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Delphi printing tricks

You are a genius. After pulling my hair out and downloading anything that had anything to do with printing in delphi on the net and getting nowhere fast. Your little piece of code actually made sence to me and was userfrindly. I put it together with other code other small hints on printing and I got the below. Use it to your delight. You were the initiator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const INCHES_PER_MILIMETER : Real = 0.04; type TOffset = record X,Y: Integer; end; var FDeviceName : String; {Get the name} FPageHeightPixel, FPageWidthPixel : Integer ; {Page height and Page Width} FOrientation : TPrinterOrientation; {Orientation} FPrintOffsetPixels : TOffset; FPixelsPerMMX,FPixelsPerMMY: Real; MMSize, FPageHeightMM : Integer; TheReport, TheHead, HeadLine, RecordLine, TFname, TLname :String; procedure TMissing_Rep.GetDeviceSettings; var retval: integer; PixX, PixY: Integer; begin FDeviceName := Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex]; {Get the name} FPageHeightPixel := Printer.PageHeight; {Page height} FPageWidthPixel := Printer.PageWidth; {Page Width} FOrientation := Printer.Orientation; {Orientation} {Get the printable area offsets} {$IFDEF WIN32} FPrintOffsetPixels.X := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETX); FPrintOffsetPixels.Y := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETY); {$ELSE} retval := Escape(Printer.Handle,GETPRINTINGOFFSET, 0, nil, @FPrintOffsetPixels); {$ENDIF} {Get Pixels per Milimeter Ratio} PixX := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, LOGPIXELSX); PixY := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, LOGPIXELSY); FPixelsPerMMX := INCHES_PER_MILIMETER * PixX; FPixelsPerMMY := INCHES_PER_MILIMETER * PixY; FPageHeightMM := Round(FPageHeightPixel/FPixelsPerMMY); end; function TMissing_Rep.PutText(mmX,mmY: Integer; S: string; LeftAlign: Boolean): boolean; var X, Y: Integer; align: WORD; begin if LeftAlign then align := SetTextAlign(Printer.Handle,TA_BOTTOM or TA_LEFT) else align := SetTextAlign(Printer.Handle,TA_BOTTOM or TA_RIGHT); result := FALSE; {Assume fail} X := Trunc(mmX * FPixelsPerMMX) - FPrintOffsetPixels.X; Y := Trunc(mmY * FPixelsPerMMY) - FPrintOffsetPixels.Y; if X < 0 then exit; if Y < 0 then exit; Printer.Canvas.TextOut(X,Y,S); result := TRUE; end; procedure TMissing_Rep.Print_ButClick(Sender: TObject); var PixelSize: Integer; begin Print_But.Enabled := False; if PrintDialog1.Execute then begin Printer.Canvas.Font := Missing_Rep.Font; PixelSize := Printer.Canvas.TextHeight('Yy'); MMSize := Round(PixelSize/FPixelsPerMMY); Printer.Title := 'Breast Cancer Project Missing Report'; Printer.BeginDoc; { begin to send print job to printer } PrintGenerator; Printer.EndDoc; { EndDoc ends and starts printing print job } end; Print_But.Enabled := True; end; procedure TMissing_Rep.PrintGenerator; Var yLoc , NumRows, TheRow :Integer; procedure Heading; begin yLoc := 20; PutText(20, 20, TheHead, TRUE); yLoc := yLoc + MMSize; PutText(20, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[0,0], TRUE); PutText(60, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[1,0], TRUE); PutText(100, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[2,0], TRUE); PutText(120, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[3,0], TRUE); PutText(150, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[4,0], TRUE); yLoc := yLoc + MMSize; end; procedure Footer; begin PutText(100,FPageHeightMM,InttoStr(Printer.PageNumber), TRUE); end; begin Heading; TheRow := 1; while (TheRow < StringGrid1.RowCount) do begin if (yLoc > (FPageHeightMM - MMSize)) then begin Footer; Printer.NewPage; Heading; end; TheGauge.Progress := Round(100 * TheRow/(StringGrid1.RowCount - 1)); PutText(20, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[0,TheRow], TRUE); PutText(60, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[1,TheRow], TRUE); PutText(100, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[2,TheRow], TRUE); PutText(120, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[3,TheRow], TRUE); PutText(150, yLoc, StringGrid1.Cells[4,TheRow], TRUE); yLoc := yLoc + MMSize; TheRow := TheRow + 1; end; Footer; end;