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Double linked lists

unit Tlink; { TLink unit: doubly linked lists 5/22/95} { by Jeff Atwood, JAtwood159@AOL.COM. } { } { This unit can be used for stacks, deques, and free lists too. } { } { I couldn't find a doubly-linked list implemented as an object ANYWHERE } { so I wrote it myself, after much trial, error, and poring over } { obscure programming reference books. Hey-- it's not brain surgery, but } { pointers can be so naughty. } { } { For simplicity's sake, and to keep this a one-day project, I am only } { storing simple integers in the cells. You can easily, easily change } { that to any data type supported by Delphi including records. I would } { NOT recommend trying to store a whole object with methods in there... } { I couldn't get that to work. But if you can, E-Mail me. I don't know if } { it's even possible. } { } { There is one main object, which uses the "CELL" record type for each } { entry in the list. I don't know how to hide the CELL record type from } { the user, but it should be internal to this unit. The main object is } { the TLink, which keeps track of the size, first, last, and current } { cell records. You can move around in the list by using the Move methods } { and find using the Seek method. It's all fairly straightforward, look } { at the demo form for examples, there are also comments in the code. } { } { If you're feeling ambitious, I recommend you modify the cell record to } { store pointers instead of integers. Don't forget to make copies of the } { data, because if you point to the actual location, you're screwed when } { the user destroys that instance. You gotta copy it... How many times } { did I get burned by THAT one?? Also, it would be cool to turn this into } { a VCL component, if anyone wants to do that. } { } { This code is freeware. Please E-Mail me any cool additions, bug fixes, } { rants, raves, etc. at JAtwood159@AOL.COM! Thanks for trying my code, I } { hope it helps someone... } interface type CellPtr = ^Cell; Cell = record data: Integer; next: CellPtr; prev: CellPtr; end; TList = class(TObject) private top: CellPtr; bottom: CellPtr; current: CellPtr; size: Longint; public constructor create; destructor destroy; override; function IsEmpty: Boolean; function GetSize: Longint; procedure InsertBottom(item: Integer); procedure InsertTop(item: Integer); function InsertCurrent(item: Integer): Boolean; function FindFirst(item: Integer; var absLoc: longint): Boolean; function Delete: Boolean; function MoveFirst: Boolean; function MoveLast: Boolean; function MoveNext: Boolean; function MovePrevious: Boolean; function Seek(absLoc: longint): Boolean; function GetData(var item: Integer): Boolean; end; implementation { set up the TList object with default values } constructor TList.create; begin inherited create; top := nil; bottom := nil; current := nil; size := 0; end; { destroy the entire list, cell by cell } destructor TList.destroy; var curCell: CellPtr; nextCell: CellPtr; begin curCell := top; while not (curCell = nil) do begin nextCell := curCell^.next; freemem(curCell, SizeOf(Cell)); curCell := nextCell; end; top := nil; bottom := nil; current := nil; inherited destroy; end; { returns true if the list has no cells } function TList.isEmpty: Boolean; begin result := (size = 0); end; { returns number of cells in list } function TList.getSize: Longint; begin result := size; end; { insert cell at bottom of list } procedure TList.InsertBottom(item: Integer); var newCell: CellPtr; begin GetMem(newCell, Sizeof(Cell)); newCell^.data := item; newCell^.prev := bottom; newCell^.next := nil; { special case: this is first cell added } if bottom = nil then top := newCell else bottom^.next := newCell; bottom := newCell; size := size + 1; end; { insert cell at top of list } procedure TList.InsertTop(item: Integer); var newCell: CellPtr; begin GetMem(newCell, Sizeof(Cell)); newCell^.data := item; newCell^.prev := nil; newCell^.next := top; { special case: this is first cell added } if top = nil then bottom := newCell else top^.prev := newCell; top := newCell; size := size + 1; end; { insert cell after current item } function TList.InsertCurrent(item: Integer): Boolean; var newCell: CellPtr; begin if (current = nil) then result := False else begin GetMem(newCell, Sizeof(Cell)); newCell^.data := item; newCell^.prev := current; newCell^.next := current^.next; { special case: current cell is last cell } if current^.next = nil then bottom := newCell else current^.next^.prev := newCell; current^.next := newCell; size := size + 1; result := True; end; end; { Look for item in data field. Starts at top of list } { and looks at every item until a match is found. } { if found, makes matched cell current, and returns } { absolute location of match where 1 = top. } function TList.FindFirst(item: Integer; var absLoc: longint): Boolean; var curCell: CellPtr; cnt: longInt; begin result := False; curCell := top; cnt := 0; absLoc := 0; while not (curCell = nil) do begin cnt := cnt + 1; if curCell^.Data = item then begin absLoc := cnt; current := curCell; result := True; exit; end; curCell := curCell^.next; end; end; { delete the current cell } function TList.Delete: Boolean; label exitDelete; begin { we can only delete the current record } if current = nil then result := False else begin { see if list has one item } if size = 1 then begin top := nil; bottom := nil; goto exitDelete; end; { see if we're at the top of list } if current^.prev = nil then begin top := current^.next; top^.prev := nil; goto exitDelete; end; { see if we're at the bottom of list } if current^.next = nil then begin bottom := current^.prev; bottom^.next := nil; goto exitDelete; end; { we must be in middle of list of size > 1 } current^.prev^.next := current^.next; current^.next^.prev := current^.prev; goto exitDelete; end; { arrgh-- a goto! but this is a textbook goto! } exitDelete: begin result := True; freemem(current, SizeOf(Cell)); current := nil; size := size - 1; if size = 0 then begin top := nil; bottom := nil; end; end; end; { make first value in list current } function TList.MoveFirst: Boolean; begin if top = nil then result := False else begin current := top; result := True; end; end; { make last value in list current } function TList.MoveLast: Boolean; begin if bottom = nil then result := False else begin current := bottom; result := True; end; end; { make next value in list current } function TList.MoveNext: Boolean; begin if (current = nil) or (current^.next = nil) then result := False else begin current := current^.next; result := True; end end; { make previous value in list current } function TList.MovePrevious: Boolean; begin if (current = nil) or (current^.prev = nil) then result := False else begin current := current^.prev; result := True; end; end; { return data item from current list position } function TList.GetData(var item: Integer): Boolean; begin if (current = nil) then result := False else begin item := current^.data; result := True; end; end; { make current the absolute cell N in the list } { where top = 1 } function TList.Seek(absloc: longint): Boolean; var curCell: CellPtr; cnt: longint; begin result := False; if absloc <= 0 then exit; curCell := top; while not (curCell = nil) do begin cnt := cnt + 1; if cnt = absloc then begin current := curCell; result := True; exit; end; curCell := curCell^.next; end; end; end.