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Delphi equivalent of vb shell command

{ >> >> DELPHI EQUIVALENT TO VB SHELL COMMAND >> [Trimmed] > >> 3: Will I have a method of monitoring the DOS program/shell to I >> know when it has terminated? >> > You have to dig about a bit in the API to do this, but the answer is basically to keep enumerating the task list until the task that you started is no longer present. Do something like this to get the Hinstance of your new task (The API call used to enumerate the task list needs a Hinstance): } {Execute batch file} StrPCopy(Templine, 'temp.bat'); TaskHandle := ShellExecute(frmMain.Handle, NIL, '', templine, Tempdir, SW_MINIMIZE); and monitor it with a function like this: <-------------------------------------------------> function CheckTask(hInstance: WORD): Boolean; var TaskInfo: TTASKENTRY; RetVal: Boolean; begin TaskInfo.dwSize := SizeOf(TTASKENTRY); RetVal := FALSE; if(TaskFirst(@TaskInfo)) then begin repeat if(TaskInfo.hInst = hInstance) then begin RetVal := TRUE; Break; end; until (TaskNext(@TaskInfo) = FALSE); end; CheckTask := RetVal; end; <--------------------------------------------------> This runs down the task list, trying to find the task with the specified Hinstance, returning true if it is still there. To use this function, simply call it in a loop like this while CheckTask(TaskHandle) do begin Application.ProcessMessages; end; Hope this helps.