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Direct write to network printer

unit Rawprint; interface uses printers,windows; type TRawprinter =class(TPrinter) public dc2 : HDC; aborted : boolean; printing : boolean; lasttime : integer; procedure abort; function startraw : boolean; function endraw: boolean; function write(s : string): boolean; function writeln: boolean; destructor destroy; override; procedure settimer; function printerror : boolean; end; implementation uses sysutils,forms,dialogs,controls; procedure TRawPrinter.settimer; begin lasttime:=gettickcount; end; function TRawPrinter.printerror : boolean; var r : integer; begin result:=false; if (gettickcount>lasttime+15000) or (gettickcount<lasttime) then begin r:=messagedlg('Error '+inttostr(getlasterror)+' Printing on '+printers[printerindex],mterror,[mbretry,mbabort,mbignore],0); if r=mrretry then result:=false else begin result:=true; if r=mrabort then abort; end; settimer; end; end; procedure TRawPrinter.abort; begin abortdoc(dc2); endraw; end; function AbortProc(Prn: HDC; Error: Integer): Bool; stdcall; begin Application.ProcessMessages; Result := not TRawprinter(Printer).Aborted; end; type TPrinterDevice = class Driver, Device, Port: String; constructor Create(ADriver, ADevice, APort: PChar); function IsEqual(ADriver, ADevice, APort: PChar): Boolean; end; constructor TPrinterDevice.Create(ADriver, ADevice, APort: PChar); begin inherited Create; Driver := ADriver; Device := ADevice; Port := APort; end; function TPrinterDevice.IsEqual(ADriver, ADevice, APort: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := (Device = ADevice) and (Port = APort); end; destructor TRawprinter.destroy; begin if dc2<>0 then deletedc(dc2); end; function TRawprinter.startraw:boolean; var CTitle: array[0..31] of Char; CMode : Array[0..4] of char; DocInfo: TDocInfo; r : integer; begin result:=false; StrPLCopy(CTitle, Title, SizeOf(CTitle) - 1); StrPCopy(CMode, 'RAW'); FillChar(DocInfo, SizeOf(DocInfo), 0); with DocInfo do begin cbSize := SizeOf(DocInfo); lpszDocName := CTitle; lpszOutput := nil; lpszDatatype :=CMode; end; with TPrinterDevice(Printers.Objects[PrinterIndex]) do begin if dc2=0 then begin DC2 := CreateDC(PChar(Driver), PChar(Device), PChar(Port), nil); if dc2=0 then begin result:=false; exit; end; SetAbortProc(dc2, AbortProc); end; end; settimer; aborted:=false; repeat application.processmessages; until (StartDoc(dc2, DocInfo)>0) or printerror; if not aborted then printing:=true; result:=printing; end; function TRawprinter.endraw : boolean; begin settimer; if not aborted and printing then repeat application.processmessages; until (windows.enddoc(dc2)>0) or printerror; printing:=false; result:=not aborted; end; type passrec = packed record l : word; s : Array[0..255] of char; end; var pass : Passrec; function TRawprinter.write(s : string):boolean; var tmp : string; begin result:=false; if not aborted and printing then while s<>'' do begin result:=false; tmp:=copy(s,1,255); delete(s,1,255); pass.l:=length(tmp); strpcopy(pass.s,tmp); settimer; repeat application.processmessages until (escape(dc2,PASSTHROUGH,0,@pass,nil)>=0) or printerror; if aborted then break; result:=true; end; end; function TRawprinter.writeln : boolean; begin pass.l:=2; strpcopy(pass.s,#13#10); settimer; repeat application.processmessages until (escape(dc2,PASSTHROUGH,0,@pass,nil)>=0) or printerror; result:=not aborted; end; end.