCmd := path + ' ' + params; // Initialise the StartUpInfo record, which handles the creation of // a new main window for a process FillChar(startUpInfo, SizeOf(startUpInfo), Chr(0)); StartUpInfo.cb := SizeOf( StartUpInfo ); StartUpInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartUpInfo.wShowWindow := runmode; // Spawn the process out. if not CreateProcess( nil, PChar(exeCmd), nil, nil, false, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, PChar(ExtractFilePath(path)), startUpInfo, processInfo ) then begin result := false; end; // Wait for ze old process to finish. WaitForSingleObject(processInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); end else begin handle:=ShellExecute(Application.Handle,'open',pchar(path),pchar(params), pchar(WorkPath),RunMode); end; end; Function ExecDOS(Path,Params,WorkPath,Title:String; Wait:Boolean; Minimized:Boolean):Boolean; {Just for DOS programs, creates a PIF file then executes it, deleting it afterward. Path Full path to the executable Params Parameters WorkPath Default directory, '' if same path as executable Title Title to display at top of window Wait TRUE if execution of current program waits until new program finishes Minimized TRUE if program is to run minimized.} var f:file; pifpath:string; a:string; ierr:integer; begin if WorkPath='' then WorkPath:=extractfilepath(path); // this is a generic PIF image that we've hacked to pieces...settings: // Idle sensitivity set lowest // Default window // Exit on terminate // All memory resources used if needed // Allow screen saver // Not dynamic allocation a:=#0#120#84#69#83#84#68#79#126#49#32#32#32#32#32#32#32#32#32#32+ #32#32#32#32#32#32#32#32#32#32#32#32#128#2#0#0#68#58#92#116#101+ #115#116#100#111#115#112#114#111#103#114#97#109#116#104#105#110+ #103#46#101#120#101#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#16#0#101#58#92#116#101#109#112+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#45#101#120+ #32#100#58#92#116#101#115#116#32#100#58#92#42#46#42#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#1#0#255#25#80#0#0#7#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#77#73+ #67#82#79#83#79#70#84#32#80#73#70#69#88#0#135#1#0#0#113#1#87#73+ #78#68#79#87#83#32#51#56#54#32#51#46#48#0#5#2#157#1#104#0#128+ #2#0#0#100#0#50#0#255#255#0#0#255#255#0#0#2#0#2#0#159#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#45#101#120#32#100#58#92#116#101+ #115#116#32#100#58#92#42#46#42#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#87+ #73#78#68#79#87#83#32#86#77#77#32#52#46#48#0#255#255#27#2#172+ #1#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#80#73#70+ #77#71#82#46#68#76#76#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#2#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#129#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#1#0#0#0#5#0#25#0#3#0#200#0+ #232#3#2#0#10#0#1#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#28#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#8#0#12#0#84#101+ #114#109#105#110#97#108#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#76#117#99#105#100#97#32#67#111#110#115#111#108#101+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#3#0#0#0#80#0#25#0#128+ #2#44#1#0#0#0#0#22#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0+ #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#1#0; title:=spaces(title,30); move(title[1],a[$02+1],30); if length(path)>63 then path:=copy(path,1,63); path:=path+#0; move(path[1],a[$24+1],length(path)); if length(params)>63 then params:=copy(params,1,63); params:=params+#0; move(params[1],a[$a5+1],length(params)); move(params[1],a[$1c5+1],length(params)); if length(workpath)>63 then workpath:=copy(workpath,1,63); workpath:=workpath+#0; move(workpath[1],a[$65+1],length(workpath)); if minimized then a[$1af+1]:=#$12 else a[$1af+1]:=#$2; result:=false; // default unsuccessful pifpath:=newfilename(temppath+'00000000.pif',false); assignfile(f,pifpath); rewrite(f,1); ierr:=ioresult; blockwrite(f,a[1],length(a),ierr); closefile(f); if ierr<>length(a) then exit; result:=exec(pifpath,'','',wait,0); application.processmessages; if not wait then delay(1000); // we must wait one second for Windows to read file deletefile(pifpath); end;