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unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, TFlatPanelUnit; const RulerHeight = 16; RulerWidth = RulerHeight; defaultScale = 1.0; type //drawing parameters TSettings = record screenOffset0: TPoint; currentGridSize0: Integer; currentScale0: Real; //rulerUnitSize0: Integer; exts0: TRect; screenOffset1: TPoint; currentGridSize1: Integer; currentScale1: Real; rulerUnitSize1: Integer; exts1: TRect; end; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) pnlDrawingArea: TFlatPanel; DwgArea0: TImage; TopRuler0: TImage; SideRuler0: TImage; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FillImageComponent(thisCanvas: TCanvas; canvasWidth, canvasHeight: Integer; fillColour: TColor); procedure SetupTopRuler(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); procedure SetupSideRuler(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); procedure SetDwgSettingsToDefaults; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); private //private declarations dwgArea0InUse: Boolean; settings: TSettings; public //public declarations end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation uses fConfig; {$R *.DFM} procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin dwgArea0InUse := True; end; //////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TfrmMain.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin //if (not(Assigned(frmConfig))) then //frmConfig := TfrmConfig.Create(Self); SetDwgSettingsToDefaults; FillImageComponent(DwgArea0.Canvas, (Screen.Width - 1), (Screen.Height - 1), frmConfig.GetBackgroundColour); if (dwgArea0InUse = True) then begin SetupTopRuler(TopRuler0.Canvas, (Screen.Width - 1), TopRuler0.Height); SetupSideRuler(SideRuler0.Canvas, SideRuler0.Width, (Screen.Height - 1)); end; end; ////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TfrmMain.SetDwgSettingsToDefaults; //reset assorted values that relate purely //to the grid, scale and rulers... begin if (dwgArea0InUse = True) then begin settings.currentGridSize0 := frmConfig.GetGridSize; settings.currentScale0 := defaultScale; //settings.rulerUnitSize0 := defaultRulerUnitSize; settings.screenOffset0.x := 0; settings.screenOffset0.y := 0; settings.exts0.Left := 0; settings.exts0.Right := 0; settings.exts0.Top := 0; settings.exts0.Bottom := 0; end; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TfrmMain.FillImageComponent(thisCanvas: TCanvas; canvasWidth, canvasHeight: Integer; fillColour: TColor); //set up the drawing area background colour to be that of the colour passed in... var imageRect: TRect; oldColor: TColor; begin with thisCanvas do begin oldColor := Brush.Color; Brush.Color := fillColour; imageRect.Left := -1; imageRect.Top := -1; imageRect.Right := canvasWidth; imageRect.Bottom := canvasHeight; FillRect(imageRect); Brush.Color := oldColor; end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TfrmMain.SetupTopRuler(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); //put both 'ruler lines' and also 'ruler text' onto the canvas of the image //component passed in as a parameter to the function. Note that the i variable //is used to keep track of the big increments in the main loop, while the j //variable is used for the small increments across... var i: Integer; k: Integer; xText: String; scaledXTextValue: Integer; dispGridSize: Integer; loopTwoCt: Integer; scrOriginX: Integer; rulerShow: Boolean; bkgdColour: TColor; begin rulerShow := frmConfig.GetShowRulers; if (rulerShow = False) then begin bkgdColour := frmConfig.GetBackGroundColour; FillImageComponent(thisCanvas, cWidth, cHeight, bkgdColour); //FillImageComponent(thisCanvas, cWidth, cHeight, clTeal); end else begin if (dwgArea0InUse = True) then begin dispGridSize := Round(frmConfig.GetDefaultGridSize * settings.currentScale0); scrOriginX := (settings.screenOffset0.x mod dispGridSize); end else begin dispGridSize := Round(frmConfig.GetDefaultGridSize * settings.currentScale1); scrOriginX := (settings.screenOffset1.x mod dispGridSize); end; scrOriginX := (-1 + scrOriginX); if (scrOriginX < 0) then begin cWidth := abs(scrOriginX) + cWidth; end; FillImageComponent(thisCanvas, cWidth, cHeight, frmConfig.GetRulerColour); //FillImageComponent(thisCanvas, cWidth, cHeight, clTeal); with thisCanvas do begin Brush.Color := frmConfig.GetRulerColour; Pen.Color := clBlack; Pen.Style := psSolid; Pen.Width := 1; Font.Name := 'Arial'; Font.Size := 7; i := (cHeight - dispGridSize); //this (main) block of code goes //'FORWARD' from just below zero while (i <= cWidth) do begin for loopTwoCt := 0 to 9 do begin k := i + loopTwoCt * (dispGridSize div 10); MoveTo(k + scrOriginX, cHeight); case loopTwoCt of 0: LineTo(k + scrOriginX, 0); 5: LineTo(k + scrOriginX, (cHeight div 3)); else LineTo(k + scrOriginX, (cHeight div 2)); end; end; Inc(i, dispGridSize); end; //now go 'DOWNWARD' from the virtual origin //(which is offset from the drawing area's canvas) //down to the actual origin of the canvas... i := (cHeight - dispGridSize); while (i >= 0) do begin for loopTwoCt := 9 downto 0 do begin k := i + loopTwoCt * (dispGridSize div 10); MoveTo(k + scrOriginX, cHeight); case loopTwoCt of 0: LineTo(k + scrOriginX, 0); 5: LineTo(k + scrOriginX, (cHeight div 3)); else LineTo(k + scrOriginX, (cHeight div 2)); end; end; Dec(i, dispGridSize); end; //draw a line across the bottom of the ruler... MoveTo((cHeight - dispGridSize), (cHeight - 1)); LineTo(cWidth + scrOriginX, (cHeight - 1)); //set pen and brush colours back to whatever //they might have been before... //Pen := drawObjDefaultPen; end; //RulerJoinFill(thisCanvas, cHeight, cWidth); end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TfrmMain.SetupSideRuler(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); //put both 'ruler lines' and also 'ruler text' onto the canvas of the image //component passed in as a parameter to the function. Note that the i variable //is used to keep track of the big increments in the main loop, while the j //variable is used for the small increments down... var i, k: Integer; yText: String; scaledYTextValue: Integer; dispGridSize: Integer; loopTwoCt: Integer; scrOriginY: Integer; rulerShow: Boolean; bkgdColour: TColor; begin rulerShow := frmConfig.GetShowRulers; if (rulerShow = False) then begin bkgdColour := frmConfig.GetBackGroundColour; FillImageComponent(thisCanvas, cWidth, cHeight, bkgdColour); end else begin if (dwgArea0InUse = True) then begin dispGridSize := Round(frmConfig.GetDefaultGridSize * settings.currentScale0); scrOriginY := (settings.screenOffset0.y mod dispGridSize); end else begin dispGridSize := Round(frmConfig.GetDefaultGridSize * settings.currentScale1); scrOriginY := (settings.screenOffset1.y mod dispGridSize); end; scrOriginY := (-1 + scrOriginY); if (scrOriginY < 0) then begin cHeight := abs(scrOriginY) +