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Embedding files as resources in a delphi executable

How to embed icons, cursors, animated cursors, bitmaps, jpeg images, wave files, text files and any other file inside a Delphi executable. Embedding files as resources in a Delphi executable It is possible to embed any kind of file in an executable using resource files (*.RES). Certain kinds of resources are recognized by the API and can be used directly. Others are simply taken as binary data and its up to you to use them. In this article we will see examples of both kinds. To create the resource file we start with the source file (*.RC), for example named RESOURCES.RC, which is a simple text file that contains the resource entries (name, class and file): sample_bmp BITMAP sample.bmp sample_ico ICON sample.ico sample_cur CURSOR sample.cur sample_ani ANICURSOR sample.ani sample_jpg JPEG sample.jpg sample_wav WAVE sample.wav sample_txt TEXT sample.txt The names of the resources (sample_bmp, sample_ico, etc.) are arbitrary. The kind of resource may be one recognized by the APIs (BITMAP, ICON, CURSOR) or arbitrary (JPEG, WAVE, TEXT). The file names specify the files that will be included in the .RES file (and later in the .EXE). Now we have to compile the .RC file to produce the .RES file. For that we can use the Borland Resource Compiler (brcc32.exe) that you can probably find in Delphi's BIN folder. It's a simple command-line utility that expects the name of the source file as parameter: C:\DELPHI\P0025>brcc32 resources Borland Resource Compiler Version 5.40 Copyright (c) 1990, 1999 Inprise Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\DELPHI\P0025>_ To instruct the linker to embed the resource file in the executable, we use the resource file directive ($R or $RESOURCE) in our Pascal ource code: {$R resources.res} Loading the resources in your application is easy for the "recongnized" resources like BITMAP, ICON and CURSOR since the Windows API provides functions (LoadBitmap, LoadIcon and LoadCursor respectively) to get handles for these elements, that for example we can assign to the Handle property of the corresponding object: Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Handle := LoadBitmap(hInstance, 'sample_bmp'); Icon.Handle := LoadIcon(hInstance, 'sample_ico'); Screen.Cursors[1] := LoadCursor(hInstance, 'sample_cur'); For more alternatives when loading image resources, see the API LoadImage. Other resources are little bit more difficult to manage. Let's start with JPEG images. The following function uses TResourceStream to load the resource as a stream that will be loaded into a TJPEGImage object: function GetResourceAsJpeg(const resname: string): TJPEGImage; var Stream: TResourceStream; begin Stream := TResourceStream.Create(hInstance, ResName, 'JPEG'); try Result := TJPEGImage.Create; Result.LoadFromStream(Stream); finally Stream.Free; end; end; Example: var Jpg: TJPEGImage; begin // ... Jpg := GetResourceAsJpeg('sample_jpg'); Image2.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(Jpg); Jpg.Free; // ... end; For WAV files we need a pointer to the resource loaded in memory, and for a text file we need to load a resource in a string. We can do it using TResourceStream, but let's see an example using the API: function GetResourceAsPointer(ResName: pchar; ResType: pchar; out Size: longword): pointer; var InfoBlock: HRSRC; GlobalMemoryBlock: HGLOBAL; begin InfoBlock := FindResource(hInstance, resname, restype); if InfoBlock = 0 then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); size := SizeofResource(hInstance, InfoBlock); if size = 0 then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); GlobalMemoryBlock := LoadResource(hInstance, InfoBlock); if GlobalMemoryBlock = 0 then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); Result := LockResource(GlobalMemoryBlock); if Result = nil then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); end; function GetResourceAsString(ResName: pchar; ResType: pchar): string; var ResData: PChar; ResSize: Longword; begin ResData := GetResourceAsPointer(resname, restype, ResSize); SetString(Result, ResData, ResSize); end; Sample calls: var sample_wav: pointer; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var size: longword; begin ... sample_wav := GetResourceAsPointer('sample_wav', 'wave', size); Memo1.Lines.Text := GetResourceAsString('sample_txt', 'text'); end; Once we have the wave resource loaded into memory we can play it as many times as we want by using the API sndPlaySound declared in the MMSystem unit: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin sndPlaySound(sample_wav, SND_MEMORY or SND_NODEFAULT or SND_ASYNC); end; There are some resources (like fonts and animated cursors) that can't be used from memory. We necessarily have to save these resources to a temporary disk file and load them from there. The following function saves a resource to a file: procedure SaveResourceAsFile(const ResName: string; ResType: pchar; const FileName: string); begin with TResourceStream.Create(hInstance, ResName, ResType) do try SaveToFile(FileName); finally Free; end; end; The following function makes use of the previous one to save a resource in a temporary file: function SaveResourceAsTempFile(const ResName: string; ResType: pchar): string; begin Result := CreateTempFile; SaveResourceAsFile(ResName, ResType, Result); end; The discussion of the function CreateTempFile falls beyond the scope of this article and its implementation can be seen in the example attached to the newsletter. The following function makes use of SaveResourceAsTempFile to save an animated-cursor resource to a temporary file, then it loads the cursor from the file with LoadImage and finally deletes the temporary file. The function returns the handle returned by LoadImage: function GetResourceAsAniCursor(const ResName: string): HCursor; var CursorFile: string; begin CursorFile := SaveResourceAsTempFile(ResName, 'ANICURSOR'); Result := LoadImage(0, PChar(CursorFile), IMAGE_CURSOR, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE or LR_LOADFROMFILE); DeleteFile(CursorFile); if Result = 0 then raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); end; Sample call: Screen.Cursors[1] := GetResourceAsAniCursor('sample_ani'); Form1.Cursor := 1;