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Ensuring your program runs just one instance

Modify your *.DPR project file with the example below: Program PrevInst; USES Forms, Windows, // Add Windows Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1}; {$R *.RES} VAR // Add Vars MutexHandle: THandle; hwind:HWND; BEGIN // Add below code MutexHandle := CreateMutex(nil, TRUE, 'MysampleAppMutex'); // should be a unique string IF MutexHandle <> 0 then begin IF GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then begin // MessageBox(0, 'Instance of this application is already running.', // 'Application already running', mb_IconHand); CloseHandle(MutexHandle); hwind := 0; repeat // The string 'My app' must match your App Title (below) hwind:=Windows.FindWindowEx(0,hwind,'TApplication','My app'); until (hwind<>Application.Handle); IF (hwind<>0) then begin Windows.ShowWindow(hwind,SW_SHOWNORMAL); Windows.SetForegroundWindow(hwind); end; Halt; end end; // your/Delphi's window create / run code is below here: Application.Initialize; Application.Title := 'My app'; // this matches to above Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; END. A shorter method (without automatic switching to your app's original instance) would be: CreateMutex(nil,FALSE,'AnyNameHere'); IF GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS THEN begin MessageDlg('Program is already running. You can not start more than one instance', mterror,[mbOK], 0); Halt(0); end; Application.Initialize;