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Determine the type of an exe file

Here's a function to return the platform the executable was designed for (16/32 bit Windows or DOS). Read the comment for the usage. This function works as well with DLLs, COMs, and maybe others. Thanks to Peter Below for this code. Use it as shown at the bottom of the code snippet. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function to return the type of executable or dll (DOS, 16-bit, 32-bit). // Thanks to Peter Below (TeamB) for this code. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- type TExeType = (etUnknown, etDOS, etWinNE {16-bit}, etWinPE {32-bit}); function GetExeType(const FileName: string): TExeType; var Signature, WinHdrOffset: Word; fexe: TFileStream; begin Result := etUnknown; try fexe := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone); try fexe.ReadBuffer(Signature, SizeOf(Signature)); if Signature = $5A4D { 'MZ' } then begin Result := etDOS; fexe.Seek($18, soFromBeginning); fexe.ReadBuffer(WinHdrOffset, SizeOf(WinHdrOffset)); if WinHdrOffset >= $40 then begin fexe.Seek($3C, soFromBeginning); fexe.ReadBuffer(WinHdrOffset, SizeOf(WinHdrOffset)); fexe.Seek(WinHdrOffset, soFrombeginning); fexe.ReadBuffer(Signature, SizeOf(Signature)); if Signature = $454E { 'NE' } then Result := etWinNE else if Signature = $4550 { 'PE' } then Result := etWinPE; end; end; finally fexe.Free; end; except end; end; begin case GetExeType(aFileName) of etUnknown: Label3.Caption := 'Unknown file type'; etDOS : Label3.Caption := 'DOS executable'; etWinNE : {16-bit} Label3.Caption := 'Windows 16-bit executable'; etWinPE : {32-bit} Label3.Caption := 'Windows 32-bit executable'; end; end;