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Dynamic arrays like vb

Unit U_Array; {Dynamic array by E.L. Lagerburg from the Netherlands} interface Uses SysUtils; const MaxArray = MaxInt div 8; Type PByteArray=^TByteArray; TByteArray=array[0..MaxArray] of byte ; TIndexEvent = Procedure(Sender:Tobject;Situation:Integer;Rec:Pointer;Index:Integer) of object; Tarray = Class(TObject) Private FOnForIndex:TIndexEvent; FOnForEach:TIndexEvent; FArray:PByteArray; FRecSize, FRecCapacity:Integer; FRecCount:Integer; Protected procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); Function GetSize:Integer; function Get(Index: Integer): Pointer; procedure Put(Index: Integer; Rec: Pointer); Procedure Error(Nr:Integer); procedure Grow; procedure SetCount(NewCount: Integer); Public Constructor Create(RecSize,RecCapacity:Integer); Destructor Destroy; override; function AddRecord(Rec:Pointer):Integer; Procedure ForEach(Situation:Integer); Procedure ForIndex(FromIndex,ToIndex,Situation:Integer); procedure DeleteRecord(Index: Integer); procedure MoveRecord(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer); procedure InsertRecord(Index: Integer;Rec:Pointer); procedure ExchangeRecord(Index1, Index2: Integer); Procedure Clear; Property ByteArray:PByteArray read FArray; Property Count:Integer read FRecCount write SetCount; Property Size:Integer read GetSize; Property RecordSize:Integer read FRecSize; property Records[Index: Integer]: Pointer read Get write Put; default; Property OnForEach:TIndexEvent read FOnForEach write FOnForEach; Property OnForIndex:TIndexEvent read FOnForIndex write FOnForIndex; end; EArrayError = class(Exception); implementation Constructor TArray.Create(RecSize,RecCapacity:Integer); Begin Inherited Create; FArray:=nil; FRecSize:=RecSize; FRecCapacity:=0; FRecCount:=0; SetCapacity(RecCapacity); end; Procedure TArray.Error(Nr:Integer); Begin raise EArrayError.Create('Array index out of bounds '+intToStr(Nr)); End; procedure TArray.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer); Begin if (NewCapacity < FRecCount) or (NewCapacity > MaxArray) then Error(1); if NewCapacity <> FRecCapacity then begin ReallocMem(FArray, NewCapacity * FRecSize); FRecCapacity := NewCapacity; end; end; Function TArray.AddRecord(Rec:Pointer):Integer; begin Result := FRecCount; if Result = FRecCapacity then Grow; System.Move(Rec^,Farray^[FRecSize*FRecCount],FRecSize); inc(FRecCount); end; procedure TArray.InsertRecord(Index: Integer;Rec:Pointer); begin if (Index < 0) or (Index > FRecCount) then Error(2); if FRecCount = FRecCapacity then Grow; if Index < FRecCount then System.Move(FArray^[FRecSize*Index],FArray^[FRecSize*Index+1], (FRecCount - Index) * FRecSize); System.Move(Rec^,Farray^[FRecSize*Index],FRecSize); Inc(FRecCount); end; procedure TArray.DeleteRecord(Index: Integer); begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FRecCount) then Error(3); Dec(FRecCount); if Index < FRecCount then System.Move(FArray^[FRecSize*(Index + 1)],FArray^[FRecSize*Index], (FRecCount - Index) * FRecSize); end; procedure TArray.MoveRecord(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer); var Rec:PByteArray; begin if CurIndex <> NewIndex then begin if (NewIndex < 0) or (NewIndex >= FRecCount) then Error(4); Rec:=nil; ReallocMem(Rec,FRecSize); System.Move(Farray^[FRecSize*CurIndex],Rec^,FRecSize); DeleteRecord(CurIndex); InsertRecord(NewIndex,Rec); ReallocMem(Rec,0); end; end; procedure TArray.ExchangeRecord(Index1, Index2: Integer); var Rec:PByteArray; begin if (Index1 < 0) or (Index1 >= FRecCount) or (Index2 < 0) or (Index2 >= FRecCount) then Error(5); Rec:=nil; ReallocMem(Rec,FRecSize); System.Move(Farray^[FRecSize*Index1],Rec^,FRecSize); System.Move(Farray^[FRecSize*Index2],Farray^[FRecSize*Index1],FRecSize); System.Move(Rec^,Farray^[FRecSize*Index2],FRecSize); ReallocMem(Rec,0); end; procedure TArray.SetCount(NewCount: Integer); begin if (NewCount < 0) or (NewCount > MaxArray) then Error(6); if NewCount > FRecCapacity then SetCapacity(NewCount); if NewCount > FRecCount then FillChar(FArray^[FRecCount*FRecSize],(NewCount - FRecCount) * FRecSize, 0); FRecCount := NewCount; end; procedure TArray.Grow; var Delta: Integer; begin if FRecCapacity > 8 then Delta := 16 else if FRecCapacity > 4 then Delta := 8 else Delta := 4; SetCapacity(FRecCapacity + Delta); end; Function TArray.Get(Index: Integer): Pointer; Begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FRecCount) then Error(7); Result:=@Farray^[FRecSize*Index]; End; procedure TArray.Clear; begin FRecCount:=0; SetCapacity(0); end; Procedure TArray.Put(Index: Integer; Rec: Pointer); Begin if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FRecCount) then Error(8); System.Move(Rec^,Farray^[FRecSize*Index],FRecSize); End; Procedure TArray.ForEach(Situation:Integer); Var Teller:Integer; Begin If not Assigned(FOnForEach) then exit; For Teller:=0 to FRecCount-1 do Begin FOnForEach(Self,Situation,Get(Teller),Teller); End; End; Procedure TArray.ForIndex(FromIndex,ToIndex,Situation:Integer); Var Teller:Integer; Begin If not Assigned(FOnForIndex) then exit; if (FromIndex < 0) or (FromIndex >= FRecCount) then Error(9); if (ToIndex < 0) or (ToIndex >= FRecCount) then Error(10); For Teller:=FromIndex to ToIndex do Begin FOnForIndex(Self,Situation,Get(Teller),Teller); End; End; Function TArray.GetSize:Integer; Begin Result:=FRecSize * FRecCount; end; Destructor TArray.Destroy; Begin Clear; Inherited Destroy; End; end.