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Delphi dde link with wp win 6

{ >: : DDE must be used for my task as WPWIN6 does not support OLE automation. > > > How can I call the Word Processor to print a DOC or mail merge? > >Dennis Below is some sample code starting WPerfect and establishing a DDE link with it. For talking to WinWord I use an OLE link. WordPerfect 6.x does not support OLE automation, hence the need to revert to a DDE link to control Word Perfect. } procedure TFormCases.CreateWordPerfect(MyDocName : String13; Path : String ); var tme : TModuleEntry; h : Word; B : Boolean; begin with DDEClientConv1 do begin ServiceApplication := GWPPath; { Word Perfect path location as a string } tme.dwSize := sizeof(TModuleEntry); h := ModuleFindName(@tme,'WPWIN60'); if (h<=0) then begin SayActivity('',txtWLIS,txtStartWP,''); {splash message screen } SetLink('WPWIN60_Macros', 'Commands'); B:=OpenLink; HideActivity; { hide slplash message} end; { h <=0 } B:= SetLink('WPWIN60_Macros', 'Commands'); B:=OpenLink; if not B then ShowMessage('WordPerfect DDE Link failed'); StrPCopy(@Cstr,'Type("Normally WinLaw would create '+Path+' at this point.")'); B:= ExecuteMacro(@CStr,False); StrPCopy(@Cstr,'HardReturn()'); ExecuteMacro(@CStr,False); StrPCopy(@Cstr,'Type("For now it demonstates controlling Word Perfect.")'); B:= ExecuteMacro(@CStr,False); StrPCopy(@Cstr,'HardReturn()'); B:= ExecuteMacro(@CStr,False); StrPCopy(@Cstr,'HardReturn()'); ExecuteMacro(@CStr,False); StrPCopy(@Cstr,'AppActivate("WordPerfect")'); B:= ExecuteMacro(@Cstr,False); {if (not B) then ShowMessage('Activation WP failed');} CloseLink; end; end;