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Detect wether an application is being dubugged or not

The following function will detect if the application is being debugged or not. This function will not work on Windows 95. Behaviour of an application could be changed if run within a debugger, for instance component writers might want their unregistered components to be run in the debugger only. Answer: function DebuggerPresent: boolean; type TDebugProc = function: boolean; stdcall; var Kernel32: HMODULE; DebugProc: TDebugProc; begin Result := False; Kernel32 := GetModuleHandle('kernel32.dll'); if Kernel32 <> 0 then begin @DebugProc := GetProcAddress(Kernel32, 'IsDebuggerPresent'); if Assigned(DebugProc) then Result := DebugProc; end; end; to use a simple if test can be used if DebuggerPresent then ShowMessage('debugging') else ShowMessage('NOT debugging');