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Excellent strings unit for d2

Unit MKString32; {Delphi32 Only!} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MKString32 Coded in Part by G.E. Ozz Nixon Jr. of // // ========================================================================= // // Original Source for DOS by Mythical Kindom's Mark May ( // // Re-written and distributed with permission! // // See Original Copyright Notice before using any of this code! // // Many new commands have beed added, and we have optimized the code to use // // Windows API calls when applicable, along with support for french days // // And we merged all the stray MK* units into this string unit! // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Interface Uses Windows, {api calls!} SysUtils, Crc32; Type DateTime=Record Year, Month, Day, DOW, Hour, Min, Sec, Sec100:Word; End; MKDateTime=Record Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec:Word; End; MKDateType=Record Year, Month, Day:Word; End; Function LoCase(Ch: Char): Char; Function padright(st:string;ch:char;l:integer):string; Function PadLeft(St:String;Ch:Char;L:Integer): String; function striplead(st:string;ch:char):string; Function StripTrail(St:String;Ch:Char):String; Function StripBoth(St:String;Ch:Char):String; Function Upper(St:String):String; Function Lower(St:String):String; Function Proper(St:String):String; Function WWrap(St:String;Max:Integer;var LeftOver:String):String; function ExtractWord(Str : String; N : Integer) : String; Function WordCount(Str : String) : Integer; Function CommaStr(Const Number:LongInt):String; Function Long2Str(Const Number:LongInt):String; Function Bin2Str(Number: Byte): String; Function Str2Bin(St: String): Byte; Function Str2Long(St: String): LongInt; Function Long2Hex(Const Number:LongInt):String; Function Word2Hex(Const Number:Word):String; Function Byte2Hex(Const Number:Byte):String; Function Hex2Byte(Const Str:String):Byte; Function Hex2Word(Const Str:String):Word; Function Hex2Long(Const Str:String):Longint; Function DateStr(DosDate: LongInt): String; Function TimeStr(DosDate: LongInt): String; Procedure AddBackSlash(Var InPath: String); Function WithBackSlash(InPath: String): String; Function FormattedDate(DT: DateTime; Mask: String;French:boolean): String; Function FormattedDosDate(DosDate: LongInt; Mask:String;French:boolean): String; Function DOWStr(Dow:Word;French:Boolean):String; Function DOWShortStr(DOW:Word;French:Boolean):String; Function ReformatDate(ODate: String; Mask: String;French:Boolean): String; Function LongDate(DStr: String): LongInt; Function TimeStr2Word(TS: String): Word; Function Word2TimeStr(CTime: Word): String; Function MonthStr(MonthNo:Word;French:Boolean):String; Function PChar2Str(Str:PChar):String; {Convert asciiz to string} Function Str2PChar(Str:String):PChar; {Convert string to asciiz} Function MKDateToStr(MKD: String): String; {Convert YYMMDD to MM-DD-YY} Function StrToMKDate(Str: String): String; {Convert MM-DD-YY to YYMMDD} Function CleanChar(InChar: Char): Char; Function CleanStr(Str:String):String; Function IsNumeric(Str: String): Boolean; Function PosLastChar(Ch: Char; St: String): Word; Function Min(Const A,B:Longint):Longint; Function Max(Const A,B:Longint):Longint; Function Str2Real(Str:string):real; function Real2Str(Number:real;Decimals:byte):string; Procedure SetLFlag(Var L: LongInt; Bit: Byte; Setting: Boolean); Function GetLFlag(L: LongInt; Bit: Byte): Boolean; Procedure SetWFlag(Var L: Word; Bit: Byte; Setting: Boolean); Function GetWFlag(L: Word; Bit: Byte): Boolean; Procedure SetBFlag(Var L: Byte; Bit: Byte; Setting: Boolean); Function GetBFlag(L: Byte; Bit: Byte): Boolean; Function StrCRC(Str: String): LongInt; Function NameCRC(Str: String): LongInt; Procedure UpdateWordFlag(Var Flag: Word; Mask: Word; Setting: Boolean); Function DTToUnixDate(DT: DateTime): LongInt; Procedure UnixToDt(SecsPast: LongInt; Var DT: DateTime); Function GregorianToJulian(DT: DateTime): LongInt; Function ValidDate(DT: DateTime): Boolean; Function ToUnixDate(FDate: LongInt): LongInt; Function ToUnixDateStr(FDate: LongInt): String; Function FromUnixDateStr(S: String): LongInt; Procedure JulianToGregorian(JulianDN : LongInt; Var Year, Month, Day : Integer); Function DaysAgo(DStr: String): LongInt; Function Flag2Str(Number: Byte): String; Function Str2Flag(St: String): Byte; Function ValidMKDate(DT: MKDateTime): Boolean; Procedure DT2MKDT(Var DT: DateTime; Var DT2: MKDateTime); Procedure MKDT2DT(Var DT: MKDateTime; Var DT2: DateTime); Procedure Str2MKD(St: String; Var MKD: MKDateType); Function MKD2Str(MKD: MKDateType): String; Function GetDosDate: LongInt; Function GetDOW: Word; Function GetResultCode: Integer; Function TimeOut(Time:DWord):Boolean; Function CurrentTimerTick:DWord; Const CommaChar:Char=','; DecodeHEXTable='123456789ABCEDF'; EncodeHEXTable='0'+DecodeHEXTable; Implementation Const C1970 = 2440588; D0 = 1461; D1 = 146097; D2 = 1721119; function Real2Str(Number:real;Decimals:byte):string; var Temp : string; begin Str(Number:20:Decimals,Temp); repeat If copy(Temp,1,1)=' ' then delete(Temp,1,1); until copy(temp,1,1)<>' '; If Decimals=255 {Floating} then begin While Temp[1]='0' do Delete(Temp,1,1); If Temp[Length(temp)]='.' then Delete(temp,Length(temp),1); end; Result:= Temp; end; Function Str2Real(Str:string):real; var code : integer; Temp : real; begin If length(Str)=0 then Result:=0 else begin If Copy(Str,1,1)='.' Then Str:='0'+Str; If (Copy(Str,1,1)='-') and (Copy(Str,2,1)='.') Then Insert('0',Str,2); If Str[length(Str)]='.' then Delete(Str,length(Str),1); val(Str,temp,code); if code=0 then Result:=temp else Result:=0; end; end; Function Min(Const A,B:Longint):Longint; {min} Begin If A<B then Result:=A Else Result:=B; End; Function Max(Const A,B:Longint):Longint; {max} Begin If A>B then Result:=A Else Result:=B; End; Function LoCase(Ch:Char):Char; Begin Result:=Char(CharLower(PChar(Ch))); {WIN32API} End; Procedure AddBackSlash(Var InPath: String); Begin If Length(InPath) > 0 Then Begin If InPath[Length(InPath)] <> '\' Then InPath:=InPath+'\'; End; End; Function WithBackSlash(InPath:String):String; Begin AddBackSlash(InPath); Result:=InPath; End; Function Bin2Str(Number: Byte): String; Var Temp2: Byte; i: Word; TempStr: String[8]; Begin Temp2 := $80; For i := 1 to 8 Do Begin If (Number and Temp2) <> 0 Then TempStr[i] := '1' Else TempStr[i] := '0'; Temp2 := Temp2 shr 1; End; TempStr[0] := #8; Bin2Str := TempStr; End; Function Str2Bin(St: String): Byte; Var i: Word; Temp1: Byte; Temp2: Byte; Begin St := StripBoth(St,' '); St := PadLeft(St,'0',8); Temp1 := 0; Temp2 := $80; For i := 1 to 8 Do Begin If St[i] = '1' Then Inc(Temp1,Temp2); Temp2 := Temp2 shr 1; End; Str2Bin := Temp1; End; Function Str2Long(St:String):LongInt; Var Err:Integer; Temp:LongInt; Begin St:=StripBoth(St,' '); If Length(St)=0 then Result:=0 Else Begin Val(St,Temp,Err); If Err=0 Then Result:=Temp Else Result:=0; End; End; Function DateStr(DosDate:LongInt):String; Var W1,W2,W3:Word; Begin DecodeDate(FileDateToDateTime(DosDate),W3,W1,W2); Result:=PadLeft(Long2Str(W1),' ',2)+'-'+ PadLeft(Long2Str(W2),' ',2)+'-'+ PadLeft(Copy(Long2Str(W3),3,2),' ',2); End; Function TimeStr(DosDate:LongInt):String; Var W1,W2,W3,W4:Word; Begin DecodeTime(FileDateToDateTime(DosDate),W1,W2,W3,W4); Result:=PadLeft(Long2Str(W1),' ',2)+':'+ PadLeft(Long2Str(W2),' ',2)+':'+ PadLeft(Long2Str(W3),' ',2); End; Function Byte2Hex(Const Number:Byte):String; Begin Result:=EncodeHEXTable[(Number shr 4)+1]+ EncodeHEXTable[(Number And $F)+1]; End; Function Word2Hex(Const Number:Word):String; Begin Result:=Byte2Hex(Number Shr 8)+Byte2Hex(Number And $FF); End; Function Long2Hex(Const Number:LongInt):String; Type WordRec=Record Lo:Word; Hi:Word; End; Begin Result:=Word2Hex(WordRec(Number).Hi)+Word2Hex(WordRec(Number).Lo); End; Function Hex2Byte(Const Str:String):Byte; Begin Result:=Str2Long('H'+Str); End; Function Hex2Word(Const Str:String):Word; Begin Result:=Str2Long('H'+Str); End; Function Hex2Long(Const Str:String):LongInt; Begin Result:=Str2Long('H'+Str); End; Function Long2Str(Const Number:LongInt):String; Var TempStr:String; Begin Str(Number,TempStr); Result:=TempStr; End; Function CommaStr(Const Number:LongInt):String; Var StrPos:Byte; NumberStr:String; Begin NumberStr:=Long2Str(Number); StrPos:=Length(NumberStr)-2; While StrPos>1 Do Begin Insert(CommaChar,NumberStr,StrPos); StrPos:=StrPos-3; End; Result:=NumberStr; End; Function wordcount(str:string):integer; var count : integer; i : integer; len : integer; begin len := length(str); count := 0; i := 1; while i <= len do begin while ((i <= len) and ((str[i] = #32) or (str[i] = #9) or (Str[i] = ';'))) do inc(i); if i <= len then inc(count); while ((i <= len) and ((str[i] <> #32) and (str[i] <> #9) and (Str[i] <> ';'))) do inc(i); end; wordcount := count; end; function extractword(str : string; n : integer) : string; Var count : integer; i : integer; len : integer; done : boolean; retstr : string; Begin retstr := ''; len := length(str); count := 0; i := 1; done := false; While (i <= len) and (not done) do Begin While ((i <= len) and ((str[i] = #32) or (str[i] = #9) or (Str[i] = ';'))) do inc(i); if i <= len then inc(count); if count = n then begin retstr:=''; If (i > 1) Then If Str[i-1] = ';' Then RetStr := ';'; while ((i <= len) and ((str[i] <> #32) and (str[i] <> #9) and (Str[i] <> ';'))) do begin retstr:=RetStr+str[i]; inc(i); end; done := true; end Else while ((i <= len) and ((str[i] <> #32) and (str[i] <> #9) and (Str[i] <> ';'))) do inc(i); End; extractword := retstr; End; Function WWrap(St:String; Max:Integer;var leftOver:String):String; Var TempStr: String; TempPos: Integer; Begin LeftOver:=''; TempStr := St; If Length(TempStr) > Max Then Begin TempPos := Max; While ((TempStr[TempPos]<>' ') And (TempPos>(Max-20)) And (TempPos>1)) Do Dec(TempPos); If (Length(TempStr)>TempPos) Then LeftOver:=Copy(TempStr,TempPos + 1,Length(TempStr) - TempPos); TempStr:=Copy(TempStr,1,TempPos); End; Result:=TempStr; End; Function Proper(St:String):String; Var TempStr:String; i:Integer; NextUp:Boolean; Begin TempStr:=St; i:=1; NextUp:=True; TempStr:=St; While i<=Length(TempStr) Do Begin If Not (TempStr[i] in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']) then NextUp:=True Else Begin If NextUp Then Begin NextUp:=False; TempStr[i]:=UpCase(TempStr[i]); End Else TempStr[i] := LoCase(TempStr[i]); End; Inc(I); End; Result:=TempStr; End; Function PadLeft(St:String;Ch:Char;L:Integer): String; Var TempStr:String; I:Integer; Begin I:=Length(St); If I>=L Then Result:=Copy(St,1,L) Else Begin Setlength(TempStr,L); FillChar(TempStr[I+1],L-I,Ch); Move(St[1],TempStr[1],I); Result:=TempStr; End; End; Function padright(st:string;ch:char;l:integer):string; Var TempStr:String; I:Integer; Begin I:=Length(St); If I>=L Then Result:=Copy(St,1,L) Else Begin Setlength(TempStr,L); FillChar(TempStr[1],L-I,Ch); Move(St[1],TempStr[(L-I)+1],I); Result:=TempStr; End; end; Function Upper(St:String):String; Begin Result:=AnsiUppercase(St); End; Function Lower(St:String):String; Begin Result:=AnsiLowercase(St); End; function striplead(st:string;ch:char):string; var Tempstr:string; begin Tempstr:=st; While ((TempStr[1]=Ch) and (Length(TempStr)>0)) do Delete(TempStr,1,1); Result:=TempStr; end; Function StripTrail(St:String;Ch:Char):String; Var TempStr:String; Begin TempStr:=St; While ((TempStr[Length(TempStr)]=Ch) and (Length(TempStr)>0)) do Delete(TempStr,Length(TempStr),1); Result:=TempStr; End; Function StripBoth(St:String;Ch:Char):String; Begin Result:=StripTrail(StripLead(St,Ch),Ch); End; Function FormattedDate(DT:DateTime;Mask:String;French:Boolean):String; Var DStr: String[2]; MStr: String[2]; MNStr: String[3]; YStr: String[4]; HourStr: String[2]; MinStr: String[2]; SecStr: String[2]; TmpStr: String; CurrPos: Word; i: Word; Begin TmpStr := Mask; Mask := Upper(Mask); DStr := Copy(PadLeft(Long2Str(Dt.Day),'0',2),1,2); MStr := Copy(PadLeft(Long2Str(Dt.Month),'0',2),1,2); YStr := Copy(PadLeft(Long2Str(Dt.Year),'0',4),1,4); HourStr := Copy(PadLeft(Long2Str(Dt.Hour),' ', 2),1,2); MinStr := Copy(PadLeft(Long2Str(Dt.Min), '0',2),1,2); SecStr := Copy(PadLeft(Long2Str(Dt.Sec), '0',2),1,2); MNStr := MonthStr(Dt.Month,French); If (Pos('YYYY', Mask) = 0) Then YStr := Copy(YStr,3,2); CurrPos := Pos('DD', Mask); If CurrPos > 0 Then For i := 1 to Length(DStr) Do TmpStr[CurrPos + i - 1] := DStr[i]; CurrPos := Pos('YY', Mask); If CurrPos > 0 Then For i := 1 to Length(YStr) Do TmpStr[CurrPos + i - 1] := YStr[i]; CurrPos := Pos('MM', Mask); If CurrPos > 0 Then For i := 1 to Length(MStr) Do TmpStr[CurrPos + i - 1] := MStr[i]; CurrPos := Pos('HH', Mask); If CurrPos > 0 Then For i := 1 to Length(HourStr) Do TmpStr[CurrPos + i - 1] := HourStr[i]; CurrPos := Pos('SS', Mask); If CurrPos > 0 Then For i := 1 to Length(SecStr) Do TmpStr[CurrPos + i - 1] := SecStr[i]; CurrPos := Pos('II', Mask); If CurrPos > 0 Then For i := 1 to Length(MinStr) Do TmpStr[CurrPos + i - 1] := MinStr[i]; CurrPos := Pos('NNN', Mask); If CurrPos > 0 Then For i := 1 to Length(MNStr) Do TmpStr[CurrPos + i - 1] := MNStr[i]; FormattedDate := TmpStr; End; Function FormattedDosDate(DosDate: LongInt; Mask:String;French:Boolean): String; Var DT:DateTime; Begin DecodeDate(FileDateToDateTime(DosDate),DT.Year,DT.Month,DT.Year); DecodeTime(FileDateToDateTime(DosDate),DT.Hour,DT.Min,DT.Sec,DT.Sec100); FormattedDosDate:=FormattedDate(DT, Mask,French); End; Function DOWStr(Dow:Word;French:Boolean):String; Begin If French then Begin Case DOW Of 0:Result:='Dimanche'; 1:Result:='Lundi'; 2:Result:='Mardi'; 3:Result:='Mercredi'; 4:Result:='Jeudi'; 5:Result:='Vendredi'; 6:Result:='Samedi'; Else Result:='?????'; End; End Else Begin Case DOW Of 0:Result:='Sunday'; 1:Result:='Monday'; 2:Result:='Tuesday'; 3:Result:='Wednesday'; 4:Result:='Thursday'; 5:Result:='Friday'; 6:Result:='Saturday'; Else Result:='?????'; End; End; End; Function DOWShortStr(DOW:Word;French:Boolean):String; Begin Result:=Copy(DOWStr(Dow,French),1,3); End; Function ReformatDate(ODate: String; Mask: String;French:Boolean): String; Var DT: DateTime; Begin DT.Year:=Str2Long(Copy(ODate,7,2)); DT.Month:=Str2Long(Copy(ODate,1,2)); DT.Day:=Str2Long(Copy(ODate,4,2)); If DT.Year < 80 Then Inc(DT.Year,2000) Else Inc(DT.Year,1900); Result:=FormattedDate(DT,Mask,French); End; Function Word2TimeStr(CTime: Word): String; Begin Result:=PadLeft(Long2Str(Hi(CTime)),'0',2)+':'+ PadLeft(Long2Str(Lo(CTime)),'0',2); End; Function TimeStr2Word(TS: String):Word; Begin Result:=Str2Long(Copy(TS,4,2))+(Str2Long(Copy(TS,1,2)) shl 8); End; Function MonthStr(MonthNo:Word;French:Boolean):String; Begin Case MonthNo of 01:Result:='Jan'; 02:Result:='Feb'; 03:Result:='Mar'; 04:If French then Result:='Avr' Else Result:='Apr'; 05:If French then Result:= 'Mai' Else Result:='May'; 06:Result:='Jun'; 07:Result:='Jul'; 08:If French then Result:='Auo' Else Result:='Aug'; 09:Result:='Sep'; 10:Result:='Oct'; 11:Result:='Nov'; 12:Result:='Dec'; Else Result := '???'; End; End; Function PChar2Str(Str:PChar):String; {Convert asciiz to string} Begin Result:=Strpas(Str); End; Function Str2PChar(Str:String):PChar; {Convert string to asciiz} Begin Result:=PChar(Str); End; Function MKDateToStr(MKD: String): String; {Convert YYMMDD to MM-DD-YY} Begin MKDateToStr := Copy(MKD,3,2) + '-' + Copy(MKD,5,2) + '-' + Copy(MKD,1,2); End; Function StrToMKDate(Str: String): String; {Convert MM-DD-YY to YYMMDD} Begin StrToMKDate:=Copy(Str,7,2)+Copy(Str,1,2)+Copy(Str,4,2); End; Function CleanChar(InChar:Char):Char; Const CtlChars:String[32]='oooooooooXoollo><|!Pg*|^v><-^v'; HiChars1:String[64]='CueaaaageeeiiiAAEaaooouuyOUcLYPfarounNao?--//!<>***|||||||||||||'; HiChars2:String[64]='|--|-+||||=+|=++-=--==-||||*****abcnEduto0nd80En=+><fj/~oo.vn2* '; Begin Case InChar of #0..#31:CleanChar:=CtlChars[Ord(InChar)+1]; #128..#191:CleanChar:=HiChars1[Ord(InChar)-127]; #192..#255:CleanChar:=HiChars2[Ord(InChar)-191]; Else CleanChar:=InChar; End; End; Function CleanStr(Str:String):String; Var I:Integer; Begin I:=1; While (I<=Length(Str)) do Begin Str[I]:=CleanChar(Str[I]); Inc(I); End; Result:=Str; End; Function IsNumeric(Str:String):Boolean; Var I:Integer; Begin I:=1; While (I<=Length(Str)) do Begin If Not (Str[i] in ['0'..'9']) Then Begin Result:=False; Exit; End; Inc(I); End; Result:=True; End; Function LongDate(DStr:String):LongInt; Var DT: DateTime; DosDate: TDateTime; Begin DT.Year:=Str2Long(Copy(DStr,7,2)); If Dt.Year<80 Then Inc(DT.Year,2000) Else Inc(DT.Year,1900); DT.Month:=Str2Long(Copy(DStr,1,2)); DT.Day:=Str2Long(Copy(DStr,4,2)); DT.Hour:=0; DT.Min:=0; DT.Sec:=0; DosDate:=EncodeDate(DT.Year,DT.Month,DT.Day); LongDate:=DateTimeToFileDate(DosDate); End; Function PosLastChar(Ch:Char;St:String):Word; Var I:Integer; Begin I:=Length(St); While ((i>0) and (st[i]<>ch)) Do Dec(i); Result:=I; End; Function DaysAgo(DStr: String): LongInt; Var ODate: DateTime; CDate: DateTime; Begin DecodeDate(Now,CDate.Year,CDate.Month,CDate.Day); CDate.Hour := 0; CDate.Min := 0; CDate.Sec := 0; ODate.Year := Str2Long(Copy(DStr,7,2)); If ODate.Year < 80 Then Inc(ODate.Year, 2000) Else Inc(ODate.Year, 1900); ODate.Month := Str2Long(Copy(DStr,1,2)); ODate.Day := Str2Long(Copy(DStr, 4, 2)); ODate.Hour := 0; ODate.Min := 0; ODate.Sec := 0; DaysAgo := GregorianToJulian(CDate) - GregorianToJulian(ODate); End; Function NameCRC(Str: String): LongInt; Var L: LongInt; Begin L := StrCrc(Str); If ((L >= 0) and (L < 16)) Then Inc(L,16); NameCrc := L; End; Function StrCRC(Str: String): LongInt; Var Crc: LongInt; i: Word; Begin i := 1; Crc := $ffffffff; While i <= Length(Str) Do Begin Crc := UpdC32(Ord(UpCase(Str[i])),Crc); Inc(i); End; StrCrc := Crc; End; Procedure SetLFlag(Var L: LongInt; Bit: Byte; Setting: Boolean); Var Mask: LongInt; Begin Mask := 1; Mask := Mask Shl (Bit - 1); If Setting Then L := L or Mask Else L := (L and (Not Mask)); End; Function GetLFlag(L: LongInt; Bit: Byte): Boolean; Var Mask: LongInt; Begin Mask := 1; Mask := Mask Shl (Bit - 1); If (L and Mask) = 0 Then GetLFlag := False Else GetLFlag := True; End; Procedure SetWFlag(Var L: Word; Bit: Byte; Setting: Boolean); Var Mask: Word; Begin Mask := 1; Mask := Mask Shl (Bit - 1); If Setting Then L := L or Mask Else L := (L and (Not Mask)); End; Function GetWFlag(L: Word; Bit: Byte): Boolean; Var Mask: Word; Begin Mask := 1; Mask := Mask Shl (Bit - 1); If (L and Mask) = 0 Then GetWFlag := False Else GetWFlag := True; End; Procedure SetBFlag(Var L: Byte; Bit: Byte; Setting: Boolean); Var Mask: Byte; Begin Mask := 1; Mask := Mask Shl (Bit - 1); If Setting Then L := L or Mask Else L := (L and (Not Mask)); End; Function GetBFlag(L: Byte; Bit: Byte): Boolean; Var Mask: Byte; Begin Mask := 1; Mask := Mask Shl (Bit - 1); If (L and Mask) = 0 Then GetBFlag := False Else GetBFlag := True; End; Function GregorianToJulian(DT: DateTime): LongInt; Var Century: LongInt; XYear: LongInt; Month: LongInt; Begin Month := DT.Month; If Month <= 2 Then Begin Dec(DT.Year); Inc(Month,12); End; Dec(Month,3); Century := DT.Year Div 100; XYear := DT.Year Mod 100; Century := (Century * D1) shr 2; XYear := (XYear * D0) shr 2; GregorianToJulian := ((((Month * 153) + 2) div 5) + DT.Day) + D2 + XYear + Century; End; Procedure JulianToGregorian(JulianDN : LongInt; Var Year, Month, Day : Integer); Var Temp, XYear: LongInt; YYear, YMonth, YDay: Integer; Begin Temp := (((JulianDN - D2) shl 2) - 1); XYear := (Temp Mod D1) or 3; JulianDN := Temp Div D1; YYear := (XYear Div D0); Temp := ((((XYear mod D0) + 4) shr 2) * 5) - 3; YMonth := Temp Div 153; If YMonth >= 10 Then Begin YYear := YYear + 1; YMonth := YMonth - 12; End; YMonth := YMonth + 3; YDay := Temp Mod 153; YDay := (YDay + 5) Div 5; Year := YYear + (JulianDN * 100); Month := YMonth; Day := YDay; End; Procedure UnixToDt(SecsPast: LongInt; Var Dt: DateTime); Var DateNum: LongInt; Year,Month,Day:Integer; Begin Datenum := (SecsPast Div 86400) + c1970; Year:=DT.Year; Month:=DT.Month; Day:=DT.Day; JulianToGregorian(DateNum,Year,Month,Day); DT.Year:=Year; DT.Month:=Month; DT.Day:=Day; SecsPast := SecsPast Mod 86400; DT.Hour := SecsPast Div 3600; SecsPast := SecsPast Mod 3600; DT.Min := SecsPast Div 60; DT.Sec := SecsPast Mod 60; End; Function DTToUnixDate(DT: DateTime): LongInt; Var SecsPast, DaysPast: LongInt; Begin DaysPast := GregorianToJulian(DT) - c1970; SecsPast := DaysPast * 86400; SecsPast := SecsPast + (LongInt(DT.Hour) * 3600) + (DT.Min * 60) + (DT.Sec); DTToUnixDate := SecsPast; End; Function ToUnixDate(FDate: LongInt): LongInt; Var DT: DateTime; Begin DecodeDate(FileDateToDateTime(FDate),DT.Year,DT.Month,DT.Day); DecodeTime(FileDateToDateTime(FDate),DT.Hour,DT.Min,DT.Sec,DT.Sec100); ToUnixDate := DTToUnixDate(Dt); End; Function ToUnixDateStr(FDate: LongInt): String; Var SecsPast: LongInt; S: String; Begin SecsPast := ToUnixDate(FDate); S := ''; While (SecsPast <> 0) And (Length(s) < 255) DO Begin s := Chr((secspast And 7) + $30) + s; secspast := (secspast Shr 3) End; s := '0' + s; ToUnixDateStr := S; End; Function FromUnixDateStr(S: String): LongInt; Var DT: DateTime; secspast, datenum: LONGINT; n: WORD; Year,Month,Day:Integer; Begin SecsPast := 0; For n := 1 To Length(s) Do SecsPast := (SecsPast shl 3) + Ord(s[n]) - $30; Datenum := (SecsPast Div 86400) + c1970; Year:=DT.Year; Month:=DT.Month; Day:=DT.Day; JulianToGregorian(DateNum, Year,Month,day); DT.Year:=Year; DT.Month:=Month; DT.Day:=Day; SecsPast := SecsPast Mod 86400; DT.Hour := SecsPast Div 3600; SecsPast := SecsPast Mod 3600; DT.Min := SecsPast Div 60; DT.Sec := SecsPast Mod 60; FromUnixDateStr := DateTimeToFileDate(StrToDateTime(PadLeft(Long2Str(DT.Month),' ',2)+'/'+ PadLeft(Long2Str(DT.Day),' ',2)+'/'+PadLeft(Copy(Long2Str(DT.Year),3,2),' ',2)+' '+ PadLeft(Long2Str(DT.Hour),' ',2)+':'+PadLeft(Long2Str(DT.Min),' ',2)+':'+ PadLeft(Long2Str(DT.Sec),' ',2))); End; Function ValidDate(DT: DateTime): Boolean; Const DOM: Array[1..12] of Byte = (31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); Var Valid: Boolean; Begin Valid := True; If ((DT.Month < 1) Or (DT.Month > 12)) Then Valid := False; If Valid Then If ((DT.Day < 1) Or (DT.Day > DOM[DT.Month])) Then Valid := False; If ((Valid) And (DT.Month = 2) And (DT.Day = 29)) Then If ((DT.Year Mod 4) <> 0) Then Valid := False; ValidDate := Valid; End; Procedure UpdateWordFlag(Var Flag: Word; Mask: Word; Setting: Boolean); Begin If Setting Then Flag := Flag or Mask Else Flag := Flag and (Not Mask); End; Function Flag2Str(Number: Byte): String; Var Temp2: Byte; i: Word; TempStr: String[8]; Begin Temp2 := $01; For i := 1 to 8 Do Begin If (Number and Temp2) <> 0 Then TempStr[i] := 'X' Else TempStr[i] := '-'; Temp2 := Temp2 shl 1; End; TempStr[0] := #8; Flag2Str := TempStr; End; Function Str2Flag(St: String): Byte; Var i: Word; Temp1: Byte; Temp2: Byte; Begin St := StripBoth(St,' '); St := PadLeft(St,'-',8); Temp1 := 0; Temp2 := $01; For i := 1 to 8 Do Begin If Uppercase(Copy(St,i,1)) = 'X' Then Inc(Temp1,Temp2); Temp2 := Temp2 shl 1; End; Str2Flag := Temp1; End; Procedure DT2MKDT(Var DT: DateTime; Var DT2: MKDateTime); Begin DT2.Year := DT.Year; DT2.Month := DT.Month; DT2.Day := DT.Day; DT2.Hour := DT.Hour; DT2.Min := DT.Min; DT2.Sec := DT.Sec; End; Procedure MKDT2DT(Var DT: MKDateTime; Var DT2: DateTime); Begin DT2.Year := DT.Year; DT2.Month := DT.Month; DT2.Day := DT.Day; DT2.Hour := DT.Hour; DT2.Min := DT.Min; DT2.Sec := DT.Sec; End; Function ValidMKDate(DT: MKDateTime): Boolean; Var DT2: DateTime; Begin MKDT2DT(DT, DT2); ValidMKDate := ValidDate(DT2); End; Procedure Str2MKD(St: String; Var MKD: MKDateType); Begin FillChar(MKD, SizeOf(MKD), #0); MKD.Year := Str2Long(Copy(St, 7, 2)); MKD.Month := Str2Long(Copy(St, 1, 2)); MKD.Day := Str2Long(Copy(St, 4, 2)); If MKD.Year < 80 Then Inc(MKD.Year, 2000) Else Inc(MKD.Year, 1900); End; Function MKD2Str(MKD: MKDateType): String; Begin MKD2Str := PadLeft(Long2Str(MKD.Month),'0',2) + '-' + PadLeft(Long2Str(MKD.Day), '0',2) + '-' + PadLeft(Long2Str(MKD.Year Mod 100), '0', 2); End; Function CurrentTimerTick:DWord; {use this to use Timeout!} Begin CurrentTimerTick:=GetTickCount; End; Function TimeOut(Time:DWord):Boolean; Begin TimeOut:=Time-GetTickCount<0; End; Function GetResultCode: Integer; Begin GetResultCode:=0; {expand on this later!} End; Function GetDosDate: LongInt; Begin GetDosDate:=DateTimeToFileDate(Now); End; Function GetDOW: Word; Begin GetDOW:=DayOfWeek(Now); End; End.