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Enumerated types - converting to a string

Demonstrates how to convert an Eumerated Types to a string. The following functions demonstrate how to convert an enumerated type to a string and vice versa using GetEnumName and GetEnumValue. These functions need to be re-created for each enumerated type by changing the function name and parameter types. You will need to include TypInfo.pas in the uses clause. (* For demo purposes creating a dummy type *) type TSuit = (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades); function SuitToString(Suit: TSuit): string; begin Result := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TSuit), Ord(Suit)); end; function StringToSuit(Suit: string): TSuit; begin Result := TSuit(GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TSuit), Suit)); end; (* This function will convert an existing Delphi type *) function PositionToString(Position: TPosition): string; begin Result := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TPosition), Ord(Position)); end; To use the function(*DS*)s above drop a TButton onto a form and add the following code to its OnClick event handler. This will show a series of messagebox(*DS*)s with converted types as strings. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var s: TSuit; begin s := Hearts; ShowMessage(SuitToString(s)); s := Diamonds; ShowMessage(SuitToString(s)); s := Clubs; ShowMessage(SuitToString(s)); s := Spades; ShowMessage(SuitToString(s)); s := StringtoSuit((*DS*)Hearts(*DS*)); ShowMessage(SuitToString(s)); ShowMessage(PositionToString(Position)); end;