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Drag and drop from filemanager

You need to use these 3 functions from the ShellApi: DragAcceptFiles - registers whether a window accepts dropped files DragQueryFile - retrieves the filename of a dropped file DragFinish - releases memory allocated for dropping files uses ShellApi; .. procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin DragAcceptFiles(Form1.Handle, true); Application.OnMessage := AppMessage; end; { message handler procedure } // Delphi 1: type DWord = longint; .. FileIndex := -1; procedure TForm1.AppMessage(var Msg: Tmsg; var Handled: Boolean); const BufferLength : DWORD = 511; var DroppedFilename : string; FileIndex : DWORD; NumDroppedFiles : DWORD; pDroppedFilename : array [ ..511] of Char; DroppedFileLength : DWORD; begin if Msg.message = WM_DROPFILES then begin FileIndex := $FFFFFFFF; NumDroppedFiles := DragQueryFile(Msg.WParam, FileIndex, pDroppedFilename, BufferLength); for FileIndex := 0 to (NumDroppedFiles - 1) do begin DroppedFileLength := DragQueryFile(Msg.WParam, FileIndex, pDroppedFilename, BufferLength); DroppedFilename := StrPas(pDroppedFilename); { process the file name you just received } end; DragFinish(Msg.WParam); { important to free memory } Handled := true; end; end; Notes: When dropping files, the DroppedFilename is the complete path, not just the filename.ext It is possible to drag and drop just a directory. So if you are expecting filenames, you have to check for existence yourself. The filenames come in uppercased.