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Determine cpu speed

This article demonstrates how to detect the MHZ speed of the current CPU. function GetCpuSpeed: Extended; var t: DWORD; mhi, mlo, nhi, nlo: DWORD; t0, t1, chi, clo, shr32: Comp; begin shr32 := 65536; shr32 := shr32 * 65536; t := GetTickCount; while t = GetTickCount do begin end; asm DB 0FH DB 031H mov mhi,edx mov mlo,eax end; while GetTickCount < (t + 1000) do begin end; asm DB 0FH DB 031H mov nhi,edx mov nlo,eax end; chi := mhi; if mhi < 0 then chi := chi + shr32; clo := mlo; if mlo < 0 then clo := clo + shr32; t0 := chi * shr32 + clo; chi := nhi; if nhi < 0 then chi := chi + shr32; clo := nlo; if nlo < 0 then clo := clo + shr32; t1 := chi * shr32 + clo; Result := (t1 - t0) / 1E6; end;