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Dial up networking

> I'd like to have my Delphi Program dial up my ISP (using the WIN95) Hi Scott To start your Dial Up Connection, you can use something like this: WinExec('rundll32.exe rnaui.dll,RnaDial NAME',SW_SHOWNORMAL); where NAME is the exact title of your connectoid in dial up networking. To automatic press button "Connect" you can use this: procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); var buf,buf1 : array [0..100] of char; hnd,hnd1 : hWnd; ln : integer; begin Try hnd := GetForegroundWindow; ln:=GetWindowTextLength(hnd); GetMem(lpStr,ln+1); GetWindowText(hnd,lpStr,ln+1); Edit1.Text := StrPas(lpStr); if lpstr='Connect with' then begin hnd1 := GetWindow(hnd,GW_child); getwindowtext(hnd1,buf1,sizeof(buf1)); while (buf1<>'Connect') do begin hnd1 := GetWindow(hnd1,GW_hwndnext); getwindowtext(hnd1,buf1,sizeof(buf1)); end; beep; PostMessage(hnd1,BM_CLICK,0,0); end; Finally FreeMem(lpStr,ln); end; end;