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Delphi 5 designtime code and runtime code

According to Inprise's Readme.txt, DSGNINTF.DCU is no longer shipped with Delphi. Thus, component developers should consider segregating design-time code into separate units from runtime code. Runtime code should not refer to those units. How can this be accomplished? Property editors and all design time stuff, including the registering of the components should be in its own design time package. That package should require the runtime package that includes all the components runtime stuff. It should also require vcl50.bpl which is where the dsgnintf code is currently residing (that will probably change to dsnidexx.bpl in the future). Nowhere in the runtime package should dsgnintf be referenced. It is just a matter of correctly segrigating the designtime code from the runtime code. You can't just write your component and property editors in the same unit. Distributing the dsgnintf code has always been a violation of the license agreement. In D4 this caused some problems in trying to fix some internal IDE code since it was too public in the past and Borland knew people were not doing things correctly.