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Delphide dos console uygulaması yapmak

{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} { Public domain by Michael Teator February 1995 } const Space: byte = 32; type TextFile = file of byte; var OutputFile, InputFile: TextFile; OutputName, InputName: string; t, Pos, TabSpace, ch: byte; begin writeln ('Tab Epander 1.0 Public Domain by Michael Teator'); writeln; write ('Input File: '); readln (InputName); write ('Output File: '); readln (OutputName); if InputName = OutputName then begin writeln ('Output file cannot be the same as the input file.'); halt (1) end; write ('Spaces between tabs: '); readln (TabSpace); if TabSpace < 1 then TabSpace := 1; assign (InputFile, InputName); assign (OutputFile, OutputName); reset (InputFile); rewrite (OutputFile); Pos := 0; while not eof(InputFile) do begin read (InputFile, ch); case ch of 9: for t := 1 to (TabSpace - (Pos mod TabSpace)) do begin write (OutputFile, Space); inc (Pos) end; 13, 10: begin Pos := 0; write (OutputFile, ch) end; else begin write (OutputFile, ch); inc (Pos) end; end; { case } end; { while } close (InputFile); close (OutputFile); writeln ('Done.') end.