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Divide a file in to many 1440 kb volumes

{The following code is off the top of my head so use with caution as it has NO error checking in it and I have never used to for the purposes you are describing. You will need to reverse the code to put the files back together when they are done. Try this (Good Luck): You could use DOS copy with the /b to put it back together copy /b file1 file2 file3 output.fil } procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var inFile,outFile: FILE; CopyBuffer : POINTER; { buffer for copying } iRecsOK, iRecsWr, iX: Integer; sFileName: String; CONST ChunkSize : LONGINT = 1424000; { copy in 1.44 meg chunks } begin GETMEM (CopyBuffer, ChunkSize); { allocate the buffer } sFileName := 'd:\demo\winsave'; Assignfile(inFile,sFileName + '.ZIP'); Reset(inFile,1); iX := 1; repeat AssignFile(outFile,sFileName + IntToStr(iX) + '.ZIP'); Rewrite(outFile,1); inc(iX); BlockRead(InFile, CopyBuffer^, Chunksize, iRecsOK); BlockWrite(OutFile, CopyBuffer^, iRecsOK, iRecsWr); CloseFile(outFile); until (iRecsOK < Chunksize); CloseFile(inFile); FREEMEM (CopyBuffer, ChunkSize); { free the buffer } END;