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> "EWin32Error in Module VCL30.DPL at address 00010B8F. Problems Calling > Win32 API" > > After this error the UI for Win95 gets all screwed up. This is the routine of interest from SYSUTILS.PAS... procedure RaiseLastWin32Error; var LastError: DWORD; Error: EWin32Error; begin LastError := GetLastError; if LastError <> ERROR_SUCCESS then Error := EWin32Error.CreateFmt(SWin32Error, [LastError, SysErrorMessage(LastError)]) else Error := EWin32Error.Create(SUnkWin32Error); Error.ErrorCode := LastError; raise Error; end; If the message does not include an error code, GetLastError returned ERROR_SUCCESS. From what I can tell, this can occur in these places... - Controls.TWinControl.CreateWnd; the call to Windows.RegisterClass fails - Controls.TWinControl.CreateWnd; the call to Windows.CreateWindow or Windows.CreateWindowEx fails - Classes.THandleStream.SetSize; the call to SetEndOfFile fails with no error code - ComObj.RegisterComServer; a procedure named DllRegisterServer does not exist in the DLL - ComObj.CreateRemoteComObject; the call to GetModuleHandle('ole32.dll') fails with no error code >From the symptoms you've described, the first two seem to be the most likely. I suspect that you are running out of some resource (not memory; probably GDI or USER heap space). Does the problem persist if you remove a few of the 40 controls? What other programs are running on the computer? What video driver are you using? It wouldn't happen to be a Diamond product? - Brian