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Displaying local html files using the thtml component or other browser

Looking for a way to display local HTML files using the THTML component or other browser? This is possible, but be sure to format the URL to your local files correctly. You may want to display local HTML files if you're using HTML files to provide help for your program or if you wish to ship a snap-shot of your web site with your programs. URLs to local files should be formatted as: file://<host>/<path> For example: c:\my_pages\home.htm should be specified as: file:///c|/my_pages/home.htm To display a file on a network such as \\server_name\c_drive\my_pages\home.htm file://server_name/c_drive/my_pages/home.htm If you're using a browser or some other program that can accept standard URLs, simply pass the correctly formatted local file path as demonstrated above. To display a local file using a THTML component named HTML1: HTML1.RequestDoc( 'file:///c|/my_pages/home.htm' ); Listing #1 : Delphi code. Download url_demo (0.19 KB). If you're using C++Builder's THTML component: HTML1->RequestDoc( "file:///c|/my_pages/home.htm" ); Listing #2 : C/C++ code. Download url_demo (0.19 KB). Applicable Keywords : C++Builder, C++Builder 3.x, Delphi, Delphi 3.x, HTML, Internet, Intranet