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> > This afternoon I came across a need I hadn't had before and am > > perplexed! > > Is it possible to delete all subdirectories and files under a named > > directory in D4? Everything I try seems to fail using *.*, but I'm sure > > there must be a way to accomplish such a common thing! > > > > Robert Meek dba TanGentaLs DesiGn > > E-mail: '' > > ICQ#: '35290775 ************************************ To: <> Subject: Re: Re: Deleting Dir's and files Date sent: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 19:14:03 +0200 Send reply to: Function FOW95(Parent: HWND; Func: UINT; Const sFrom, sTo: String; Flags: FILEOP_FLAGS; Var UserAborted: Boolean): Boolean; Var opLocal: TSHFileOpStruct; pSemiColon: PChar; Begin Result := False; With opLocal Do Begin Case Func Of FO_COPY, FO_MOVE, FO_DELETE, FO_RENAME: Begin GetMem(pFrom, Length(sFrom) + 2); Try StrPCopy(pFrom, sFrom); // den String sFrom nach pFrom kopieren pFrom[StrLen(pFrom) + 1] := #0; // und mit #0 beenden pSemiColon := StrScan(pFrom, ';'); // ';' nach #0 konvertieren While pSemiColon <> Nil Do Begin pSemiColon[0] := #0; Inc(pSemiColon); pSemiColon := StrScan(pSemiColon, ';'); End; wFunc := Func; // Funktion einfach übergeben, ist In Case Wnd := Parent; // Window Handle einfach übergeben pTo := PAnsiChar(sTo); // fFlags := Flags; // Flags Vom Caller fAnyOperationsAborted := FALSE; // hNameMappings := Nil; // Keine Mappings lpszProgressTitle := Nil; // Kein Titel Result := Not Bool(SHFileOperation(opLocal)); // Result von ShellAPI 0=ok,1=Fehler UserAborted := fAnyOperationsAborted; // ggf Abruch an Caller Finally FreeMem(pFrom); End; End; End; End; End; {$IFOPT I+}{$I-}{$DEFINE DeLi}{$ENDIF} Procedure pKillDir(path: String); Function fErase(name: String): boolean; Var f: File; Begin Result := true; Assign(f, Name); FileSetAttr(Name, 0); Try Erase(f); Except On EInOutError Do Begin MessageDlg('Killdir: Die Datei ' + Name + 'konnte nicht gelöscht werden', mtError, [mbOk], 0); Result := false; End; End; End; Procedure kill; Var sRec: TSearchRec; found: Integer; RemDir: boolean; Begin found := FindFirst('*.*', faAnyFile, sRec); Try While found = 0 Do Begin remdir := true; With sRec Do Begin If (Name[1] <> '.') Then Begin If (Attr And faDirectory) = faDirectory Then Begin ChDir(Name); {-down} kill; ChDir('..'); {-up} If Remdir Then RmDir(Name); {-nur, wenn ferase ohne fehler } End Else Begin If Not fErase(Name) Then remdir := false; End; End; {-Name[1] <> .} End; {-with sRec} found := FindNext(sRec); End; {-While found = 0} Finally sysutils.FindClose(sRec); End; End; {-Kill} Begin {-pKillDir} If DirectoryExists(path) Then Begin ChDir(path); kill; End; {-DiretoryExists} End; Function DelTree(Dir: String): boolean; Const cFlags = FOF_SILENT Or FOF_NOCONFIRMATION Or FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR Or FOF_ALLOWUNDO Or FOF_NOERRORUI; Var ab: boolean; f: integer; Begin If Not iswinNT Then Begin f := cFlags; Result := FOW95(0, FO_DELETE, Dir, '', F, ab); End Else Begin pKillDir(Dir); ChDir('..'); rmDir(Dir); Result := Not DirectoryExists(Dir); End; End; {$IFDEF DeLi}{$I+}{$UNDEF DeLi}{$ENDIF} > > This afternoon I came across a need I hadn't had before and am > > perplexed! > > Is it possible to delete all subdirectories and files under a named > > directory in D4? Everything I try seems to fail using *.*, but I'm sure > > there must be a way to accomplish such a common thing! > > > > Robert Meek dba TanGentaLs DesiGn > > E-mail: '' > > ICQ#: '35290775 > > > > > > > **************************************************** > If you don't want to see any more of these messages, > send a message to: > with a message of: UNSUBSCRIBE delphi > **************************************************** If you don't want to see any more of these messages, send a message to: with a message of: UNSUBSCRIBE delphi **************************************************** Use recursive procedure. Something like: procedure DelTree(path : string); begin while There_is_a_file_or_a_directory do begin if There_is_a_file then Delete(filename); // this is where the trick is. I call the same proc I am in // to clear the subdirectory The proc can call itself several // times in order to delete all subsub an subsubsub directories.. if There_is_a_directory then DelTree(path + '\' + directoryname); end; DeleteDirectory(path); end; See how it works? I'm sorry I don't remember all the function names, find them yourself. **************************************************** There is a cool compontent that's simple to use called DirNav at The component has a recursive method that basically gives you a ride through the user's directories. It could easily be used to delete files & directories.(And create other mayhem, as well!) **************************************************** RmDir deletes an empty subdirectory. procedure RmDir(S: string); Description RmDir removes the subdirectory with the path specified by S. If the path does not exist, is non-empty, or is the currently logged directory, an I/O error occurs. ************************************************************************** Deleting a directory and all the directories files Question: How can I delete a directory and all the directories files? [SEE LOWER DOWN -THE DELPHI HELP EXAMPLE IS CLEARER...] Answer: The following example demonstrates deleting all the files in a directory and then the directory itself. Additional processing would be required to delete read only files and files that are in use. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var DirInfo: TSearchRec; {see below} r : Integer; begin r := FindFirst('C:\Download\Test\*.*', FaAnyfile, DirInfo); while r = 0 do begin if ((DirInfo.Attr and FaDirectory <> FaDirectory) and (DirInfo.Attr and FaVolumeId <> FaVolumeID)) then if DeleteFile(pChar('C:\Download\test\' + DirInfo.Name)) = false then ShowMessage('Unable to delete : C:\Download\test\' + DirInfo.Name); r := FindNext(DirInfo); end; SysUtils.FindClose(DirInfo); if RemoveDirectory('C:\Download\Test') = false then ShowMessage('Unable to delete direcotry : C:\Download\test'); end; ***************************************************************** SOME USEFUL INFO RE THE ABOVE: (See Delphi Help for more extensive notes) ***************************************************************** TSEARCHREC: TSearchRec = record Time: Integer; Size: Integer; Attr: Integer; Name: TFileName; ExcludeAttr: Integer; FindHandle: THandle; FindData: TWin32FindData; end; And the TSearchRec type defines file information searched for by a FindFirst or FindNext function call... ***************************************************************** FINDFIRST: Declaration function FindFirst(const Path: string; Attr: Integer; var F: TSearchRec): Integer; Description The FindFirst function allocates resources (memory) which must be released by calling FindClose. FindFirst searches the specified directory for the first entry matching the specified file name and set of attributes. Note that you can include wildcard characters in the 'Path' string, eg 'c:\test\*.*' Example FindFirst is typically used in conjunction with FindNext and FindClose as follows, where ProcessSearchRec represents user-defined code that processes the information in a search record: begin Result := FindFirst(Path, Attr, SearchRec); while Result = 0 do begin ProcessSearchRec(SearchRec); Result := FindNext(SearchRec); end; FindClose(SearchRec); end; ***************************************************************** FINDNEXT: Declaration function FindNext(var F: TSearchRec): Integer; Description The FindNext function returns the next entry that matches the name and attributes specified in the previous call to the FindFirst function. ***************************************************************** Unless you're dedicated to writing your own version (as an exercise in recusion, or the like), try the ShFileOperation API function. It is automatically recursive. The following procedure is untested: procedure RecursiveDeletion(const Dir: string); var FileOp: TShFileOpStruct; begin FileOp.hwnd := 0; FileOp.wFunc := fo_Delete; FileOp.pFrom := StrNew(PChar(Dir + #0)); FileOp.pTo := nil; FileOp.fFlags := fof_NoConfirmation or fof_Silent or fof_NoErrorUI; ShFileOperation(@FileOp); StrDispose(FileOp.pFrom); ShFreeNameMappings(FileOp.hNameMappings); end; ***************************************************************** I've written a procedure (D4 on WinNT 4) to delete a specified directory, along with any files or sub-directories it may contain. The problem is that it cannot delete the directories, just the files. After tracing through the code, I found that my call to the RemoveDirectory function returns ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION. procedure RecursiveDeletion (const Dir: string); var SR: TSearchRec; Found: Integer; begin Found := FindFirst ( Dir + '\*', faAnyFile, SR ); try //Iterate through all files / sub-directories found in the specified directory while Found = 0 do begin if ( SR.Name <> '.' ) and ( SR.Name <> '..' ) then //Check whether the file located is a sub-directory or not. //If it is a sub-directory, then call RecusriveDeletion to remove //any files, or sub-directories it may contain. If it is not a sub- //directory, set the attributes to FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, //and delete it. case ( SR.Attr and faDirectory ) > 0 of true: RecursiveDeletion ( Dir + '\' + Sr.Name ); false: begin SetFileAttributes ( PChar( Dir + '\' + SR.Name ), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); DeleteFile ( PChar ( Dir + '\' + SR.Name ) ); end{false}; end{case}; Found := FindNext ( SR ); end{while}; //Once all sub-directories and files contained by Dir have been //removed, delete Dir as well. RemoveDirectory ( PChar ( Dir ) ); finally SysUtils.FindClose(SR); end{try}; end; Has anyone else come across this before, or does anyone have any ideas how I can get around it? Is it possibly a problem caused by the recursive calling? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Ben O'Keeffe