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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Detect whether a drive exists or not

function DoesDriveExist(DriveLetter: char): string; var i: integer; begin if DriveLetter in ['A'..'Z'] then {Make it lower case.} DriveLetter := chr(ord(DriveLetter) or $20); i := GetDriveType(ord(DriveLetter) - ord('a')); case i of DRIVE_REMOVABLE: result := 'floppy'; DRIVE_FIXED: result := 'hard disk'; DRIVE_REMOTE: result := 'network drive'; else result := 'does not exist'; end; end; function DoesDriveExist(DriveLetter: char): boolean; var drives: TDriveComboBox; i: integer; begin result := false; drives := TDriveComboBox.create(application); drives.parent := form1; form1.listbox1.items := drives.items; for i := drives.items.count - 1 downto 0 do {Note: this is case sensitive: lower case.} if drives.items.strings[i][1] = DriveLetter then result := true;; { that the combobox doesn't show.} end; Also, DiskFree() will return -1 if the drive does not exist. Neil Rubenking wrote this code -- function DirExists(const S : String): Boolean; VAR OldMode : Word; OldDir : String; BEGIN Result := True; GetDir(0, OldDir); {save old dir for return} OldMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); {if drive empty, except} try try ChDir(S); except ON EInOutError DO Result := False; end; finally ChDir(OldDir); {return to old dir} SetErrorMode(OldMode); {restore old error mode} end; END;