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Embedd an IB installation in your own WISE install

Title: Embedd an IB installation in your own WISE install Question: How can I easily embedd the Interbase installation in my own install? Answer: Here is an example on how you can use WISE to embedd an Interbase Installation and install IB using the IBINSTALL.DLL Some notes about how it all works --------------------------------- WISE InstallBuilder and other Installation tools from WISE Solutions can call DLL files during the installation progress. This is used to call IBWISE.DLL, a DLL written in Delphi (code below) that reads WISE variables and then pass them further to the IBINSTALL.DLL (suplied by Interbase). IBINSTALL.DLL does the actual installation work of Interbase but the IBWISE.DLL wraps it and adds option handling, error control and progress showing. The IBWISE.DLL also returns back any status messages to WISE from IBINSTALL.DLL. For more information about WISE or Borland Interbase, see the "More information" section at the end of this document. Things need to be done in your WISE script ------------------------------------------ The WISE variables is needed for the IBWISE.DLL file, make sure they are setup in WISE before calling the IBWISE.DLL file: In variables (Read by the IBWISE.DLL to run the Interbase Install) IBINSTALLMODE String, Can be set to R and/or S R = Start (Run) Interbase after Install S = Silent installation (no progress window is called) Example: Set Variable IBINSTALLMODE to RS (Runs the IB installation in silent mode and starts the IB server after install) IBOPTIONS (Optional) String, Set this variable to control what part of interbase that should be installed. [Empty] = All Interbase files A = IB_SERVER B = IB_CLIENT C = IB_CMD_TOOLS D = IB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_MGMT E = IB_CMD_TOOLS_USR_MGMT F = IB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_QUERY G = IB_GUI_TOOLS H = IB_DOC I = IB_EXAMPLES J = IB_EXAMPLE_API K = IB_EXAMPLE_DB L = IB_DEV M = IB_REPLICATION N = IB_REPL_MANAGER O = IB_REPL_SERVER P = IB_CONNECTIVITY Q = IB_ODBC_CLIENT R = IB_JDBC S = IB_JDBC_CLIENT T = IB_JDBC_SERVER Example: Set Variable IBOPTIONS to AB (Installs the Interbase Server and Client files) IBSRCDIR String, The Path to the Insterbase source files, usually a temp directory that WISE have unpacked the files to. IBDESTDIR (Optional) String, The Directory in which Interbase is installed, If this variable is empty, the interbase installation uses a default directory. Out variables (Used by the IBWISE.DLL to return results to WISE) IBUIFILE String, the uninstall file that should be used with IBUNINST.EXE IBSTATUS String, a status text that contains the error text if the installation didn't complete ok. If there was no error during the installation, this string contains 'Success'. Example on how to set these variables, install the Interbase source files and start the installation. Copy the code below and insert it into your WISE script. (Don't forget to change the source path to the IB Files on your computer) item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG Flags=00000001 end item: Create Directory Pathname=%TEMP%\INTERBASE\ end item: Install File Source=C:\install\InterBaseServer\*.* Destination=%TEMP%\INTERBASE\ Flags=0000000110100010 end item: Install File Source=C:\install\IBWISE\Ibwise.dll Destination=%TEMP%\INTERBASE\Ibwise.dll Flags=0000000010100010 end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG end item: Set Variable Variable=IBINSTALLMODE Value=R end item: Set Variable Variable=IBOPTIONS Value=A end item: Set Variable Variable=IBSRCDIR Value=%TEMP%\INTERBASE\ end item: Call DLL Function Pathname=%TEMP%\INTERBASE\IBWISE.DLL Function Name=InstallInterbase Variables Added=IBUIFILE,IBSTATUS Return Variable=0 Flags=00000100 end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG Flags=00000001 end item: Delete File Pathname=%TEMP%\INTERBASE Flags=00000100 end item: Open/Close INSTALL.LOG end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The IBWISE.DLL file and it's source code (Delphi) The code below is for Borland delphi and shows how the IBWISE.DLL is built. You can download the fully source here IBWISE.DPR library IBWISE; uses SysUtils, Classes, IBWiseUnit in 'IBWiseUnit.pas', StatusFormUnit in 'StatusFormUnit.pas' {StatusForm}; exports InstallInterbase, GetIBInstallDir; {$R *.RES} begin end. IBWiseUnit.pas unit IBWiseUnit; // // WISE InstallIBServer version 1.1 by Magnus Flysj // // Copyright 2001, Magnus Flysj // interface uses WinTypes, WinProcs, SysUtils, WinSvc; //[Wise] Type ParamRec = record wStructLen: DWORD; { The length of the structure } hMainWnd: HWND; { Handle to main window } wMaxReplaces: DWORD; { Maximum number of replaces } wRepNameWidth: DWORD; { The width of a replace name } wRepStrWidth: DWORD; { The width of each replace string } wCurrReps: DWORD; { Current number of replace strings } szRepName: PChar; { The actual replace names } szRepStr: PChar; { The actual replace values } wRunMode: DWORD; { The installation mode } fLogFile: DWORD; { A file handle to the log file } szParam: PChar; { String parameter from Wise Installation System } end; //[Interbase] OPTIONS_HANDLE = Integer; POPTIONS_HANDLE = ^OPTIONS_HANDLE; MSG_NO = Longint; OPT = Longint; TEXT = PChar; FP_ERROR = function(msg: MSG_NO; data: Pointer; error_msg: TEXT): Integer; stdcall; FP_STATUS = function(status: integer; data: Pointer; const status_msg: TEXT): Integer; stdcall; TIsc_install_clear_options = function (pHandle: POPTIONS_HANDLE):MSG_NO; stdcall; TIsc_install_execute = function (Handle: OPTIONS_HANDLE; src_dir, dest_dir: TEXT; status_func: FP_STATUS; status_data: Pointer; error_func: FP_ERROR; error_data: Pointer; uninstal_file_name: TEXT):MSG_NO; stdcall; TIsc_install_get_info = function (info_type :integer; option :OPT; info_buffer : Pointer; buf_len : Cardinal): MSG_NO; stdcall; TIsc_install_get_message = function (Handle: OPTIONS_HANDLE; message_no: MSG_NO; message_txt: Pointer; message_len: Cardinal): MSG_NO; stdcall; TIsc_install_load_external_text = function (msg_file_name: TEXT):MSG_NO; stdcall; TIsc_install_precheck = function (Handle: OPTIONS_HANDLE; src_dir, dest_dir: TEXT): MSG_NO; stdcall; TIsc_install_set_option = function (pHandle: POPTIONS_HANDLE; option: OPT): MSG_NO; stdcall; TIsc_uninstall_execute = function (uninstall_file_name: TEXT; status_func: FP_STATUS; status_data: pointer; error_func: FP_ERROR; error_data: pointer): MSG_NO; stdcall; TIsc_uninstall_precheck = function (uninstall_file_name: TEXT):MSG_NO; stdcall; TIsc_install_unset_option = function (pHandle: POPTIONS_HANDLE; option: OPT):MSG_NO; stdcall; const IB_INSTALL_DLL = 'ibinstall.dll'; { These are the values the FP_ERROR routine can return. } isc_install_fp_retry = -1; isc_install_fp_continue = 0; isc_install_fp_abort = 1; { isc_install_get_info info_types } isc_install_info_destination = 1; isc_install_info_opspace = 2; isc_install_info_opname = 3; isc_install_info_opdescription = 4; ISC_INSTALL_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN = 300; ISC_INSTALL_MAX_MESSAGES = 200; ISC_INSTALL_MAX_PATH = MAX_PATH; { Basic Components used to install InterBase } INTERBASE = 1000; IB_SERVER = 1001; IB_CLIENT = 1002; IB_CMD_TOOLS = 1003; IB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_MGMT = 1004; IB_CMD_TOOLS_USR_MGMT = 1005; IB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_QUERY = 1006; IB_GUI_TOOLS = 1007; IB_DOC = 1011; IB_EXAMPLES = 1012; IB_EXAMPLE_API = 1013; IB_EXAMPLE_DB = 1014; IB_DEV = 1015; IB_REPLICATION = 1016; IB_REPL_MANAGER = 1017; IB_REPL_SERVER = 1018; IB_CONNECTIVITY = 1101; IB_ODBC_CLIENT = 1102; IB_JDBC = 1110; IB_JDBC_CLIENT = 1103; IB_JDBC_SERVER = 1105; { Error and warning codes } isc_install_optlist_empty = -1; isc_install_actlist_empty = -2; isc_install_fp_copy_delayed = -3; isc_install_fp_delete_delayed = -4; isc_install_option_not_found = -5; isc_install_msg_version = -6; isc_install_cant_load_msg = -7; isc_install_invalid_msg = -8; isc_install_invalid_tbl = -9; isc_install_cant_create_msg = -10; isc_install_handle_not_allocated = -11; isc_install_odbc_comp_notfound = -12; isc_install_cant_delete = -13; isc_install_cant_rmdir = -14; isc_install_key_nonempty = -15; isc_install_success = 0; { File and directory related errors } isc_install_path_not_valid = 1; isc_install_path_not_exists = 2; isc_install_cant_write = 3; isc_install_type_unknown = 4; isc_install_cant_move_file = 5; isc_install_device_not_valid = 6; isc_install_data_truncated = 7; isc_install_cant_get_temp = 8; isc_install_no_file = 9; isc_install_cant_load_lib = 10; isc_install_cant_lookup_lib = 11; isc_install_file_exists = 12; isc_install_cant_open_log = 13; isc_install_write_error = 14; isc_install_read_error = 15; isc_install_invalid_log = 16; isc_install_cant_read = 17; isc_install_no_diskspace = 18; isc_install_cant_create_dir = 19; isc_install_msg_syntax = 20; isc_install_fp_delete_error = 21; isc_install_fp_rename_error = 22; isc_install_fp_copy_error = 23; { Precheck related errors } isc_install_system_not_supported = 24; isc_install_server_running = 25; isc_install_classic_found = 26; isc_install_no_privileges = 27; isc_install_cant_get_free_space = 28; isc_install_guardian_running = 29; isc_install_invalid_option = 30; isc_install_invalid_handle = 31; isc_install_message_not_found = 32; { TCP/IP services related } isc_install_no_stack = 33; isc_install_cant_add_service = 34; isc_install_invalid_port = 35; isc_install_invalid_service = 36; isc_install_no_proto = 37; isc_install_no_services_entry = 38; isc_install_sock_error = 39; isc_install_conversion_error = 40; { Operations errors } isc_install_cant_copy = 41; isc_install_no_mem = 42; isc_install_queue_failed = 43; isc_install_invalid_param = 44; isc_install_fp_error_exception = 45; isc_install_fp_status_exception = 46; isc_install_user_aborted = 47; { Registry related errors } isc_install_key_exists = 48; isc_install_cant_create_key = 49; isc_install_cant_set_value = 50; isc_install_cant_open_key = 51; isc_install_cant_delete_key = 52; isc_install_cant_query_key = 53; isc_install_cant_delete_value = 54; { OS services related errors } isc_install_service_existed = 55; isc_install_cant_create_service = 56; isc_install_cant_open_service = 57; isc_install_cant_query_service = 58; isc_install_service_running = 59; isc_install_cant_delete_service = 60; isc_install_cant_open_manager = 61; isc_install_system_error = 62; isc_install_com_regfail = 63; isc_install_dcom_required = 64; { ODBC installation errors } isc_install_odbc_general = 65; isc_install_core_version = 66; isc_install_drv_version = 67; isc_install_tran_version = 68; // type TIBWiseInstall = class; TIBInstallOption = ( opINTERBASE, opIB_SERVER, opIB_CLIENT, opIB_CMD_TOOLS, opIB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_MGMT, opIB_CMD_TOOLS_USR_MGMT, opIB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_QUERY, opIB_GUI_TOOLS, opIB_DOC, opIB_EXAMPLES, opIB_EXAMPLE_API, opIB_EXAMPLE_DB, opIB_DEV, opIB_REPLICATION, opIB_REPL_MANAGER, opIB_REPL_SERVER, opIB_CONNECTIVITY, opIB_ODBC_CLIENT, opIB_JDBC, opIB_JDBC_CLIENT, opIB_JDBC_SERVER ); TIBInstallOptions = set of TIBInstallOption; TIBInstallError = function(Handle : HWND; Caller : TIBWiseInstall; Msg: Longint; Error_msg: string; var Handled : boolean) : integer; TIBInstallStatus = procedure(Handle : HWND; Caller : TIBWiseInstall; Status : integer; const Status_msg : string); TIBWiseInstall = class(TObject) constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; private FDLLInst : HInst; Isc_install_clear_options : TIsc_install_clear_options; Isc_install_execute : TIsc_install_execute; Isc_install_get_info : TIsc_install_get_info; Isc_install_get_message : TIsc_install_get_message; Isc_install_load_external_text : TIsc_install_load_external_text; Isc_install_precheck : TIsc_install_precheck; Isc_install_set_option : TIsc_install_set_option; Isc_uninstall_execute : TIsc_uninstall_execute; Isc_uninstall_precheck : TIsc_uninstall_precheck; Isc_install_unset_option : TIsc_install_unset_option; FDestDirectory : string; FSourceDirectory : string; FIBHandle : POPTIONS_HANDLE; FHWND : HWND; FIBInstallOptions : TIBInstallOptions; FIBInstallError : TIBInstallError; FIBInstallStatus : TIBInstallStatus; FLastError : MSG_NO; FStartAfterInstall : boolean; FUninstallFile : string; FSilent : boolean; procedure SetOptions; public function Install : boolean; function PreCheck : boolean; function GetErrorDescription(Error : MSG_NO) : string; property WindowHandle : HWND read FHWND write FHWND; property UninstallFile : string read FUninstallFile; property Silent : boolean read FSilent write FSilent; property StartAfterInstall : boolean read FStartAfterInstall write FStartAfterInstall; property LastError : MSG_NO read FLastError; property DestDirectory : string read FDestDirectory write FDestDirectory; property SourceDirectory : string read FSourceDirectory write FSourceDirectory; property IBInstallOptions : TIBInstallOptions read FIBInstallOptions write FIBInstallOptions; property OnInstallError : TIBInstallError read FIBInstallError write FIBInstallError; property OnInstallStatus : TIBInstallStatus read FIBInstallStatus write FIBInstallStatus; end; // procedure GetVariable(var DLLParams: ParamRec; const VarName: string; var VarValue: string); export; procedure SetVariable(var DLLParams: ParamRec; const VarName: string; const NewValue: string); export; function InstallInterbase(var DLLParams: ParamRec): LongBool; pascal; export; function GetIBInstallDir(var DLLParams: ParamRec): LongBool; pascal; export; var DLLHandle : HInst; implementation uses Registry, ErrorFormUnit, StatusFormUnit; // function FixPath(path : string) : string; begin if IsPathDelimiter(Path,length(path)) then result := path else result := path + '\'; end; function GetFileVersion(filename : string; var VerBlk : VS_FIXEDFILEINFO) : boolean; var InfoSize,puLen : DWord; Pt,InfoPtr : Pointer; begin InfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(filename),puLen); fillchar(VerBlk,sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO),0); if InfoSize 0 then begin GetMem(Pt,InfoSize); GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(filename),0,InfoSize,Pt); VerQueryValue(Pt,'\',InfoPtr,puLen); move(InfoPtr^,VerBlk,sizeof(VS_FIXEDFILEINFO)); FreeMem(Pt); result := true; end else result := false; end; function IsNT : boolean; var osv : TOSVERSIONINFO; begin fillchar(osv,sizeof(TOSVERSIONINFO),0); osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(TOSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(osv); if (osv.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then result := true else result := false; end; function ServiceStart(sMachine, sService : string ) : boolean; var schm, schs : SC_Handle; ss : TServiceStatus; psTemp : PChar; dwChkP : DWord; begin ss.dwCurrentState := 0; schm := OpenSCManager(PChar(sMachine),Nil,SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if(schm 0)then begin schs := OpenService(schm,PChar(sService),SERVICE_START or SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if (schs 0) then begin psTemp := Nil; if (StartService(schs,0,psTemp)) then begin if (QueryServiceStatus(schs,ss)) then begin while (SERVICE_RUNNING ss.dwCurrentState) do begin dwChkP := ss.dwCheckPoint; Sleep(ss.dwWaitHint); if (not QueryServiceStatus(schs,ss)) then begin break; end; if (ss.dwCheckPoint break; end; end; end; end; CloseServiceHandle(schs); end; CloseServiceHandle(schm); end; Result := SERVICE_RUNNING = ss.dwCurrentState; end; function ServiceStop(sMachine, sService : string ) : boolean; var schm, schs : SC_Handle; ss : TServiceStatus; dwChkP : DWord; begin schm := OpenSCManager(PChar(sMachine),Nil,SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if(schm 0)then begin schs := OpenService(schm,PChar(sService),SERVICE_STOP or SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); if(schs 0)then begin if (ControlService(schs,SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP,ss)) then begin if (QueryServiceStatus(schs,ss)) then begin while (SERVICE_STOPPED ss.dwCurrentState) do begin dwChkP := ss.dwCheckPoint; Sleep(ss.dwWaitHint); if (not QueryServiceStatus(schs,ss))then begin break; end; if (ss.dwCheckPoint break; end; end; end; end; CloseServiceHandle(schs); end; CloseServiceHandle(schm); end; Result := (SERVICE_STOPPED = ss.dwCurrentState); end; function GetInterbaseServerDirectory : string; var Filename : string; Reg : TRegistry; begin Filename := ''; Reg := TRegistry.Create(KEY_READ); try Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if Reg.KeyExists('Software\InterBase Corp\InterBase\CurrentVersion') then begin if Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Software\InterBase Corp\InterBase\CurrentVersion') then begin Filename := FixPath(Reg.ReadString('ServerDirectory'))+'ibguard.exe'; Reg.CloseKey; end; end else begin if Reg.KeyExists('Software\Borland\InterBase\CurrentVersion') then begin if Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Software\Borland\InterBase\CurrentVersion') then begin Filename := FixPath(Reg.ReadString('ServerDirectory'))+'ibguard.exe'; Reg.CloseKey; end; end; end; finally; end; result := filename; end; // procedure GetVariable(var DLLParams: ParamRec; const VarName: string; var VarValue: string); var i: Integer; szVarName: array[0..255] of char; begin VarValue := ''; szVarName[0] := '%'; StrPCopy(@szVarName[1],VarName); StrCat(szVarName,'%'); for i := 0 to DLLParams.wCurrReps do begin if (StrComp(szVarName,@DLLParams.szRepName[i * DLLParams.wRepNameWidth]) = 0) then begin VarValue := StrPas(@DLLParams.szRepStr[i * DLLParams.wRepStrWidth]); Exit; end; end; end; // procedure SetVariable(var DLLParams: ParamRec; const VarName: string; const NewValue: string); var i: Integer; szVarName: array[0..255] of char; begin szVarName[0] := '%'; StrPCopy(@szVarName[1],VarName); StrCat(szVarName,'%'); for i := 0 to DLLParams.wCurrReps do begin if (StrComp(szVarName,@DLLParams.szRepName[i * DLLParams.wRepNameWidth]) = 0) then begin StrPCopy(@DLLParams.szRepStr[i * DLLParams.wRepStrWidth],NewValue); Exit; end; end; StrCopy(@DLLParams.szRepName[DLLParams.wCurrReps * DLLParams.wRepNameWidth],szVarName); StrPCopy(@DLLParams.szRepStr[DLLParams.wCurrReps * DLLParams.wRepStrWidth],NewValue); DLLParams.wCurrReps := DLLParams.wCurrReps + 1; end; // function InterbaseVersion : cardinal; var Filename : string; fileinfo : VS_FIXEDFILEINFO; begin result := 0; filename := GetInterbaseServerDirectory; if FileExists(Filename) then begin if GetFileVersion(filename,fileinfo) then begin result := fileinfo.dwProductVersionMS; end; end; end; // function InterbaseRunning : boolean; begin result := boolean(FindWindow('IB_Server','InterBase Server') or FindWindow('IB_Guard','InterBase Guardian')); end; // function ShutDownInterbase : boolean; var IBSRVHandle,IBGARHandle : THandle; begin if IsNT then begin ServiceStop('','InterBaseGuardian'); end else begin IBGARHandle := FindWindow('IB_Guard','InterBase Guardian'); if IBGARHandle 0 then begin PostMessage(IBGARHandle,31,0,0); PostMessage(IBGARHandle,16,0,0); end; IBSRVHandle := FindWindow('IB_Server','InterBase Server'); if IBSRVHandle 0 then begin PostMessage(IBSRVHandle,31,0,0); PostMessage(IBSRVHandle,16,0,0); end; end; result := (boolean(FindWindow('IB_Server','InterBase Server') or FindWindow('IB_Guard','InterBase Guardian')) = false); end; // function StartInterbase : boolean; var Filename : string; begin filename := GetInterbaseServerDirectory; if FileExists(Filename) then begin if IsNT then begin ServiceStart('','InterBaseGuardian'); end else begin WinExec(pchar(Filename),0); end; end; result := boolean(FindWindow('IB_Server','InterBase Server') or FindWindow('IB_Guard','InterBase Guardian')); end; // function InterbaseInstalled : boolean; var Filename : string; Running : boolean; begin Running := InterbaseRunning; if Running = false then begin filename := GetInterbaseServerDirectory; if FileExists(Filename) then begin result := true; end else result := false; end else result := true; end; // function IBOptionsFromString(Str : String) : TIBInstallOptions; begin result := []; if Str = '' then result := [opINTERBASE]; if (pos('A',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_SERVER]; if (pos('B',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_CLIENT]; if (pos('C',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_CMD_TOOLS]; if (pos('D',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_MGMT]; if (pos('E',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_CMD_TOOLS_USR_MGMT]; if (pos('F',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_QUERY]; if (pos('G',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_GUI_TOOLS]; if (pos('H',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_DOC]; if (pos('I',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_EXAMPLES]; if (pos('J',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_EXAMPLE_API]; if (pos('K',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_EXAMPLE_DB]; if (pos('L',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_DEV]; if (pos('M',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_REPLICATION]; if (pos('N',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_REPL_MANAGER]; if (pos('O',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_REPL_SERVER]; if (pos('P',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_CONNECTIVITY]; if (pos('Q',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_ODBC_CLIENT]; if (pos('R',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_JDBC]; if (pos('S',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_JDBC_CLIENT]; if (pos('T',Str) 0) then result := result + [opIB_JDBC_SERVER]; end; // // TIBWiseInstall class by Magnus Flysj 2001 // constructor TIBWiseInstall.Create; var DestDir : TEXT; DLLPath : pchar; IBDLL : string; begin inherited Create; OnInstallError := nil; OnInstallStatus := nil; GetMem(FIBHandle,4); FIBHandle^ := 0; FIBInstallOptions := [opINTERBASE]; FSourceDirectory := ''; FStartAfterInstall := false; FUninstallFile := ''; FSilent := false; IBDLL := ''; DLLPath := StrAlloc(255); fillchar(DLLPath^,255,0); try GetModuleFilename(HInstance,DLLPath,255); IBDLL := fixpath(ExtractFilePath(DLLPath)) + IB_INSTALL_DLL; finally StrDispose(DLLPath); end; FDLLInst := LoadLibrary(pchar(IBDLL)); if FDLLInst 0 then begin @Isc_install_clear_options := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_install_clear_options'); @Isc_install_execute := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_install_execute'); @Isc_install_get_info := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_install_get_info'); @Isc_install_get_message := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_install_get_message'); @Isc_install_load_external_text := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_install_load_external_text'); @Isc_install_precheck := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_install_precheck'); @Isc_install_set_option := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_install_set_option'); @Isc_uninstall_execute := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_uninstall_execute'); @Isc_uninstall_precheck := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_uninstall_precheck'); @Isc_install_unset_option := GetProcAddress(FDLLInst,'isc_install_unset_option'); end else halt; DestDir := StrAlloc(255); fillchar(DestDir^,255,0); try if Assigned(isc_install_get_info) then begin isc_install_get_info(isc_install_info_destination,0,DestDir,255); FDestDirectory := DestDir; end; finally StrDispose(DestDir); end; end; destructor TIBWiseInstall.Destroy; begin if FIBHandle^ 0 then isc_install_clear_options(FIBHandle); FreeMem(FIBHandle,4); if FDLLInst 0 then FreeLibrary(FDLLInst); inherited Destroy; end; function IB_FP_ERROR(msg: MSG_NO; data: Pointer; error_msg: TEXT): Integer; stdcall; var IBWiseInstall : TIBWiseInstall; Handled : boolean; begin Handled := true; IBWiseInstall := TIBWiseInstall(data); if Assigned(IBWiseInstall) then begin if not IBWiseInstall.Silent then begin if Assigned(IBWiseInstall.OnInstallError) then result := IBWiseInstall.OnInstallError(IBWiseInstall.FHWND,IBWiseInstall,msg,Error_msg,Handled) else handled := false; if handled = false then result := isc_install_fp_abort; end else result := isc_install_fp_abort; end else result := isc_install_fp_abort; end; function IB_FP_STATUS(status: integer; data: Pointer; const status_msg: TEXT): Integer; stdcall; var IBWiseInstall : TIBWiseInstall; begin IBWiseInstall := TIBWiseInstall(data); result := status; if Assigned(IBWiseInstall) then begin if not IBWiseInstall.Silent then begin if Assigned(IBWiseInstall.OnInstallStatus) then IBWiseInstall.OnInstallStatus(IBWiseInstall.FHWND,IBWiseInstall,Status,Status_Msg); end; end; end; procedure TIBWiseInstall.SetOptions; begin if Assigned(isc_install_clear_options) then isc_install_clear_options(FIBHandle); if Assigned(isc_install_set_option) then begin if (FIBInstallOptions = []) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,INTERBASE); if (opIB_SERVER in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_SERVER); if (opIB_CLIENT in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_CLIENT); if (opIB_CMD_TOOLS in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_CMD_TOOLS); if (opIB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_MGMT in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_MGMT); if (opIB_CMD_TOOLS_USR_MGMT in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_CMD_TOOLS_USR_MGMT); if (opIB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_QUERY in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_CMD_TOOLS_DB_QUERY); if (opIB_GUI_TOOLS in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_GUI_TOOLS); if (opIB_DOC in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_DOC); if (opIB_EXAMPLES in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_EXAMPLES); if (opIB_EXAMPLE_API in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_EXAMPLE_API); if (opIB_EXAMPLE_DB in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_EXAMPLE_DB); if (opIB_DEV in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_DEV); if (opIB_REPLICATION in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_REPLICATION); if (opIB_REPL_MANAGER in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_REPL_MANAGER); if (opIB_REPL_SERVER in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_REPL_SERVER); if (opIB_CONNECTIVITY in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_CONNECTIVITY); if (opIB_ODBC_CLIENT in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_ODBC_CLIENT); if (opIB_JDBC in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_JDBC); if (opIB_JDBC_CLIENT in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_JDBC_CLIENT); if (opIB_JDBC_SERVER in FIBInstallOptions) then isc_install_set_option(FIBHandle,IB_JDBC_SERVER); end; end; function TIBWiseInstall.PreCheck : boolean; begin SetOptions; FLastError := isc_install_precheck(FIBHandle^,pchar(FSourceDirectory),pchar(FDestDirectory)); if FLastError isc_install_success then result := false else result := true; end; function TIBWiseInstall.Install : boolean; var UnIPFile : pchar; begin if InterbaseRunning then begin FLastError := isc_install_server_running; result := false; end else begin if PreCheck then begin UnIPFile := StrAlloc(255); try Fillchar(UnIPFile^,255,0); FLastError := isc_install_execute(FIBHandle^,pchar(FSourceDirectory),pchar(FDestDirectory),@IB_FP_STATUS,self,@IB_FP_ERROR,self,UnIPFile); if FLastError isc_install_success then result := false else begin FUninstallFile := UnIPFile; result := true; end; if StartAfterInstall then StartInterbase; finally StrDispose(UnIPFile); end; end else result := false; end; end; function TIBWiseInstall.GetErrorDescription(Error : MSG_NO) : string; var Msgtext : TEXT; begin Msgtext := StrAlloc(255); Fillchar(Msgtext^,255,0); try isc_install_get_message(FIBHANDLE^,Error,Msgtext,255); result := Msgtext; finally StrDispose(Msgtext); end; end; // function IBInstallError(Handle : HWND; Caller : TIBWiseInstall; Msg: Longint; Error_msg: string; var Handled : boolean) : integer; var ErrMess : String; ErrRes : integer; Shwnd : HWND; begin if Assigned(StatusForm) then begin if StatusForm.Visible then begin Shwnd := StatusForm.Handle end else Shwnd := Handle; end else Shwnd := Handle; ErrMess := 'Database Installation Error '+inttostr(Msg)+#13#10+Error_msg; ErrRes := MessageBox(Shwnd,Pchar(ErrMess),'Database Installation Error',MB_ICONERROR+MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE); result := isc_install_fp_abort; Case ErrRes of IDABORT: result := isc_install_fp_abort; IDIGNORE: result := isc_install_fp_continue; IDRETRY: result := isc_install_fp_retry; end; Handled := true; end; procedure IBInstallStatus(Handle : HWND; Caller : TIBWiseInstall; Status : integer; const Status_msg : string); begin if Assigned(StatusForm) then begin StatusForm.Progress := Status; StatusForm.Status := Status_msg; StatusForm.BringToFront; StatusForm.Show; end; end; // // InstallIBServer returns IBStatus = 'Success' upon success otherwise it // contains the error that ibinstall.dll reports. // function InstallInterbase(var DLLParams: ParamRec): LongBool; pascal; export; var IBWiseInstall : TIBWiseInstall; IBInstallMode : string; IBDestDirectory : string; IBSourceDirectory : string; IBOPTIONS : string; IBStatus : string; IBUninstallfile : string; begin IBWiseInstall := TIBWiseInstall.Create; IBStatus := 'DLLError'; try GetVariable(DLLParams,'IBINSTALLMODE',IBInstallMode); GetVariable(DLLParams,'IBDESTDIR',IBDestDirectory); GetVariable(DLLParams,'IBSRCDIR',IBSourceDirectory); GetVariable(DLLParams,'IBOPTIONS',IBOPTIONS); IBWiseInstall.WindowHandle := DLLParams.hMainWnd; IBWiseInstall.IBInstallOptions := IBOptionsFromString(IBOPTIONS); IBWiseInstall.Silent := (pos('S',IBInstallMode) 0); IBWiseInstall.StartAfterInstall := (pos('R',IBInstallMode) 0); if IBDestDirectory '' then IBWiseInstall.DestDirectory := IBDestDirectory; IBWiseInstall.SourceDirectory := IBSourceDirectory; IBWiseInstall.OnInstallError := IBInstallError; IBWiseInstall.OnInstallStatus := IBInstallStatus; StatusForm := TStatusForm.CreateParented(DLLParams.hMainWnd); try try if IBWiseInstall.Install then begin IBStatus := 'Success'; IBUninstallfile := IBWiseInstall.UninstallFile; end else begin IBStatus := IBWiseInstall.GetErrorDescription(IBWiseInstall.LastError); end; result := true; except result := false; end; finally; end; finally SetVariable(DLLParams,'IBUIFILE',IBUninstallfile); SetVariable(DLLParams,'IBSTATUS',IBStatus);; end; end; function GetIBInstallDir(var DLLParams: ParamRec): LongBool; pascal; export; var IBWiseInstall : TIBWiseInstall; begin IBWiseInstall := TIBWiseInstall.Create; try try SetVariable(DLLParams,'IBDestDirectory',IBWiseInstall.DestDirectory); result := true; except result := false; end; finally; end; end; end. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where to find Interbase and more inforamtion More information about WISE solutions can be found at WISE solutions homepage: Interbase can be downloaded freely from Borland Interbase homepage: More webpages about Interbase can be found here: More information about the API in the IBINSTALL.DLL can be found in the Interbase Developer Docs: Any questions about IBWISE.DLL and it's code can be passed to: