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Disable font smoothinganti aliasing

Title: disable font smoothing/anti-aliasing? {THIS IS THE FUNCTION I NEEDED AND THEREFORE USED } {CONVERSELY, BY REMOVING 'NON' OFF THE lfQuality } {IT CAN BE MADE INTO ENABLEFONTSMOOTHING } procedure TForm1.DisableFontSmoothing(LabelName: TLabel); var tagLOGFONT: TLogFont; begin GetObject(LabelName.Font.Handle, SizeOf(TLogFont), @tagLOGFONT); tagLOGFONT.lfQuality := NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY; LabelName.Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(tagLOGFONT); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin DisableFontSmoothing(Label2); end;