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Determining the cursor position in memo

{ > Is it possible to get the position of the cursor (lines and columns) > for a memo field. If not, is there a component somewhere that will > let me do this. I had the same problem with an editor I wrote called TabNotes. You can get this from: Anyway, here is how I got the info for a descendant of TMemo called TNotePad: {The following two methods are used to get row/column coordinates. } {There are no messages that explicitly provide column information but the} {EM_GETSEL message provides the position of the caret if a selection is } {not currently active. When text is selected the caret can be positioned at } {the beginning or the end of the selection depending how it was selected.} {Thus these methods may be slightly inaccurate while text is selected. } function TNotePad.GetColumn: SmallInt; begin Result := (SelStart+SelLength) - {Assume that caret is at end of Selection} Perform(EM_LINEINDEX, -1, 0); {Method version of SendMessage} end; function TNotePad.GetRow: SmallInt; begin Result := LongRec(Perform(EM_LINEFROMCHAR, -1, 0)).Lo; {Get Low word} end;