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Determine your local ip

Another piece of code to determine your machine's local IP number - the function GetLocalIP returns it as a string. Note: If you run through NAT (network address translation) then your public address can only be told by someone else like: function LWToIP(LW: LongWord): string; begin Result := IntToStr(LW and $FF); LW := LW shr 8; Result := Result + '.' + IntToStr(LW and $FF); LW := LW shr 8; Result := Result + '.' + IntToStr(LW and $FF); LW := LW shr 8; Result := Result + '.' + IntToStr(LW and $FF); end; function TForm1.GetLocalIP: string; var name, A: PChar; h: hostent; I: Integer; begin GetMem(name,255); try I := GetHostName(name,255); if I <> 0 then I := wsagetlastError; if I <> 0 then StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'Error: ' + IntToStr(I) else begin h := GetHostByName(name)^; if h.h_length <> 4 then Result := '' else begin A := h.h_addr_list^; I := 0; while (A^ <> #0) and (CompareStr(A,h.h_name) <> 0) do begin inc(I,4); Inc(A,4) end; if I < 4 then begin Result := h.h_name end else begin while I >= 4 do begin Dec(A,4); Dec(I,4); Result := Result + LWToIP(PLongWord(A)^) + ', '; end; Delete(Result,Length(Result)-1,2); end end end finally FreeMem(name) end end;