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Dynamic loading and binding of dlls

Sometimes you may need to load a DLL at runtime, for example if you have a couple of different DLLs to choose between to have a concept for optional functionality. This small source code shows how to load the DLL with LoadLibrary and use the returned handle to access (bind) the functions that are contained: { function declaration } type TfncCnx = function (s : string) : THandle; var cnx : TfncCnx; begin { load the DLL and get the function's address } h := LoadLibrary('myDll'); if h = 0 then begin ShowMessage ('DLL not available'); end else begin @cnx := GetProcAddress(h, 'myProc'); if @cnx = nil then begin { function not found.. misspelled? } ShowMessage ('blub'); end else begin { call the function as usually } x := cnx('alpha'); end; { unload the DLL } FreeLibrary(h); end; end;