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Delphi controls ms office applications

How can you remote control MS Office applications from your Delphi application? The Answer is to use a TOLEContainer. It requires some interface knowledge to use the right object(s) and their properties. Some samples are added to Delphi demos, but all of them are targeted at MSWord. I have posted examples for Internet Explorer elsewhere and here is a sample for MSExcel: // procedure is activated when OleOject activates user interface // procedure copies TStringGrid content to an (OleObject) Excel sheet procedure TForm1.OleContainer1Activate(Sender: TObject); var ExcelSheet: Variant; Count, Curent: Variant; i, j: Integer; begin // first we read how many sheets are open in a specified Excel document Count := OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.Sheets.Count; // then we read the number of a sheet to witch user wants to add StringGrid content Curent := StrToInt(OKBottomDlg.Edit2.Text); if Curent<>0 then begin if Curent<=Count then // if the sheet with index Curent exist then copy content begin // first we activate the desiered sheet object OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.Sheets[Count].Activate; // pass the object to a variant variable ExcelSheet := OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.ActiveSheet; // now we can do what ever we like with it := OKBottomDlg.Edit3.Text+IntToStr(Count); for i := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount do begin for j := 0 to StringGrid1.ColCount do begin ExcelSheet.Cells(i, j) := StringGrid1.Cells[j, i] end end; // here we copy the content end else // else if the sheet we are trying to access doesn't exsist begin // we add new sheets untill the requested // user's index is reached ( curent variable ) for i := Count+1 to Curent do begin OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.Sheets.Add end; // again we do as above OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.Sheets[Curent].Activate; ExcelSheet := OleContainer1.OleObject.Application.ActiveSheet; := OKBottomDlg.Edit3.Text+IntToStr(Count); for i := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount do begin for j := 0 to StringGrid1.ColCount do begin ExcelSheet.Cells(i, j) := StringGrid1.Cells[j, i] end end; end end; end;